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向前或向上移动、发展,与“退”相对:前~。上~。推~。跃~。~退。~取。~击。~驻。~行(xíng )。~而。入,往里去:~见。~谒。~谗。吃,喝:~食。~餐。滴水未~。收入或买入:~账。~货。日~斗金。奉上,呈上:~言。~奉。~献。旧式房……
汉语拼音:jìn zhù
清 薛福成 《庸盦笔记·史料一·李傅相入曾文正公幕府》:“既而 文正 进驻 祁门 , 傅相 谓 祁门 地形如在釜底,殆兵家之所谓絶地,不如及早移军,庶几进退裕如。” 吴文斗 《聆听朱总司令的教诲》:“ 北宋 景德 元年(公元1004年) 辽 兵南下, 真宗 赵恒 在 寇准 的极力主张下,被迫御驾亲征,进驻 澶州 。” 乔月波 《保卫盐城》二:“ 陈毅 代军长和 刘少奇 政委带着部队进驻 盐城 ,重建新四军军部。”
The president of the company says it's suffered from unfair competition since a new airline entered service two years ago.
公司总裁称自两年前一家新航空公司进驻后后,阿罗哈公司一直遭到恶意竞争。springing up in major cities across the United States, nearly a month after they started in the heart of New York's financial district.
抗议人士开始进驻纽约金融中心区一个月后,反战和反华尔街示威开始在美国各大城市不断涌现。In fact, the one who really came to your heart is not the evil but your friend from the bottom of your heart.
事实上,进驻到你内心的,并不是真正的恶魔,它原本是你心底的朋友。Normally, after spyware has built up in your system, you have to call out the local tech guy to fix your computer.
通常,在间谍软件进驻你的系统以后,你不得不找当地的技术人员修复电脑。It was the deadliest strike against African Union troops since their arrival in Somalia nearly two years ago to help stabilize the country.
这是非洲联盟部队大约两年前为了帮助稳定索马里的局势进驻索马里以来发生的最严重的流血事件。Once the joint definition phase is completed, the company plans to have more staff based in Shanghai to work on the aircraft, says Chan.
Chan表示,一旦定型阶段完成,公司针对C919计划让更多的员工进驻上海工作。He said by having an internationally known company move to the downtown has changed the values of the properties downtown.
他说,国际知名公司进驻商业区已经改变了人们对商业区性质的价值观。When Obama moved into the White House, he brought the narrative with him.
当奥巴马进驻白宫的时候,它把这篇叙述体也带上了。However, the Redeemer is only able to garrison two infantry in it to upgrade itself.