







汉语拼音:róu niē







  1. 搓捻。

    鲁迅 《故事新编·补天》:“伸手掬起带水的软泥来,同时又揉捏几回,便有一个和自己差不多的小东西在两手里。” 冰心 《小橘灯》:“只伸手拿过一个最大的桔子来,用小刀削去上面的一段皮,又用两只手把底下的一大半轻轻地揉捏着。”



  1. 'He began to knead my whole body as if it were clay, while from him emanated a heat which scorched me and melted me. '

  2. He blows out the candles, by the light of which he kneaded the new loaves. Only the early morning sunshine breaks through the windows here.

  3. Wes pauses over his sandwich. His eyes reproach me for my scant faith in the magic of Christmas.

  4. Common soil would not do, because it's not sticky enough, and easy to break.

  5. I knead a handbag, stand in the midst of them at a loss, the music seems more strongly impacted on me crazy jump on the heart.

  6. With multiple step format massage, it massages neck, back and other parts of body solely. And it has various massage ways for your choice.

  7. After that , it had to be kneaded .

  8. Using Hands and Fingers this involves rubbing, stroking and pinching of the clitoris with your finger(s) or the palm of your hand.

  9. such as gentle massage kneading the limbs, as for the dog if the dog did not show resentment, submissive accepted, immediately reward it.


  1. 用劲不断揉捏面团

    Get your muscles into kneading the dough

  2. 孩子们轮流揉捏面团。

    The students took turns kneading the dough.

  3. 按摩师揉捏我的背。

    The masseur kneaded my back.

  4. 按摩师揉捏我得背。

    The masseur kneaded my back.

  5. 之后,它们必须被揉捏。

    After that, it had to be kneaded. It had to then go in, kind of, a mangle.

  6. 以揉捏方式按摩, 消除疲劳。

    Massage through rubbingpinching to remove fatigue.

  7. 具有揉捏指压捶打等按摩方式。

    Available massage methods by kneading finger press knocking.

  8. 揉捏臀部揉捏可刺激臀部深层的肌肉神经。

    Knead hold hip Knead hold the muscle god classics that can stimulate coxal depth.

  9. 揉捏推拿头的俩只震动机电策划。

    Design of two vibrating motors of kneading massage head.

  10. 充分揉捏10分钟, 直到面团变得光滑为止。

    Knead well for about 10 minutes until it becomes smooth.

  11. 揉捏肩膀上僵直的肌肉可带走僵硬。

    Kneading the muscles in a stiff shoulder will take away the stiffness.

  12. 揉捏肩膀上僵直得肌肉可带走僵硬。

    Kneading the muscles in a stiff shoulder will take away the stiffness.

  13. 它有三种按摩模式揉捏,推拿和敲打。

    It features a three messaging modes kneading, rolling massage and stroke.

  14. 具独特的小腿揉捏及足底滚动挤压按摩。

    Has the unique calf to rub pinches and the full bottom rolls the extrusion massage.

  15. 方法利用推拿揉捏等方法治疗掌指关节损伤200例。

    Methods Utilize the naprapathy to cure palm joint parenchyma trauma.

  16. 他们为他按摩,使收紧的肌肉揉捏的平滑舒松。

    They massaged his body, kneading the knotted muscles into smoothness.

  17. 按摩揉捏或按摩身体部位,以促进血液循环或放松肌肉

    The rubbing or kneading of parts of the body to aid circulation or relax the muscles.

  18. 用你的手掌和手指,摩擦,轻击,揉捏阴蒂。

    Using Hands and Fingers this involves rubbing, stroking and pinching of the clitoris with your finger or the palm of your hand.

  19. 一般的土是不行的, 粘性不够, 揉捏后难以成形。

    Common soil would not do, because its not sticky enough, and easy to break.

  20. 堵塞你们耳道的泥巴,将由揉捏它的手指穿透。

    And the clay that fills your ears shall be pierced by those fingers that kneaded it.

  21. 不同牌子的软陶泥在使用前需要不同程度的揉捏回软。

    Different brands of Polymer Clay vary with how much conditioning they need before using.

  22. 指压及圆弧揉捏手法,可消除疲劳,舒畅无比体积轻巧。

    Shiatsu and arc knead system, can allaying tiredness, light volume.

  23. 多个揉捏球均匀分布大面积的推拿与敲击按摩相结合

    More kneading balls are distributed in large area and combine massage and whack together.

  24. 请你每天用拇指和食指揉捏它直到有疼感为止, 每日三次。

    Please press and knead that particular spot between your thumb and middle finger until you feel pain, repeat this three times a day.

  25. 内置一对揉捏头

    Inside put a pair of knead head

  26. 设置两个揉捏球, 六个捶击器及远红。

    Fixing with two kneading balls.

  27. 大皮、生皮或皮革揉皮机食品揉捏机,工业用

    Faller stock for hides, skins or leather kneading machine, industrial, for food

  28. 捣,捏将与水加工或揉和

    To work or kneadwith water.

  29. 普罗米修斯则用土和水揉成了泥,照着神的模样捏出了人

    Taking some earth and kneading it with water, Prometheus made man in the image of the gods


  1. 问:揉捏拼音怎么拼?揉捏的读音是什么?揉捏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:揉捏的读音是róu niē,揉捏翻译成英文是 malaxate

  2. 问:揉捏法拼音怎么拼?揉捏法的读音是什么?揉捏法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:揉捏法的读音是róu niē fǎ,揉捏法翻译成英文是 kneading; petrissage