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1. 纵 [zòng]2. 纵 [zǒng]纵 [zòng]放:~虎归山。~火。放任;不拘束:放~。~目四望。~情。~观全局。身体猛然向前或向上:~身。即使:~然。~使。~令。竖,直,南北的方向,与“横”相对:~横交错。~横捭阖(指在政治、……
汉语拼音:zòng huǒ
《史记·五帝本纪》:“ 瞽叟 尚復欲杀之,使 舜 上涂廪, 瞽叟 从下纵火焚廪。” 唐 元稹 《代谕淮西书》:“ 子良 朝倒戈以攻於外,而 行立 夕纵火以应於内。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录二》:“此宅自当是日焚耳,如数不当焚,狐安敢纵火。”如:不过几个小时,这伙纵火行凶的犯罪分子就被公安干警捉拿归案。
In one case, when the captain of a slave ship refused to pay a ransom, Roberts set fire to the ship with all of the slaves still inside.
有一个事例,一个运送奴隶船只的船长拒绝缴纳赎金后,罗伯茨就纵火将整船奴隶活活烧死。The criminal attempted to justify his crime by claiming that he had not been responsible for his actions at the time of the arson.
该犯人声称对纵火案发生时他的行为没有责任,试图借此开脱罪责。The defining image of the attacks was that of the burning Taj hotel, whose distinctive gothic red domes had been set ablaze by the gunmen.
孟买恐怖袭击事件的标志性画面是燃烧中的泰姬马哈酒店,泰姬马哈酒店的富有特色的哥特式红色穹顶被持枪者们纵火焚烧。While several people were later prosecuted for the burnings, no attempt seems to have been made to halt the attacks at the time.
尽管时候有多人被起诉纵火,但是当时并无人尝试阻止攻击行动。Officials in Tennessee say they think the fire that destroyed this local mosque may be the result of a hate crime.
田纳西州的官员认为发生在当地清真寺的纵火事件也许是一次报复性袭击。When there was a fire, I would investigate and determine if it was accidental or purposely set.
发生火灾后,我要通过调查确定是意外事故还是有人纵火。in times of peace, when business was bad, hawkwood and his men would march into a city-state and after burning down a few farms, .
和平时期,生意萧条时,便带领士兵进入某个城邦,纵火烧毁一两个农场。The fire looked like an accident , but the police are still considering the possibility of arson .
这次火灾看上去像一宗意外,但警方仍在考虑纵火的可能性。We should not pay an arsonist to put out his own fire, and we should not be paying an executive to ruin his own bank.