




一种金属元素,可以制货币和器皿、电子设备、感光材料、装饰品等:~子。~杯。~牌。旧时用银铸成块的一种货币:~币。~锭。~洋。~钱。~圆(亦作“银元”)。~号(规模较大的钱庄)。~行(hāng )。~票。像银的颜色:~白。~发(fà)。~河(……



汉语拼音:dù yín








  1. "I have, at least, a well-polished, silver-plated coffee-pot in front of me, " said he.

  2. Help coating adhesion paper of the same characteristics make it to a single-walled carbon nanotubes and silver Nanowires film.

  3. Based on customer feedback, we need to let our users browse the site for items that are either silver-plated or made of sterling silver.

  4. To coat (photographic paper) with a film of silver nitrate or other silver salt.

  5. The preparation process flow of conducting paint and silver plated flake copper powder as conducting filling were introduced.

  6. Neon lamps can be supplied as customers specifications. Lead wire may be tin or silver plated on request.

  7. In direct contrast to the silver, the thicker black lacquer finish is acting as a dampener on the vibration of air through metal.

  8. Cleans the plates, glasses and silverware used by patrons of an eating establishment, and the pots, pans and cooking utensils used by chefs.

  9. A drop of molten silver from the reliquary produced a symmetrically placed mark through the layers of the folded cloth .


  1. 镀银电容器

    silvered capacitor

  2. 镀银保护层

    plated silver finish

  3. 镀银云母电容

    silvered mica capacitor

  4. 镀银波斯酒具

    Silver Gilt Persia Wine set

  5. 镀银的铜托盘

    a copper tray plated with silver

  6. 局部镀银铜带

    Capper strip coated with argentum in part.

  7. 镀银平镜规范

    Standard Specification for Silvered Flat Glass Mirror

  8. 镀银染色铺片法

    Myenretic plexuses

  9. 单层镀银铜屏蔽

    Single braid silver plated copper screen

  10. 这些刀叉是镀银的。

    The knives and forks are silver plated.

  11. 这些刀叉是镀银得。

    The knives and forks are silver plated.

  12. 用做饰物的镀银金属

    Metal silvered to make ornaments

  13. 氰化物光亮镀银的研究

    A Study of Cyanide Bright Silver Plating

  14. 一例氰化镀银故障处理

    A Case of Troubleshooting in Cyanide Silver Plating

  15. 镀银铜粉导电胶的研究

    Research of Silver Plating Copper Filled Conductive Adhesive

  16. 这只碗是镀银的还是纯银的?

    Is this bowl silver plate or all silver?

  17. 内导体为镀银铜包钢线

    Inner conductor is silver covered copper covered steel wire

  18. 黄铜件镀银后开裂故障分析

    Trouble Shooting of Cracks Formed after Silver Plating on Brass Castings

  19. 这套餐具是镀银的,不是纯银的。

    The cutlery is plate, not solid silver.

  20. 镀银电刷渗液问题的处理

    Treatment of Electrolytic Solution on Brush Surface in Ag Plating

  21. 光度法测定镀银溶液中的锑

    Photometric Determination of Antimony in Silver Plating Bath

  22. 镀银单丝,纤维,也被大家看好。

    Silver plated single wire, fiber, we have been good.

  23. 我们镀银时从未遇过这种现象。

    We never encounter such phenomena in silvering process.

  24. 我受够了用镀银的塑料餐具。

    I'm tired of using plastic silverware.

  25. 这波光粼粼的镀银手镯只是可爱。

    This sparkling silver plated bracelet is simply lovely.

  26. 这波光粼粼得镀银手镯只是可爱。

    This sparkling silver plated bracelet is simply lovely.

  27. 黄铜镀金,镀银上镀铑,厚螺母,信号插座。

    Silver plate. Thick Brass nut, Gold plate.

  28. 镀银质量的好坏直接影响到轴承质量。

    The effect of silver plating had direct influence on bearing quality.

  29. 镀银盐给镀上一层硝酸盐或其它硝酸盐

    To coat with a film of silver nitrate or other silver salt.

  30. 他给这个旧的镀银器皿重新镀银。

    He plated the old silver again.


  1. 问:镀银拼音怎么拼?镀银的读音是什么?镀银翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镀银的读音是dùyín,镀银翻译成英文是 silver-plating

  2. 问:镀银于拼音怎么拼?镀银于的读音是什么?镀银于翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镀银于的读音是,镀银于翻译成英文是 silver

  3. 问:镀银层拼音怎么拼?镀银层的读音是什么?镀银层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镀银层的读音是dù yín céng,镀银层翻译成英文是 silver coating

  4. 问:镀银的拼音怎么拼?镀银的的读音是什么?镀银的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镀银的的读音是dù yín de,镀银的翻译成英文是 chrysargyrus

  5. 问:镀银铜线拼音怎么拼?镀银铜线的读音是什么?镀银铜线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镀银铜线的读音是dù yín tóng xiàn,镀银铜线翻译成英文是 silvered copper

  6. 问:镀银云母电容拼音怎么拼?镀银云母电容的读音是什么?镀银云母电容翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镀银云母电容的读音是dù yín yún mǔ diàn róng,镀银云母电容翻译成英文是 silvered mica capacitor

  7. 问:镀银云母电容器拼音怎么拼?镀银云母电容器的读音是什么?镀银云母电容器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镀银云母电容器的读音是dù yín yún mǔ diàn róng qì,镀银云母电容器翻译成英文是 silvered mica condenser


