


1. 空 [kōng]2. 空 [kòng]3. 空 [kǒng]空 [kōng]不包含什么,没有内容:~洞(a.没有内容的;b.物体内部的窟窿)。~泛。~话。~旷。~乏。~~如也。~前绝后。凭~(无根据)。真~(没有任何东西)。没有结果的……





汉语拼音:kōng kuàng








  1. 空寂。


  2. 空寂广阔。

    唐 鲍溶 《沙上月》诗:“水文不上烟不荡,平平玉田冷空旷。” 清 吴敏树 《九日鹿角登高》诗序:“秋之气清以肃,氛雾收而天高,田禾毕登,原野空旷。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》八:“一片空旷的冬原,衰草都掩没在白云里。”

  3. 指广阔的地方。

    唐 韩愈 《岳阳楼别窦司直》诗:“犹疑帝 轩辕 ,张乐就空旷。”



  1. As he scanned the cavernous space, empty save for a few sleepy security guards, his gaze alighted on a row of automated teller machines.

  2. Around them there was nothing but silence, as if the whole world were holding its breath.

  3. Or not prejudiced enough to scream when a Negro went toward her in a deserted subway station a few hours past midnight.

  4. an open space filled with light that reflects their dream of living in "a state in which being Czech or German or Jew would not matter" .

  5. Looking over the endless, empty horizon of the Arctic, I find it hard to imagine this spot being of any importance to global affairs.

  6. This voice transfer to my ear, I heard the open as if singing in the sole Liu . . . this song might be happy, may be sad.

  7. 'It is clearing, ' he said. 'I shouldn't wonder if it was a perfectly fine night in another half-hour. If so, I shall go out for a stroll.

  8. Fingers of frost crept slowly up the weirwood, reaching out for each other. The empty village was no longer empty.

  9. Its sprawling base at Fort Bragg, North Carolina has emptied out, with all four of its brigades now fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.


  1. 空旷的田野

    an open field.

  2. 高大空旷结构

    tall and open structure

  3. 绝望扭曲的空旷

    Distortions in the Void of Despair

  4. 这是片空旷得原野。

    This is an expanse of open country.

  5. 这是片空旷的原野。

    This is an expanse of open country.

  6. 间隙空旷或开放的空间

    A clear or open space.

  7. 这附近略显阴冷空旷。

    It's a bit chilly and empty hereabouts.

  8. 矗立于空旷的平地上,

    solitary in a wide flat space

  9. 用它来装点空旷的画廊

    And fed the empty galleries

  10. 极目望去, 沙漠一片空旷。

    As far as the eye could see the desert was empty.

  11. 给黑暗的空旷的天空我的爱。

    To the dark and the endless skies, my love.

  12. 大地天空和水的空旷无垠

    the empty immensity of earth,sky,and water

  13. 那是一个巨大空旷的剧场。

    It's a huge empty theater.

  14. 除了一辆马车外,街道空旷一片。

    The street was empty except for a cart.

  15. 她的声音听起来很空旷, 很舒服。

    Her sound sounds very spacious , very comfortable.

  16. 空旷的田野现在都造满房子了。

    The open fields are now entirely built in.

  17. 空旷得田野现在都造满房子了。

    The open fields are now entirely built in.

  18. 他坐在那里凝视着空旷处,思索着。

    He sat staring into space, thinking.

  19. 幕布拉上去,露出了空旷的舞台。

    The curtain rose up to reveal an empty stage.

  20. 大地一片苍茫, 空旷里透出不祥。

    The world became immense, an empty dangerous vastness.

  21. 你们拥有无边无际、肥沃而空旷的土地。

    You have a boundless extent of fertile and unoccupied land.

  22. 空旷的田野现在四周都有建筑物了。

    The fields are now entirely built in.

  23. 地方很空旷,除了这里的这幢建筑。

    The area's pretty vacant, except for this building here.

  24. 人已经驱走了这片土地的空旷。

    Man had overcome the emptiness of this land.

  25. 适宜植于空旷地。水边或建筑物旁。

    Appropriate establish at edge of hollowness ground, water or building by.

  26. 在空旷的地方可以让他们自由的奔跑。

    It needs to run freely off the leash in open countryside.

  27. 一种不自然的寂静和空旷笼罩着。

    An unnatural silence and desertion reigned there.

  28. 拱形屋面空旷建筑基础的实用设计

    Optimum design and study of foundation of spacious buildings with arch corrugated roof

  29. 不,她说,仍然望着下面空旷的院子。

    No, she said, still staring at the deserted acre below.

  30. 空旷的山野上,荡起了她甜甜的笑声。

    In the wilderness, her sweet sounds of laughter rose and fell like waves.


  1. 问:空旷拼音怎么拼?空旷的读音是什么?空旷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:空旷的读音是kōngkuàng,空旷翻译成英文是 spacious

  2. 问:空旷地拼音怎么拼?空旷地的读音是什么?空旷地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:空旷地的读音是kōng kuàng dì,空旷地翻译成英文是 open territory

  3. 问:空旷的拼音怎么拼?空旷的的读音是什么?空旷的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:空旷的的读音是kōng kuàng de,空旷的翻译成英文是 open

  4. 问:空旷地区拼音怎么拼?空旷地区的读音是什么?空旷地区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:空旷地区的读音是kōng kuàng dì qū,空旷地区翻译成英文是 open territory

  5. 问:空旷沙地拼音怎么拼?空旷沙地的读音是什么?空旷沙地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:空旷沙地的读音是kōng kuàng shā dì,空旷沙地翻译成英文是 sandlot

  6. 问:空旷空间恐怖拼音怎么拼?空旷空间恐怖的读音是什么?空旷空间恐怖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:空旷空间恐怖的读音是,空旷空间恐怖翻译成英文是 kenophobia




拼音:kōngkuàng 英文:[open;spacious]



解释:空荡荡的,视野开阔,无阻挡物。 如:空旷的田野 空旷的草原 1.空寂。《后汉书·左雄传》:“官寺空旷,无人案事,每选部剧,乃至逃亡。” 2.空寂广阔。 唐 鲍溶《沙上月》诗:“水文不上烟不荡,平平玉田冷空旷。” 清 吴敏树《九日鹿角登高》诗序:“秋之气清以肃,氛雾收而天高,田禾毕登,原野空旷。” 瞿秋白《饿乡纪程》八:“一片空旷的冬原,衰草都掩没在白云里。” 3.指广阔的地方。 唐 韩愈 《岳阳楼别窦司直》诗:“犹疑帝 轩辕 ,张乐就空旷。”