







汉语拼音:yí zú






  1. 中国 少数民族之一。不同地区有“诺苏”、“纳苏”、“罗武”、“米撒泼”、“撒尼”、“阿西”等不同自称。人口五百四十余万。分布于 四川 、 云南 、 贵州 、 广西 四省、区。语言属汉藏语系藏缅语族。以农业为主,部分地区兼事畜牧业。



  1. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the mimo concentrate and embody Yi people's conceptions of nature and of their spiritual world.


  2. He is the only mimo [a shaman in the traditional animist religion of his ethnic minority] in Wenhai and also the best in Lijiang.


  3. The young women of Project GLOW display remarkable grace and a zest for life amid the hardships of life in the Liangshan Yi villages.


  4. You see the front, there are Guandu District under the jurisdiction of a rural Yi - Allah Township.


  5. Learning English well is one of the manifestations that every nationality of China adjusts to this tide in education.


  6. "Ke Zhi" , a popular oral literature in poetic form among the Yi ethnic people, is the Yi's cultural heritage with a long tradition.


  7. Direction of future projects: poverty relief, holistic community development, village tourism, women's health initiatives, education, etc.


  8. As a result of missing out on opportunities to learn, Yi youth often fall prey to temptations that they encounter when away from home.


  9. While Yi and Lahu nationalities use Hulu (gourd) as resonator, so their instrument is called "Hulusheng" .


  1. 昙华山彝族

    Yi People of Tanhua Mount.

  2. 彝族老虎笙

    Yi Laohusheng.

  3. 彝族女肖像

    Portrait of a Yi Girl.

  4. 昭宗彝族村


  5. 彝族尔比论

    On the Sha Er Bi of Yi People.

  6. 彝族谱牒之研究

    Research on the Yi Nationality Genealogical Tree

  7. 彝族的支系甚多

    The Yi ethnic group has many branches.

  8. 凉山彝族民歌简述

    Summarized Account for the Folk Songs of the YI people in Liangshan

  9. 凉山彝族传统民间歌舞

    The Liangshan Yis Traditional Folk Dances and Songs

  10. 彝族灵魂观念中的幽冥世界

    The ghost world viewed from the Yi peoples perspective on soul

  11. 彝族人很有兴趣地听着。

    The Lolos listened interestedly.

  12. 凉山彝族家支制度论要

    A Study on Liangshan Yi Lineage System

  13. 彝族铜鼓礼俗与稻作文化

    Custom related to the bronze drums and the rice culture of the Yi people

  14. 这音乐源于彝族的早期民歌。

    This music descends from the early ballads of the Yi people.

  15. 素描彝族原始宗教的图像世界

    Iconographic World in Yi People's Primitive Religion

  16. 主客位研究视野中的彝族世界。

    The Yi world in the field of vision of emic and etic research.

  17. 彝族自然崇拜与稻作祭仪

    Nature worship and rice culture sacrificial ceremonies of the Yi people

  18. 从贵州彝族丧葬文化透视彝族生死观

    On Yi People's Concept of Living and Death from Guizhou Yi People's Burial Culture

  19. 浅谈禄劝彝族家支的族称

    A superficial view on the name of I uquan Yi Clan

  20. 彝族原始宗教与道教的比较研究

    Comparison between yi people's primitive religion and daoism

  21. 纳西族和彝族的超度亡灵仪礼

    The Rituals of the Naxi and Yi Nationalities for Raising the Soul of the Dead from Suffering

  22. 云南昙华山彝族母权制残余探讨

    An Exploration to Remains of Matriarchy of Yi People at Tanhua Mount in Yunnan Province

  23. 从她的打扮看,她或许是彝族人。

    Judging by her dress, she may be of the Yi nationality.

  24. 夜郎竹王传说与彝族竹灵崇拜

    Legend of the Bamboo King of Yelang and the Yis'Worship of Bamboo Divinity

  25. 彝族和纳西族的祖先崇拜比较研究

    To Comparatively Study Yi People and Naxi People's Worshipping of Ancestors

  26. 主位研究视角下的彝族文化真实。

    Yi cultural reality from the viewpoint of emic research.

  27. 彝族药观赏獐牙菜的生药学研究

    The pharmacognosy study of traditional Yi medicine, Swertia pseudochinensis Hara

  28. 黑,红,黄三原色与凉山彝族文化

    Research on the Tricolors of Black, Red, and Yellow and Yi Culture in Liangshan Area

  29. 试论彝族社会传统家庭教育的特点

    On Characteristics of Traditional Family Education of Yi Society

  30. 彝族火把节影响广泛,历久不衰,家喻户晓。

    Torch Festival of the Yi people has a long history and wide influence.


  1. 问:彝族拼音怎么拼?彝族的读音是什么?彝族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:彝族的读音是Yízú,彝族翻译成英文是 one of the 56 recognized ethnic groups of China...

  2. 问:彝族摔跤拼音怎么拼?彝族摔跤的读音是什么?彝族摔跤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:彝族摔跤的读音是yí zú shuāi jiāo,彝族摔跤翻译成英文是 Yi-style wrestling



彝族,原称“夷族”,源于汉史记载中的“西南夷”,由自称不一、认同不一、来源不一的众多人群组成,经民族识别和归并后,统一称为“夷族”。1956年,在毛泽东主席的倡议下,将“夷”改为“彝”,意为房子(彑)下面有“米”有“丝”、有吃有穿,象征兴旺发达,故把“夷族”改为“彝族”。 彝族是中国第六大少数民族,主要聚居在中国西南部的云南、四川、贵州三省,其余散居于中国其他省份及中国境外;彝族有总人口约900多万,在中国有户籍登记的有871万4393人(2010年),在越南、老挝、缅甸、泰国等东南亚国家还有近百万。 彝族支系族群繁多,有诺苏、聂苏、纳苏、罗婺、阿西泼、撒尼、阿哲、阿武、阿鲁、罗罗、阿多、罗米、他留、拉乌苏、迷撒颇、格颇、撒摩都、纳若、哪渣苏、他鲁苏、山苏、纳罗颇、黎颇、拉鲁颇、六浔薄、迷撒泼、阿租拨等上百个不同的自称,各个支系族群之间无法用自己的语言进行沟通,但彝族各支系语言均属东亚语系中的藏缅语族,按相似度归纳起来有六种方言。