


事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……


1. 缘 [yuán]缘 [yuán]因由,因为:~由。~何(为何,因何)。~故。~起。宿命论认为人与人之间命中注定的遇合机会,泛指人与人或人与事物之间发生联系的可能性:~分(fèn )。化~。姻~。一面之~。沿,顺着:~法(沿袭旧法)。~……



汉语拼音:jī yuán







  1. 佛教语。谓众生信受佛法的根机和因缘。

    《金光明最胜王经·如来寿量品》:“佛世尊无有分别,随其器量,善应机缘,为彼説法,是如来行。”《景德传灯录·嵩岳惠安禅师》:“有 坦然 、 怀让 二人来参…… 然 言下知归,更不他适; 让 机缘不逗,辞往 曹谿 。”

  2. 指应机教化众生的事迹。

    明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·九流绪论上》:“释主经典禪观,而论宗戒律,梵唄、机缘附之。” 清 刘献廷 《广阳杂记》卷五:“编辑古今尊宿唱明之语,及 天童 三峯授受事实,并法中先辈交谊如序跋、简牘、书铭、笔记、法语、机缘之类。”

  3. 机会与缘分。

    明 袁宏道 《致董思白》:“青牛过 函谷 ,而 关尹 适病,虽走之机缘未偶,然为尊丈省五千言著述之苦矣。” 清 李渔 《慎鸾交·待旦》:“你若果然爱他,把真心话儿説几句在我心上,待我替你缓缓图之。或者有些机缘,也未见得。” 刘白羽 《日出》:“但很长很长时间,我却没有机缘看日出。”



  1. The right person at the right person, how much chance to fulfil love?


  2. And I am so pleased to be here and to have this opportunity to speak with you today, and it was made possible by the U.


  3. Man of practice often says that it is not easy to be mankind. People should work hard at practice in the short dozens of years of life.


  4. A occasional, Linda found a startling fact: the original sea bright was the biological father of starfish.


  5. gale to have the opportunity of visiting your company and I hope to conclude some business with you.


  6. He said the bid had even been supported by physicists working on the LHC who saw it as an "excellent opportunity for particle physics" .


  7. Imagine that if she was anxiety and nervous with a serious face, she would probably miss the most important lucky chance in her life!


  8. As chance would have it, an old post office came up for grabs and Strathdee saw the potential for "a general store for the 21st century" .


  9. Most people meet you on the surface of life. With tiny chance, a few people are brought to your deep heart and they meet you there.


  1. 机缘将决定结果

    Chance will determine the outcome.

  2. 爸爸,纯粹是机缘巧合

    Dad.eVen found them.

  3. 机缘引你登上高峰。

    Opportunity calls you to rise to summits.

  4. 机缘凑巧, 我找到了你。

    As luck would have it, I found and met you.

  5. 我会说这是个机缘。

    I'd call that a stroke of luck.

  6. 玻璃的发现源于机缘巧合。

    Glass was discovered by a stroke of luck.

  7. 我们的机缘引导我们走向彼此。

    Our paths led us to each other.

  8. 直截了当地谈论我们的机缘

    to talk cold turkey about our chances

  9. 我还没有机缘见他一面。

    I do not have a window to meet him.

  10. 我还没有机缘见他一面。

    I do not have a window to meet him.

  11. 我和女友相识是机缘巧遇。

    My girlfriend and I met through luck.

  12. 我和女友相识是机缘巧遇。

    My girlfriend and I met through luck.

  13. 这次展览纯属是机缘使然。

    The timing of the show is serendipitous.

  14. 机缘凑巧, 我找到一份工作。

    As luck would have it, I found a job.

  15. 机缘巧合,我找到一份工作。

    As luck would have it, I found a job.

  16. 这个发现多少有点机缘巧合。

    The discovery was something of a fluke.

  17. 机缘使之聚在一起的人们。

    People whom circumstances have thrown together.

  18. 信念始于内心对机缘深信不疑。

    Faith begins by believing in your heart that what is right has a chance.

  19. 导致这一发现的纯粹是机缘。

    It was pure chance that led to this discovery.

  20. 论唐代服饰文化繁荣的机缘

    On the Chance of Clothing Culture Prosperity in Tang Dynasty

  21. 机缘把敌人交到了他手中。

    Chance delivered his enemy into his hands.

  22. 被机缘或无常的天道所摧折,

    And every fair from fair sometime declines

  23. 疑神疑鬼, 不如利用机缘做个开心鬼。

    Never scream at ghosts. Just whistle with souls.

  24. 机缘使我们在一个滑雪胜地相遇。

    Chance had thrown us together at a skiing resort.

  25. 值得注重的是你在期待机缘的到来。

    Be aware that you are waiting for THE moment to arrive.

  26. 一个偶然的机缘,我和她相识了。

    I met her because of a lucky coincidence.

  27. 藉着这类机缘,历史的车轮滚滚向前。

    On such chances the wheel of history turns.

  28. 想起我们认识的过程,真的是机缘巧合。

    Thinking of the way we knew each other, it was literally a coincidence.

  29. 由于一个偶然的机缘, 我和她相识了。

    I met her because of a lucky coincidence.

  30. 在他们生活中巧合的机缘并不多得。

    Coincidence operated only mildly in their lives.


  1. 问:机缘拼音怎么拼?机缘的读音是什么?机缘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:机缘的读音是jīyuán,机缘翻译成英文是 good luck; lucky chance; chance

  2. 问:机缘论拼音怎么拼?机缘论的读音是什么?机缘论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:机缘论的读音是,机缘论翻译成英文是 casualism

  3. 问:机缘说拼音怎么拼?机缘说的读音是什么?机缘说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:机缘说的读音是,机缘说翻译成英文是 casualism


