




1. 扎 [zā]2. 扎 [zhā]3. 扎 [zhá]扎 [zā]捆,缠束:~辫子。~腿。把儿,捆儿:一~线。扎 [zhā]刺:~针。~花。驻、扎:~营。钻:扎猛子。扎 [zhá]〔~挣〕方言,勉强支持(“挣”读轻声)。……



汉语拼音:zhù zhá








  1. 同“ 驻紥 ”。《东周列国志》第七二回:“特遣右司马 薳越 带领大军驻扎于此。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·通使》:“附近各岛如 英 、 法 、 西 等国之属土华民流寓其间者不下数百万人,亟宜简派公使驻紥南洋。”

  2. 军队在某地安营扎寨。

    明 唐顺之 《牌》:“其原驻扎各营自行照旧联合进兵,不许逗遛观望。” 清 黄钧宰 《金壶浪墨·烟费》:“内河则木桩铁锁,载石沉船,奏移 高廉道 驻扎 澳门 ,守以重兵。” 巴金 《家》二二:“ 张军长 的军队还驻扎在城外。”

  3. 同“ 驻扎 ”。《花月痕》第四六回:“﹝ 剑秋 ﹞带得 宣府 精兵二千,驻紥 荆州 。” 清 李渔 《巧团圆·全节》:“目下暂解征鞍,驻紥 仙桃镇 养马。”



  1. Think of the White House press corps, the British "lobby" press that covers parliament or sports journalists assigned to a team.


  2. But trying to garrison Afghanistan with foreign troops would be even more expensive.


  3. The front lines are moving in one direction only: slowly but steadily towards Tripoli, where the colonel is believed to be.


  4. The president has not revealed how much the new initiatives would cost, or how long he expects U. S. troops to stay in Afghanistan.


  5. For a week he gathered information on the position of British troops, but was captured while returning to the American side.


  6. Butterfly, has showed up in a picturesque town in Abruzzo, a mountainous region East of Rome, where he's pretending to be a photographer.


  7. Mr Obama has promised to bring home US combat troops from Iraq in a little over a year from when he takes office in January.


  8. The Brits, holed up in a Benghazi hotel compound with one of the generals, are trying to help with that.


  9. He said he spent hours huddled in the dark fearing for the safety of his father, a South Korean marine sergeant stationed on the island.


  1. 驻扎汉译英

    Be stationed halt stay English

  2. 部队在高地驻扎。

    The troops hutted among the heights.

  3. 军队驻扎在城里。

    The troops were quartered in the city.

  4. 部队驻扎在山脚。

    The troop stationed in the foot of the hill.

  5. 驻扎在国外的部队

    troops stationed abroad

  6. 军队驻扎在城内。

    The troops were quartered in the town.

  7. 士兵们驻扎在城内。

    The soldiers were quartered in the town.

  8. 卫戍部队驻扎该镇。

    A garrison was stationed in the town.

  9. 部队驻扎在村子里。

    The troops set up camp in the village.

  10. 部队驻扎在村子里。

    The troops set up camp in the village.

  11. 士兵们驻扎在村子里。

    The soldiers were quartered in the village.

  12. 士兵们驻扎在山顶上。

    The soldiers were stationed on the top of the mountain.

  13. 军队驻扎的巩固的地方。

    A fortified place where troops are stationed.

  14. 在最近的村中驻扎

    take up quarters in the nearest village

  15. 驻扎聚集住宿或被分派住宿

    To take up or be assigned lodgings.

  16. 那些士兵现驻扎于柏林。

    The soldiers are now stationed in Berlin.

  17. 他们为什么在森林里驻扎

    Why are they camped in the forest?

  18. 把部队驻扎在小山上

    station the troops on a hill

  19. 驻扎在司令部的军事人员。

    Military staff stationed at headquarters.

  20. 部队驻扎在一座山上。

    The troops were stationed on a hill.

  21. 战乱时我驻扎在俄国。

    I was based in Russia during the war.

  22. 战乱时我驻扎在俄国。

    I was based in Russia during the war.

  23. 就在我在那里驻扎的时候。

    At the time I was stationed there.

  24. 维和部队驻扎黎以边界

    UN troops to deploy on border

  25. 不和他的部队一起前往驻扎

    I mean, not shipping out with the rest of his unit?

  26. 让我驻扎更近一点的地方

    help me get stationed closer.

  27. 登山队在山脚下驻扎下来。

    The mountaineering party took up its quarters at the foot of the mountain.

  28. 可还记得赵军驻扎的地点?

    Do you remember the location of Zhao camp?

  29. 绿营就驻扎在河的那边。

    The Green Camps are stationed on the other side of the river.

  30. 绿营就驻扎在河的那边。

    The Green Camps are stationed on the other side of the river.


  1. 问:驻扎拼音怎么拼?驻扎的读音是什么?驻扎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻扎的读音是zhùzhā,驻扎翻译成英文是 be stationed

  2. 问:驻扎地拼音怎么拼?驻扎地的读音是什么?驻扎地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻扎地的读音是,驻扎地翻译成英文是 garrison

  3. 问:驻扎时间拼音怎么拼?驻扎时间的读音是什么?驻扎时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻扎时间的读音是zhù zhā shí jiān,驻扎时间翻译成英文是 Time to Station

  4. 问:驻扎和安装计划委员会拼音怎么拼?驻扎和安装计划委员会的读音是什么?驻扎和安装计划委员会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻扎和安装计划委员会的读音是zhù zhā hé ān zhuāng jì huà wěi yuán huì,驻扎和安装计划委员会翻译成英文是 Stationing and Installations Planning Commit...




拼音: zhù zhā 基本解释 [be stationed;be quartered] 驻留扎营 驻扎在偏僻小镇 详细解释 1. 同“ 驻紥 ”。 明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第七二回:“特遣右司马 薳越 带领大军驻扎于此。” 明 朝鲜 李民宬《敬亭先生续集·朝天录》:“军门(袁可立)曰:‘你国定乎?’答曰:‘反正之日,市不易肆,朝野晏然,有何不定之事乎?且总镇毛驻扎敝邦,如有可疑之端,则岂有掩护小邦,欺瞒朝廷之理哉!’” 郑观应 《盛世危言·通使》:“附近各岛如 英 、 法 、 西 等国之属土华民流寓其间者不下数百万人,亟宜简派公使驻紥南洋。”《花月痕》第四六回:“﹝ 剑秋 ﹞带得 宣府 精兵二千,驻紥 荆州 。” 清 李渔 《巧团圆·全节》:“目下暂解征鞍,驻紥 仙桃镇 养马。” 2. 军队在某地安营扎寨。 明 唐顺之 《牌》:“其原驻扎各营自行照旧联合进兵,不许逗遛观望。” 清 黄钧宰 《金壶浪墨·烟费》:“内河则木桩铁锁,载石沉船,奏移 高廉道 驻扎 澳门 ,守以重兵。” 巴金 《家》二二:“ 张军长 的军队还驻扎在城外。”