







汉语拼音:hū lüè








  1. 疏忽;不在意。

    《汉书·王莽传下》:“朝廷忽略,不輒督责,遂至延曼连州。”《三国志·吴志·周泰传》:“ 策 讨六县山贼, 权 住 宣城 ,使士自卫,不能千人,意尚忽略,不治围落,而山贼卒至。”《朱子语类》卷九三:“盖通书人多忽略,不曾考究。” 清 李渔 《怜香伴·搜挟》:“今日务要加严,不可仍前忽略。” 朱自清 《<文心>序》:“读的方面,往往只注重思想的获得,而忽略语汇的扩展。”

  2. 轻视。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·文学》:“ 袁宏 始作《东征赋》,都不道 陶公 。 胡奴 诱之狭室中,临以白刃,曰:‘先公勋业如是,君作《东征赋》,云何相忽略?’”《隋书·文学传·王胄》:“ 胄 性疏率不伦,自恃才大,鬱鬱於薄宦,每负气陵傲,忽略时人。”



  1. Internet Explorer (at least as of version 6) does a fair job, but seems to ignore the display: inline attribute.


  2. There were a few kids still in the yard but they were older and ignored me as I tried the handle of the side door and found it open.


  3. He may be able to focus on one thing better than I can, but I can keep up with all of the small details that he would miss.


  4. Until one day, a time I felt a sudden sense of loneliness you, I have found that throughout, I have neglected you, I feel deep remorse.


  5. They completely ignore these facts as if (as though) they never existed.


  6. Kobe went from scoffing at him in the offseason to calling him the missing ingredient for a championship run.


  7. I wonder if it can shrink to a teeny, tiny speck and may be a huge monster trying to put it on.


  8. Pea sprouts rarely seems to be recorded, was praise, has been a neglected corner.


  9. The immune system is usually able to recognize and ignore the body's own cells and not produce antibodies against them.


  1. 被忽略过去

    to pass unnoticed

  2. 忽略细微末节

    pass trivial details

  3. 但是忽略上部。

    But ignore the top part.

  4. 屏蔽并且忽略

    Block and ignore IGMP packets.

  5. 摩擦忽略不计。

    Friction will be neglected.

  6. 忽略做某事

    to omit to do something

  7. 估计很难忽略。

    Kinda hard to ignore.

  8. 忽略那些小词。

    Ignore the little words.

  9. 它忽略了环境。

    It ignores the environment.

  10. 被遗漏, 被忽略过去

    pass unnoticed

  11. 我们忽略了什么?

    What isn't obvious?

  12. 忽略了什么方面?

    And what has it ignored?

  13. 政府忽略了工业。

    The government neglected industry.

  14. 我却忽略了他

    And I ignored him.

  15. 影响可以忽略不计。

    The effect was negligible.

  16. 忽略搜集间接证据

    neglect to collect circumstantial evidence

  17. 安装, 忽略错误信息。

    Install, ignore the error message.

  18. 安装,忽略错误信息。

    Install, ignore the error message.

  19. 忽略既成的事实

    neglect the certainty

  20. 易被忽略的细节

    details that could be easily overlooked

  21. 忽略或不注意, 忽视

    To overlook or disregard.

  22. 这种错误被忽略了。

    The wrong was neglected.

  23. 不要忽略枝节问题。

    Don't neglect minor issues.

  24. 忽略或不注意,忽视。

    To overlook or disregard.

  25. 忽略用户拨入属性。

    Ignore the users dialin properties.

  26. 所忽略的人类体验。

    that the medical definition leaves out.

  27. 这质量几乎可以忽略。

    And this mass is almost negligible.

  28. 忽略警告并保存文件。

    Ignore warning and save file anyway.

  29. 忽略會讓你感到如此惡劣。

    Ignoring gets you a whole way out there.

  30. 污泥监管被普遍忽略。

    Usually neglect of sludge regulation.


  1. 问:忽略拼音怎么拼?忽略的读音是什么?忽略翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忽略的读音是hūlüè,忽略翻译成英文是 overlook

  2. 问:忽略某事拼音怎么拼?忽略某事的读音是什么?忽略某事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忽略某事的读音是Hūlüè mǒushì,忽略某事翻译成英文是 to lose sight of something

  3. 问:忽略按钮拼音怎么拼?忽略按钮的读音是什么?忽略按钮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忽略按钮的读音是hūlüèànniǔ,忽略按钮翻译成英文是 ignore button

  4. 问:忽略毫秒拼音怎么拼?忽略毫秒的读音是什么?忽略毫秒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忽略毫秒的读音是hūlüèháomiǎo,忽略毫秒翻译成英文是 ignoring milliseconds

  5. 问:忽略规则拼音怎么拼?忽略规则的读音是什么?忽略规则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忽略规则的读音是hūlüèguīzé,忽略规则翻译成英文是 ignore rule

  6. 问:忽略鼠标拼音怎么拼?忽略鼠标的读音是什么?忽略鼠标翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忽略鼠标的读音是hūlüèshǔbiāo,忽略鼠标翻译成英文是 ignore mouse

  7. 问:忽略假脱机拼音怎么拼?忽略假脱机的读音是什么?忽略假脱机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忽略假脱机的读音是hū lüè jiǎ tuō jī,忽略假脱机翻译成英文是 spooling bypassing

  8. 问:忽略移动请求拼音怎么拼?忽略移动请求的读音是什么?忽略移动请求翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忽略移动请求的读音是hū lüè yí dòng qǐng qiú,忽略移动请求翻译成英文是 ignored move request

  9. 问:忽略输入掩码拼音怎么拼?忽略输入掩码的读音是什么?忽略输入掩码翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忽略输入掩码的读音是hū lüè shū rù yǎn mǎ,忽略输入掩码翻译成英文是 ignore input mask

  10. 问:忽略远程请求拼音怎么拼?忽略远程请求的读音是什么?忽略远程请求翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忽略远程请求的读音是hū lüè yuǎn chéng qǐng qiú,忽略远程请求翻译成英文是 ignore remote requests

  11. 问:忽略注册表复选拼音怎么拼?忽略注册表复选的读音是什么?忽略注册表复选翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忽略注册表复选的读音是hū lüè zhù cè biǎo fù xuǎn,忽略注册表复选翻译成英文是 ignore registry check

  12. 问:忽略双原子微分重叠法拼音怎么拼?忽略双原子微分重叠法的读音是什么?忽略双原子微分重叠法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忽略双原子微分重叠法的读音是hū lüè shuāng yuán zǐ wēi fēn chóng dié fǎ,忽略双原子微分重叠法翻译成英文是 neglect of diatomic differential overlap meth...



“忽略”是个多义词,它可以指忽略(陈珊妮演唱歌曲), 忽略(曹方演唱歌曲), 忽略(词语释义)。