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1. 辽 [liáo]辽 [liáo]远:~远。~阔。中国朝代名:~代。中国辽宁省的简称。……
汉语拼音:liáo kuò
亦作“ 辽濶 ”。
1.宽广博大。 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·塞难》:“所得非所欲也,所欲非所得也,况乎天地辽阔者哉!” 唐 刘知几 《史通·六家》:“寻《史记》疆宇辽阔,年月遐长,而分以纪传,散以书表。” 清 方文 《答邢孟贞江上见怀》诗:“ 楚 江辽濶坐相失,令人转恨檣乌飞。” 清 恽敬 《答张翰丰书》:“为别三载矣,中间时一通问,不尽欲言,辽濶之忱,如何能置?” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第三章:“对着这雄伟辽阔的大海, 林道静 几天来紧紧压缩着的痛苦的心,渐渐舒展开来了。”
唐 白行简 《李娃传》:“幸接欢笑,不知日之云夕,道里辽阔,城内又无亲戚,将若之何?”参见“ 辽远 ”。
唐 柳宗元 《上大理崔大卿应制举不敏启》:“斯道遁去,辽阔千祀。”
《北史·韩显宗传》:“若欲取况古人, 班 马 之徒,固自辽阔。若求之当世,文学之能,卿等应推 崔孝伯 。” 唐 韦应物 《寇季膺古刀歌》:“世人所好殊辽阔,千金买铅徒一割。”
They entered it in one of its lowest points, and drove for some time through a beautiful wood, stretching over a wide extent.
他们拣一个最低的地方走进了园,在一座深邃辽阔的美丽的树林里坐着车子走了好久。MINTIMER SHAIMIEV has ruled Tatarstan, a large Muslim republic in the heart of Russia, for two decades with a soft voice and a tight fist.
鞑靼斯坦是俄罗斯中部一个幅员辽阔的穆斯林共和国,明季梅尔•沙伊米耶夫用外柔内刚的方式统治这里已有20年了。In the eyes and hearts of young people of all colors, the sky is now the limit.
在所有肤色的年轻人眼中和心里,天空从未如此明净而辽阔。The sun with a jump, jumping out of the sea, at the moment, that the boundless sky and sea, and immediately he was full of dazzling gold.
太阳猛地一跳,蹦出了海面,霎时间,那辽阔无垠的天空和大海,一下子就布满了耀眼的金光。This book is a systematic treatment of one of these fields--the broad area that deals with the coherence and fluctuation of light.
这本书是有系统的对这些领域之一的处理--处理光的连贯性和波动的辽阔的地区。Although you do not know to wait for the end of stagnant water on the general static broad vast lakes or the ocean.
虽然不知道等待你的终点是死水一般静止的湖泊还是宽广辽阔的大海。If the sky is still vast, clouds are still clear, I shall not cry because your leave doesn't take away the world that belonged to me.
如果天依旧是那么辽阔,云依旧是那么清澈,那就不要哭,因为你的离去,并没有带走我的世界。We, students of class 11, are just like this pigeon, ready to expand our wings and fly to the vast blue sky!
我们11班的所有同学也正像这只鸽子一样,正蓄势待发地展开双翅,飞向辽阔的蓝天!Genghis had "no trouble at all overrunning the place, " and his descendants would build wide-ranging kingdoms using Afghanistan as a base.