


1. 纰 [pī]2. 纰 [pí]3. 纰 [bǐ]纰 [pī]布帛丝缕等破坏散开:线~了。把这一团毛线~开。纰 [pí]在衣冠或旗帜上镶边:“素丝~之”。所镶的边缘:“缟冠素~”。纰 [bǐ]古代中国西北少数民族所织的兽毛布。……





汉语拼音:pī lòu







  1. 错误疏失。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语》、 宋 孔平仲 《续世说》两书均有《纰漏》篇,记谬误不合之事。 清 钱谦益 《读杜小笺上·送高三十五书记》:“ 刘辰翁 云:‘崆峒,犹言一大地也。’紕漏至此,稍知《兔园册》者不为,而世犹宗之,何也?” 清 王鸣盛 《十七史商榷·南史合宋齐梁陈书十二·建康实录》:“其麤疏紕漏,不可胜摘。”

  2. 指错误,事故。

    魏巍 《东方》第四部第一章:“如果不是 小杨 作风严厉,很可能还会出一点小小的纰漏。”



  1. Kevin: You could say that, or you could call it a fiasco , debacle or( my personal favorite) a complete SNAFU. Take your pick.


  2. Although at the time that was not apparent , since the priests had quickly converted an error into a blessing .


  3. Volkswagen Polkowice is situated in a region which has suffered greatly from environmental neglect over the course of the last few decades.


  4. manage to After a few false starts, we managed to get the company off the ground . . .


  5. The police are investigating what the bank calls "accounting inconsistencies" .


  6. That "speaks" was not a slip, but a reinforcement of the money-equals-speech notion.


  7. Beijing is eager for a visit free of protocol glitches or any other diplomatic embarrassments.


  8. To avoid leaks , they worked at home . Every few days , Goni reported to the president.


  9. NARRATOR: To *oid leaks, they worked at home. Every few days, Goni reported to the president.


  1. 任何安全体系都有纰漏。

    No security system is infallible.

  2. 也可能是生产时的纰漏

    It's probably a manufacturing defect.

  3. 也可能是生产时的纰漏。

    It's probably a manufacturing defect.

  4. 他从计划中找出许多纰漏。

    He picked many flaws in the plan.

  5. 我做了一些纰漏的英语测试。

    I made some careless mistakes in the English test.

  6. 我们要摆脱税法的瑕疵和纰漏。

    We are going to rid the tax code of these loopholes and giveaways.

  7. 我的意思是计划中最可能的纰漏是什么?

    I mean, what could possibly go wrong with that plan?

  8. 但是永远不能让别人知道纰漏发生了。

    But don't ever let them know that there are flaws happening.

  9. 纰漏你早年没有玩过得勾当,你不妨试一试。

    Don't afraid to try a sport you haven't played before.

  10. 纰漏你早年没有玩过的勾当,你不妨试一试。

    Don't afraid to try a sport you haven't played before.

  11. 很可能是四色套印的某个环节出现纰漏。

    This most likely is the four colour printing is a session leaks.

  12. 工程中出现这样的纰漏是万万没有想到的。

    We had never expected to make such a careless mistake in the project.

  13. 至少可能在两个方面出现纰漏,并且可能很快。

    There are at least two potential starting points for it to go wrong, pretty quickly.

  14. 她善于与各种各样的人打交道,从来不出纰漏。

    She's very good at dealing with all kinds of people; she never puts a foot wrong.

  15. 如果某个实验有效,那就一定在哪里出纰漏了。

    If an experiment works, something has gone wrong.

  16. 她毫不留情地揪住对手论据中的纰漏作文章。

    She fastened mercilessly on the one weak point in her opponent's argument.

  17. 我国代表团犯了一个严重纰漏, 我谨表示歉意。

    My delegation has committed a serious faux pas, and I wish to apologize.

  18. 如果执业过程出现纰漏, 那么监管者应该第一个知道。

    If practices slip, regulators would be among the first to know.

  19. 几个星期前, 在装运他买的枪支时出了纰漏。

    Some weeks ago a shipment of guns he purchased proved defective.

  20. 我不是一个研究员,但是我能发现这些试验里的纰漏。

    I'm no boffin, but I can spot a flaw in these tests.

  21. 当事情出了纰漏的时候, 他们总是在会议室里听取解释。

    They have been in the room listening to explanations when things have gone wrong.

  22. 他们不允许计划有半点纰漏,因为有几位要人要出席会议。

    They tolerate no flaws in their plan because some VIPs will be present in the meeting.

  23. 看TheLincolnLawyer这部电影吧。一部好电影,但是情节有很多纰漏。漏洞太大了都能通过一辆卡车。

    Just saw The Lincoln Lawyer. Good movie, but way too many plot holes. The plot holes were big enough to drive a truck through.


  1. 问:纰漏拼音怎么拼?纰漏的读音是什么?纰漏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纰漏的读音是pīlòu,纰漏翻译成英文是 slip


