







汉语拼音:jìng zǒu







  1. 争先行走。

    《庄子·天下》:“惜乎! 惠施 之才,駘荡而不得,逐万物而不反,是穷响以声,形与影竞走也,悲夫!”《淮南子·主术训》:“与马竞走,筋絶而弗能及。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·雅量》:“ 王戎 七岁,尝与诸小儿游。看道边李树多子折枝,诸儿竞走取之,唯 戎 不动。”

  2. 体育运动中径赛项目之一。于一定距离间比赛行走之速度,以先达终点者为胜。

    章炳麟 《焦达峰传》:“持论刚断,不苟言,竞走蹴鞠皆兼人。”



  1. Or if you miss exercising regularly, schedule a once-a-week power walk during lunch.


  2. One was the "Ten Singer Competition" third place, the city's University Games women's race in first place.


  3. Include physical activity in your daily routine. Choose sports or other activities you enjoy, from basketball to brisk walking.


  4. Some examples of weight-bearing exercises include weight training, walking, hiking, jogging, climbing stairs, tennis, and dancing.


  5. We've all been asked to help fund a cancer walk on Facebook or pass around a worthy cause on Twitter.


  6. Co-active social flow occurs when we are part of a group doing something, from watching TV with friends to participating in a foot race.


  7. The picture on the next page depicts the sculpture of a female heel-and-toe walking athlete, titled Walking into the World.


  8. Known for his swiftness and athleticism, Hermes was given credit for inventing foot-racing and boxing.


  9. Weight-bearing aerobic activities like brisk walking and weight training to increase muscle strength can reduce or even reverse bone loss.


  1. 我们也可试试竞走。

    We can try footrace too.

  2. 竞走的起点是哪里?

    Where is the starting point of the walk?

  3. 记得龟兔竞走的故事?

    Remember the story of the hare and tortoise?

  4. 竞走的关键技术与教法

    Discussion on Teaching Methods of Key Skills of Speed Walking

  5. 如意兔大竞走游戏攻略

    Wishful large rabbit walking Introduction

  6. 运动会时我赢了沙袋竞走。

    I won the potato sack race at field day.

  7. 记得龟兔竞走得故事?

    Remember the story of the hare and tortoise?

  8. 既然是竞走, 就坚决禁止跑。

    Since it is walking, running is definitely forbidden.

  9. 竞走技术的运动生物力学研究

    A Biomechanical Study of Race Walking Techniques

  10. 他是一位前国家竞走队员。

    He is a former national race walker.

  11. 对竞走比赛中腾空犯规的研究

    Resasrch on the flight foul in walking competitions

  12. 竞走在比赛开始前30分钟开始检录。

    The reporting time of walking race is30 minutes before the start ofthe competition.

  13. 个人赛的例子是游泳, 跑步, 竞走。

    Some examples of individual sports are swimming, running, and walking races.

  14. 我在学校的时候, 竞走很强呢。

    When I was at school, I was quite good at race walking.

  15. 我觉得你有朝一日可以参加竞走比赛。

    I think maybe one day you can take part in the walking race.

  16. 竞走犯规的标志是两脚同时腾空。

    The mark that walk fouls is bipod at the same time rise high into the air.

  17. 竞走犯规得标志是两脚同时腾空。

    The mark that walk fouls is bipod at the same time rise high into the air.

  18. 我国女子竞走运动员形态特征的研究

    A Study of Some Morphological Features of Chinese Women Race Walkers

  19. 随便哪一天我跟你竞走十英里吧。

    I'll walk you ten miles any day you like.

  20. 对我国优秀竞走运动员技、战术的研究

    China's Excellent Walking Race Athletes Skills and Tactics Research

  21. 我国男子竞走运动训练的思考与讨论

    Discussion And Consideration On Sports Training Of Chinese Men Walking Race

  22. 我国竞走运动技术研究的回顾与展望

    The Retrospect and the Prospect of Our Country's Technical Research on Race Walking

  23. 我正在参加竞走义赛,请您捐款好吗?

    Will you sponsor me for a charity walk I'm doing?

  24. 从竞走比赛技术犯规的判罚谈竞走裁判员的素养

    Discussing on the level of the foot race judges according to the technical foul judgment

  25. 你能给我们解释一下竞走运动员的技术吗?

    Could you describe the technique of the walker to me?

  26. 高水平的竞走运动员每小时时速可达15公里。

    Top walkers reach speeds of up to 15 kilometers per hour.

  27. 高水平得竞走运动员每小时时速可达15公里。

    Top walkers reach speeds of up to 15 kilometers per hour.

  28. 中外优秀男子20公里竞走运动员的技术对比分析

    Comparative Analysis on the Techniques of the Chinese and Foreign Elite Walkers of20 KM

  29. 正规得奥运动男子竞走比赛20, 000米和50, 000米两种。

    The standard Olympic distances for men race walking are 20, 000 meters and 50, 000 meters.

  30. 竞走赛前穿梭式高原训练中周期模式研究

    Analysis of Using and losing Reasos of Horizontal Velocity in Female Triple Jumpers in China


  1. 问:竞走拼音怎么拼?竞走的读音是什么?竞走翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竞走的读音是jìngzǒu,竞走翻译成英文是 walking race

  2. 问:竞走的拼音怎么拼?竞走的的读音是什么?竞走的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竞走的的读音是,竞走的翻译成英文是 heel-and-toa

  3. 问:竞走步法拼音怎么拼?竞走步法的读音是什么?竞走步法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竞走步法的读音是jìng zǒu bù fǎ,竞走步法翻译成英文是 mode of progression

  4. 问:竞走项目拼音怎么拼?竞走项目的读音是什么?竞走项目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竞走项目的读音是jìng zǒu xiàng mù,竞走项目翻译成英文是 race walking; walk

  5. 问:竞走运动员拼音怎么拼?竞走运动员的读音是什么?竞走运动员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竞走运动员的读音是jìng zǒu yùn dòng yuán,竞走运动员翻译成英文是 walker


