




1. 句 [jù]2. 句 [gōu]句 [jù]由词组成的能表示出一个完整意思的话:~子。~法。〔~读(dòu)〕古代称文词停顿的地方为“句”或“读”。量词,用于语言:三~话不离本行(háng)。句 [gōu]〔高~骊〕古国名,即“高丽”……



汉语拼音:lì jù






  1. 用来作为例子的句子。如:这本语法书里的例句很规范。



  1. Did you believe him when he said he had given up smoking? A leopard cannot change its spots.


  2. How much are the black shoes?


  3. Example: They worked through the night, trying to nut outthe strategy for saving the company.


  4. I recommend that you listen to as much of the BBC radio service as you can to try and hear examples of this grammar in action.


  5. Example: The task took twice as long because there was no one around to givehima hand.


  6. For example: Richard wanted to hear the truth from Mary so he asked her to stop pulling his leg.


  7. Example: They think they've found a way to put one over on the welfare office.


  8. n. The meaning of the poem has always been a puzzle.


  9. E. g: The children now grow up in the greenhouse; They don't know the complexities of the world.


  1. 模仿例句完成以下对语。

    Look at this and then complete the dialogues below, like the example.

  2. 例句他是个职业笔替。

    He is a professional substitute calligrapher.

  3. 例句蜜月保姆越来越受欢迎。

    Honeymoon sitter are more and more popular now.

  4. 仿照例句改写这些句子。

    Change these sentences in the same way as the example.

  5. 把我给们得例句都记下来。

    Take down the examples I give you.

  6. 这个例句诠释了这个词的释义。

    The example sentence illustrated the meaning of the word.

  7. 这个例句诠释了这个词得释义。

    The example sentence illustrated the meaning of the word.

  8. 这个例句诠释了这个词的释义。

    The example sentence illustrated the meaning of the word.

  9. 设计英语教学例句的四要素

    Four Musts of Making Sample Sentences in English Teaching

  10. 例句能够解释这个词的含义。

    An example sentence would show what this word means.

  11. 例句这双黑鞋多少钱?

    How much are the black shoes.

  12. 例句我喜欢玩剑侠情缘网络游戏。

    I like playing the online games of JX series.

  13. 例句我和我的秘书有了婚外情。

    I had an extramarital affair with my secretary.

  14. 语境、文化与语法例句翻译一得

    Context, Culture and Translation of Grammar Examples

  15. 这个例句是用斜体字排印得。

    This example is printed in italics.

  16. 这个例句是用斜体字排印的。

    This example is printed in italics.

  17. 例句用通俗的语言说明深刻的道理。

    Eg Expound a profound truth in simple language.

  18. 设计英语教学例句得四要素

    Four Musts of Making Sample Sentences in English Teaching.

  19. 例句1。艾伦在学校里总受欺负。

    Alans always getting scragged at school.

  20. 例句福原爱是中日友好大使。

    Ai Fukuhara is a goodwill ambassador of China and Japan.

  21. 例句许多房地产商喜欢囤房捂盘。

    Many real estate developers like price maintenance in estate.

  22. 你知道如何模仿老师的例句造句吗

    Do you know how to imitate the teachers sentence.

  23. 例句像他这样的文学天才只是个例。

    A literary prodigy like him is just an exception.

  24. 例句汶川地震哀悼日全国降半旗志哀。

    Flags were at half mast everywhere on the day of mourning for victims of Wenchuan earthquake.

  25. 例句你给你老婆的情人节礼物是什么?

    What did you send to your wife for Valentine's day?

  26. 例句本课程有完整的相关阅读书目。

    Eg This course features a complete bibliography of readings.

  27. 破产破产的行为或事实展开显示全部例句

    The act or fact of becoming bankrupt or insolvent.

  28. 例句国家地震局核定四川汶川地震为7。8级。

    The Sichuan earthquake was registered 7.8 on the RichterSeismic Network.

  29. 转眼间,就能看到例句和用法示例。

    Presto, sample sentences and usage examples.

  30. 例句你的衬衫上有一个黑色的污点。

    Examples You have a black stain on your shirt.


  1. 问:例句拼音怎么拼?例句的读音是什么?例句翻译成英文是什么?

    答:例句的读音是lìjù,例句翻译成英文是 illustrative sentence; example sentence; mod...




【拼音】 lìjù

【英译】 [example (illustrative) sentence]
