







汉语拼音:bàn jié






  1. 一半;半段。

    《朱子全书》卷十:“圣人説话,开口见心,必不只説半截,藏着半截。”《红楼梦》第三一回:“话説 袭人 见了自己吐的鲜血在地,也就冷了半截。” 冰心 《我们太太的客厅》:“正对着客厅的门,是一个半圆式的廊庑,上半截满嵌着玻璃,挂着淡黄色的软沙帘子。”



  1. Half the truth is often a whole lie .


  2. I don't think he ever got to understand that the rear part of him was actually attached to the front.


  3. Chilled, Mr. Lin could see that the situation was beyond repair. All he could do was to take a grip on himself and walk out of the bank .


  4. This shot needs to be kept simple. No spins, no power, just get the ball over the net, aim deep and continue to close into the net.


  5. When he knew that she had been going out with several other men, it cooled his ardor.


  6. He was thinking of marrying her. But when he knew that Sue had been going out with several other men, it cooled his ardor.


  7. Yeah, that's what I think I saw, although it could've just as easily been a coat hanger or an ice pick or a broken pencil.


  8. At these two corners they must be double from the bottom all the way to the top, and fitted into a single ring; both shall be like that.


  9. At these two corners the frames were double from the bottom all the way to the top and fitted into a single ring; both were made alike.


  1. 半截深采煤

    mining technic of half well.

  2. 半截贴面砖墙

    half tiled wall.

  3. 告诉我们半截故事

    And tell us half the story.

  4. 别只说半截话。

    Just be sure not to prattle on.

  5. 心一下凉了半截

    about half of a cold heart

  6. 他讲了半截停了下来。

    He broke down in the middle of his speech.

  7. 半截人彭水林的故事

    The story of the half man Peng Shuilin

  8. 房子半截被埋在雪里。

    The house was half buried under snow.

  9. 就是别让自己把话说半截。

    Just be sure not to prattle on.

  10. 讲了半截, 他突然停了下来。

    He stopped short in the middle of his story.

  11. 这孩子身高比其他孩子矮半截。

    The child is a grade lower than others.

  12. 那房屋半截被埋在雪里。

    The house was half buried under snow.

  13. 它那半截尾巴紧贴在身后。

    Its stump of a tail shut down.

  14. 是丘吉尔留下的半截雪茄。

    It's half of a cigar left by Churchill.

  15. 一听这消息他就凉了半截。

    His heart sank at the news.

  16. 她这人说了半截话就走了。

    She finished only half of what she had to say and went away.

  17. 也许我们的凶手戴的是半截手套。

    Maybe our killer wore gloves that stop halfway up the fingers.

  18. 他下梯子下到半截时摔了下来。

    He was halfway down the ladder when he fell.

  19. 我们决不做半截子革命者。

    We will never be halfway revolutionaries.

  20. 我自认在许多方面比他矮半截。

    I admit that I am inferior to him in many respects.

  21. 半截子实话常是完整的谎言。

    Half the truth is often a whole lie.

  22. 那个女得跑着半截停下来喘大气。

    The runner had to stop and regain her wind.

  23. 那个女的跑着半截停下来喘大气。

    The runner had to stop and regain her wind.

  24. 女生半截裙及男生长裤,都是四季的。

    Girl's skirt and Boy's trousers are al weather.

  25. 那个女的跑著半截停下来喘大气。

    The runner had to stop and regain her wind,ie wait until she could breathe more easily.

  26. 他把写了半截的书信团拢后扔了。

    He scrunched up the half written letter and threw it away.

  27. 她远远地避开了我, 心立即凉了半截。

    She drew away from me, her heart cooling immediately.

  28. 她远远地避开了我,心立即凉了半截。

    She drew away from me,her heart cooling immediately.

  29. 她总习惯把后半截话咽进肚子里。

    She had a habit of breaking off her sentences in the middle.

  30. 飞行员的恶梦之一就是带着半截加油管回家。

    A pilot's nightmare is bringing home part of the boom.


  1. 问:半截拼音怎么拼?半截的读音是什么?半截翻译成英文是什么?

    答:半截的读音是bànjié,半截翻译成英文是 half; half-finished

  2. 问:半截粉笔拼音怎么拼?半截粉笔的读音是什么?半截粉笔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:半截粉笔的读音是bànjié fěnbǐ,半截粉笔翻译成英文是 half a stick of chalk

  3. 问:半截止拼音怎么拼?半截止的读音是什么?半截止翻译成英文是什么?

    答:半截止的读音是bàn jié zhǐ,半截止翻译成英文是 half cut off

  4. 问:半截沟拼音怎么拼?半截沟的读音是什么?半截沟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:半截沟的读音是Bànjiégōu,半截沟翻译成英文是 Banjiegou

  5. 问:半截话拼音怎么拼?半截话的读音是什么?半截话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:半截话的读音是,半截话翻译成英文是 prattle

  6. 问:半截面拼音怎么拼?半截面的读音是什么?半截面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:半截面的读音是bàn jié miàn,半截面翻译成英文是 half section

  7. 问:半截站杆拼音怎么拼?半截站杆的读音是什么?半截站杆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:半截站杆的读音是,半截站杆翻译成英文是 chicot

  8. 问:半截光型灯具拼音怎么拼?半截光型灯具的读音是什么?半截光型灯具翻译成英文是什么?

    答:半截光型灯具的读音是bàn jié guāng xíng dēng jù,半截光型灯具翻译成英文是 semi-cut-off luminaire

  9. 问:半截贴面砖墙拼音怎么拼?半截贴面砖墙的读音是什么?半截贴面砖墙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:半截贴面砖墙的读音是bàn jié tiē miàn zhuān qiáng,半截贴面砖墙翻译成英文是 half tiled wall

  10. 问:半截式花边窗帘拼音怎么拼?半截式花边窗帘的读音是什么?半截式花边窗帘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:半截式花边窗帘的读音是bàn jié shì huā biān chuāng lián,半截式花边窗帘翻译成英文是 brise bise