


给人东西同时从他那里取得别的东西:交~。对~。~工。~文。兑~。更改,变:变~。更(gēng )~。~马(喻撤换担负某项职务的人,含贬义)。~样。~气。~言之(换句话说)。……





汉语拼音:huàn zhuāng








  1. 更换武器装备。

    孙超祥 《配合主力反“围剿”》:“剩下的那些枪弹,除了赤卫队换装以外,由运输队搬到后面去,装备了本营的其他连队。”

  2. 更换衣着。



  1. Normally, such a change would be extremely expensive due to the investment in existing weapons and ammunition.


  2. The left mouse button to drag clothing Meimei who can be installed and do not forget to also help her classroom layout of this !


  3. When the dressing room only had your name on the door, what did you think they just forgot?


  4. If you are a member of a gym, perhaps you could take a shower there first.


  5. The replacement games can be said to break through the traditional boundaries by adding more elements.


  6. "We have discussed changing to a new police uniform for a long time, to find something more relaxed and suited to our climate, " he said.


  7. Change of clothes: Former Flash would stop and change into a spare costume he kept inside his ring.


  8. Therefore, filtering cotton can be stably fixed to the fume exhauster and is convenient to replace.


  9. In my office days, I would sometimes wear my exercise clothes under my work clothes (when possible) for a quick change in the bathroom.


  1. 季节性换装

    Seasonal Dressing Change

  2. 直接换装比重

    percentage of direct transshipment

  3. 鼠标点击为娃娃换装。

    Click on the mouse replacement for the baby.

  4. 她到屏风后面去换装。

    She went behind the screen to disrobe.

  5. 古代女剑客换装小游戏

    Ancient female Swordsmen Facelift Games

  6. 今年树木换装比去年早。

    Trees are changing colour earlier than last year.

  7. 快速化妆, 做发型, 换装, 搞定!

    Quick makeup, hair and outfit and PRESTO!

  8. 空军女飞行员换装了。听说了?

    The women pilots of Army Air Force changed their equipments. Did you know

  9. 古代女剑客换装游戏攻略

    Ancient female Swordsmen Facelift Introduction

  10. 我可以换装。我的皮箱在车里。

    I could change. I have my suitcase in the car.

  11. 口岸加速换装,以及旅购报关服务。

    Accelerated reloading at ports, tourism purchase and custom declaration service.

  12. 趁还没换装,他匆匆翻了一下文件。

    Before dressing, he skimmed the document.

  13. 快速化妆, 做发型, 换装, 极速的快板!

    Quick makeup, hair, and outfit changes, and PRESTO!

  14. 抱歉,如果他们同意去的话我得教他们换装。

    Excuse me. I need to get them changed if they're going to go.

  15. 哦, 这套衣服太紧了!我想快点换装。

    Oh, this outfit is killing me!I wanna change soon.

  16. 在换装失败后, 我告诉卡雷尔我的改进。

    After the pants fiasco, I told Karel about my makeover project for this column.

  17. 带有换装费用的网络中的最小费用流问题

    Minimun Cost Flows in a Network with Transfer Cost

  18. 提供货物在边境口岸得转关, 换装, 信息反馈。

    Provide the customs transit, reloading and information feedback for goods in frontier ports.

  19. 提供货物在边境口岸的转关,换装,信息反馈。

    Provide the customs transit, reloading and information feedback for goods in frontier ports.

  20. 柴油机,液压传动箱等主要零部件可换装用户指定的型号

    Main parts such as diesel engine, hydraulic transmission etc. Can be changed into those types which users need

  21. 柴油机,液压传动箱等主要零部件可换装用户指定得型号

    Main parts such as diesel engine, hydraulic transmission etc. Can be changed into those types which users need.

  22. 山村换新装。

    The mountain village takes on a new look.

  23. 北京居民楼外墙换新装

    Beijing residents floor external walls System in New Look

  24. 我们得换过装再去吃饭。

    We have to change for dinner.

  25. 他脱下西装换成牛仔装。

    He changed out of his suit into jeans.

  26. 回到家,换掉工作装,让留言机接听电话,别去看电子邮件。

    When you get home, change out of your work clothes, let the answering machine take your calls, and stay away from e-mail.

  27. 然后在砂轮上磨削出合适的角度, 装在换能器上拧紧。

    Then grind into suitable angles on grinding wheel and install and screw down on the transducer.

  28. 外出旅游时,要另外带一个包,装上换洗衣服,以免行李丢失无衣可换。

    When traveling to and from your destination, bring an extra bag with a change of clothes in the event that your luggage is lost.

  29. 要得到最好的成效, 每次换钢瓶的时候装一个新的垫圈。

    For best results, install a new washer with every cylinder change.

  30. 我还有时间换掉我的工作装吗

    Do I have time to change out of my work clothes?