




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……



汉语拼音:hèn bu de







  1. 表示急切地盼望做成某事。

    唐 刘餗 《隋唐嘉话》卷上:“始人皆言当今不可行帝王道,唯 魏徵 劝我,今遂功业如此,恨不得使 封德彝 等见之。” 宋 史达祖 《惜黄花》词:“恨不得御风归去。”《儿女英雄传》第三回:“我听见这信,心里已经急的恨不得立刻就飞到 淮安 见着面才好!” 巴金 《家》一:“我恨不得把所有的话一字不遗漏地说出来。”



  1. When I saw this tree, I wanted to kick it out of the door and down the street.


  2. The world has long forgotten, and he not wait for the world and his own together eliminated immediately eliminated, why bother look at it!


  3. Certainly in this picture Sir Alex Ferguson and his players seem to be desperate to depart the scene of their disappointment.


  4. Looking at painful money money, cold Ling Feng lamented greatly a tough pole, very restless to hurtled up to once be subjected to for her!


  5. seem: It seemed almost as if the poor man wanted to give us all he knew before going away.


  6. He paused and looked at her, but she was listening intently, hanging on to his every word. He gained confidence.


  7. If he had been asked to describe the pressure, he would have said that it amounted to the phrase, repeated, "Who needs this? "


  8. While you're struggling with a little bitch like that there may be a dozen cunts on the terrasse just dying to be laid. It's a fact.


  9. The cruel coldness trembles our teeth, wrinkles our skin and curl our bodies as if to entice us into the arms of flame at the sight of fire.


  1. 恨不得歇会儿

    longing for a moment of respite

  2. 恨不得插翅回家

    wish only if one grow wings and fly home

  3. 我恨不得打他一拳。

    I'd punch him for two pins.

  4. 她恨不得马上投入战斗。

    She itched to plungesintosthe battle.

  5. 男孩儿们恨不得马上就出发。

    The boys were champing to start.

  6. 她恨不得马上见到你。

    She is anxious to see you at once.

  7. 我恨不得马上去那儿。

    How I wish I could go there right now.

  8. 我告诉他我恨不得去死。

    I tell him of how I would want to die.

  9. 我恨不得马上见到他们。!

    I can't wait, to see them!

  10. 我晕船, 恨不得立刻上岸。

    I'm no sailor and I couldn't wait to reach dry land.

  11. 她恨不得要告诉他实情。

    She had the almost overwhelming desire to tell him the truth.

  12. 我恨不得逃到天边才好!

    I wish myself at the uttermost ends of the earth!

  13. 我的老板恨不得我一天到晚工作。

    My boss expects me to work day and night.

  14. 也许你恨不得我赶快去死。

    Maybe you figure you'll yes me to death.

  15. 现在你们有人恨不得我死。

    Now some of you have cause to see me dead.

  16. 他恨不得钻到床底下去。

    If it had been possible he would have cowered deeper into the bed.

  17. 我女儿恨不得一下子就长大。

    My daughter is in such a hurry to grow up.

  18. 她恨不得一头扑到他怀里。

    She wanted to throw herself into his arms.

  19. 为自己做错事恨不得杀了自己。

    Kill oneself for doing something.

  20. 同意。我恨不得掐死街球王。

    Agreed. I want to strangle Skip 2 mypoo.

  21. 萨姆恨不得一睡不醒,了无心事。

    Sam longed for the oblivion of sleep.

  22. 哼,我真恨不得去当个流浪汉。

    Sometimes I wish I was a hobo.

  23. 他疼得恨不得失去知觉才好。

    The pain made him long for oblivion.

  24. 我饿死了,恨不得马上就吃饭。

    I was so hungry, I couldn't wait to get right down to eating.

  25. 你让我这样难堪,我恨不得掐死你!

    I could cheerfully strangle you for getting me into this mess!

  26. 我真恨不得把这个卖国贼投畀豺虎。

    I can't wait to throw this traitor to the wolves and tigers to be eaten.

  27. 我真恨不得把这个卖国贼投畀豺虎。

    I can't wait to throw this traitor to the wolves and tigers to be eaten.

  28. 我真恨不得这出滑稽戏就此散场。

    I began to hope that the farce was at an end.

  29. 他把我气得恨不得打他一顿。

    He pissed me off so bad that I want to beat him up!

  30. 他觉得疼痛难忍,恨不得死了算了。

    It hurt so badly he wished to cease to be.


  1. 问:恨不得拼音怎么拼?恨不得的读音是什么?恨不得翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恨不得的读音是hènbude,恨不得翻译成英文是 dying to; itching to



恨不得 hènbude (1) 多么想——表示一个人的强烈愿望. (2) 因要求得不到满足而抱怨;恨不能.