


两个以上的人在一起计划、讨论:~量。~讨。~议。~定。~榷。~酌(商量斟酌)。相~。磋~。洽~。协~。买卖,生意:~业。~店。~界。~品。~标。古指行商(坐商为“贾”,后泛指做买卖的人,亦用以指从事私营工商业的人):~人。~贩。~贾(gǔ ……


物件:物~。产~。赠~。战利~。等级,种类:~名。~类。~色。~位。性质:~质。~行(xíng )。~节(指人的品行节操)。人~。体察出好坏、优劣等:~评。~第(品评优劣而定其等级)。~味(品尝)。指吹弄乐器:~箫。姓。……





汉语拼音:shāng pǐn liáng






  1. 作为商品出售的粮食。

    毛泽东 《在省市自治区党委书记会议上的讲话》:“去年生产了三千六百多亿斤粮食,商品粮包括公粮在内,大约是八百多亿斤,不到四分之一,四分之三以上归农民。”



  1. It also calls for a shift away from large-scale commercial food producers to smaller local growers.


  2. Jilin is one of the provinces that have constructed early commodity grain production bases in china.


  3. The State shall establish production bases of commodity grain and commodity cotton in a planned way.


  4. A Multi-Perspective Observation of the Idea of "Special Zone for Commodity Crop Production"


  5. Advantage and Strategy Constructing the Stable Bases of Trade Grain and Green Agriculture .


  6. Currently, It has become one of the ten big commodity grain bases and the twelve fruits or vegetables bases in China.


  7. Taihe County is the first national commodity grain, commodity beef base counties.


  8. 15 years in a row to sell the national commodity grain in the province's per capita contribution in the first place.


  9. Meanwhile, the grain of Northeast could organize a large amount of grain for sales.


  1. 商品粮中心

    marketable grain centre.

  2. 商品粮基地

    a commodity grain production base.

  3. 商品粮专业户

    households specializing in growing marketable grain.

  4. 大型商品粮基地

    large commercial grain bases

  5. 优势商品粮基地

    Advantageous Marketable Grain Base

  6. 国家级商品粮及棉花生产基地

    national production bases for grain and cotton

  7. 商品粮基地粮食播种面积和产量

    Sown Area and Output of Grain in Commodity Grain Bases

  8. 国外商品粮基地建设的战略研究

    Strategic Studies on Bases of Marketable Grain in Foreign Countries

  9. 玉米是我国主要的商品粮之一。

    Maize is one of the important merchandise grain of our country.

  10. 振兴东北老工业基地与商品粮基地建设

    Revitalizing the Industrial Bases to Promote Commodity Grain Production in the Northeast China

  11. 长江流域商品粮基地建设及发展途径

    The Coustruction of Merchandise Grain Base Counties and Its Developing Way in the Yongtze Valley

  12. 商品粮基地特征分析及其资源配置效应

    Analysis of the major characteristics and the resource matching effects of the marketable grain base in China

  13. 请市民们放心,目前商品粮的供应相当充足。

    Let the citizens be assured. We currently have an abundant supply of commodity grain.

  14. 建设优质专用小麦商品粮生产基地之浅见

    The Construction of the Production Base of Marketable Grain of Special Quality Wheat

  15. 他现在搬进城里住了,也是吃商品粮的人了。

    He moved to the city and became a commodity grain eater now.

  16. 论新形势下财政支持商品粮基地建设的模式

    On the model for construction of marketable grain base under the new situation in china

  17. 河西走廊商品粮基地建设中不容忽视的问题

    The Unnegligible Problem in Construction Commodity Food Producing Base in Hexi Corridor.

  18. 简论商品粮基地的基本特征及其资源配置效应

    On Major Characteristics and Resource Matching Effects of Marketable Grain Basis in China

  19. 这包括12。8吨发放给新近流离失所者得商品粮。

    This includes12.8 tons of food commodities distributed to newly displaced populations.

  20. 这包括12。8吨发放给新近流离失所者的商品粮。

    This includes12.8 tons of food commodities distributed to newly displaced populations.

  21. 我国优势商品粮基地的布局原则和梯级发展战略

    Principles of Layout and Strategy of Gradient Development for Advantageous Marketable Grain Base in China

  22. 建设辽宁稳定的商品粮和绿色农业基地的优势与对策。

    Advantage and Strategy Constructing the Stable Bases of Trade Grain and Green Agriculture.

  23. 国家有计划地建设商品粮、商品棉等生产基地。

    The State shall establish production bases of commodity grain and commodity cotton in a planned way.

  24. 三江平原水资源承载力与商品粮基地建设模式研究

    Studies on water resources carrying capacity and models of constructing commodity grain base in Sanjiang Plain


  1. 问:商品粮拼音怎么拼?商品粮的读音是什么?商品粮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:商品粮的读音是shāngpǐnliáng,商品粮翻译成英文是 a commodity grain; a marketable grain; grain...