







汉语拼音:lì jiè








  1. 以往各届。如:历届人民代表大会;历届毕业生。



  1. To the extent that successive governments had a strategy, it was on the face of it an attractive one: they believed in open energy markets.


  2. Although not many successive volume of new orders on the trade fair, but the company has always adhered to its marketing strategy.


  3. The state of the economy is usually the acid test of any government' s success.


  4. Taiwan's past governments have reacted to this threat by trying to limit the island's economic dependence on the mainland.


  5. It is paraded during the opening ceremony of each Game. At the end of the Games, the Olympic Flag is presented to the next host city.


  6. In the mid-1990s successive Italian governments, desperate not to be left out of the euro, pushed through some impressive reforms.


  7. many questions will come before it for settlement in the next four years which preceding Administrations have never had to deal with.


  8. Those two would have formed one of the best duos ever and likely a few championships.


  9. Evolved from the ancient form of combat, fencing is one of only four sports that has been featured at every modern Olympic Games.


  1. 历届奥运会

    All previous Olympiad.

  2. 历届毕业生

    graduates of all previous years.

  3. 历届历次中央全会

    all previous central references

  4. 历届足球世界杯纪念币评介

    Introduction to the commemorative coins issued by various countries for previous World Cup soccer games

  5. 关于历届奥运会会标特点分析

    Analysis on Characteristics of Olympic Emblem

  6. 欢迎历届校友出席毕业典礼。

    All the alumni members are welcome to the graduation ceremony.

  7. 从此历届总统都按此行事。

    Thanksgiving was proclaimed by every president after Lincoln.

  8. 这是一份历届马术冠军名单。

    It is a list of all of the past equestrianism winners.

  9. 历届决赛圈分组抽签地及过程

    FIFA World Cup Final Draw

  10. 零投诉在历届奥运所未有的。

    Zero complaint is in all previous Olympic Games institute not some.

  11. 投票人数肯定会高于美国历届选举。

    Turnout will almost certainly be higher than Americas usual showing.

  12. 英国历届政府都对该岛感到头疼。

    Successive British governments had found the islands a headache.

  13. 历届冠军榜中包括很多英国世界冠军。

    The list of past champions includes many British internationals.

  14. 历届西德政府给予东德大量的贷款。

    Big credits were given to East Germany by successive West German governments.

  15. 历届厦门国际马拉松赛指定接待社

    Appointed reception Travel Agency of annual Xiamen International Marathon Race

  16. 会员正细阅会所历届会长的照片。

    A member admires photographs of past chairmen of the club.

  17. 历届政府均未能解决国家的经济问题。

    Successive administrations have failed to solve the country's economic problems.

  18. 您在历届沟通会上提问题的频率?

    What's your frequency of raising questions in the previous communications?

  19. 年开始出任历届国际会计事务亚太会议

    Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues

  20. 经济情况通常是对历届政府的严峻考验。

    The state of the economy is usually the acid test of any government s success.

  21. 历届奥运会开幕式上都有会旗交接仪式。

    Since then, a flag handing over ceremony is held on the opening of the Olympic Games.

  22. 并对历届活动做了数字统计和文字概况。

    And has made the digital statistics and the writing survey to all previous years activity.

  23. 历届奥斯卡奖和金球奖最佳影片获奖表

    Date Academy Awards Best Picture Golden Globes Best Motion Picture

  24. 我们公司的历届年会都是在十二月召开的。

    Our company's annual meetings were held in December.

  25. 美国历届总统都不愿意挑战华尔街或大企业。

    US presidents have been reluctant to take on Wall Street or big business.

  26. 历届政府在解决英国经济问题上政策的失败。

    The failure of successive government policies to solve britain's economic problems.

  27. 第一次会议到会者之少,为历届参政会所未有。

    It was the smallest opening session on record.

  28. 美国历届总统们有着在不合适场合打瞌睡的传统。

    Land of nod US presidents have a long history of nodding off at inappropriate times.

  29. 历届全国体育教育专业大学生基本功大赛的对比分析

    Contrast and Analysis of All of the National Basic Skill Contest for Students Majoring in Physical Education

  30. 前来采访的记者人数之多, 地域之广, 创下历届之最。

    The number of reporters and the wideness of areas were unprecedented.


  1. 问:历届拼音怎么拼?历届的读音是什么?历届翻译成英文是什么?

    答:历届的读音是lìjiè,历届翻译成英文是 all previous

  2. 问:历届政府拼音怎么拼?历届政府的读音是什么?历届政府翻译成英文是什么?

    答:历届政府的读音是lì jiè zhèng fǔ,历届政府翻译成英文是 successive government



历届 lìjiè [all previous sessions (governments,etc.)] 届,“次”的意思;历,经历的意思。历届:自第一届开始至上一届的所有会议历程。以往的每一次,常指集会而言。 基本

解释: 过去各届:~毕业生ㄧ~人民代表大会。 词语分开

解释: 历:历(历历) lì 经过:经历。来历。阅历。历尽甘苦。经过了的:历程。历代。历史。历来。遍、完全 详细>> 届:届 jiè 到:届时。届期。量词,略同于“次”,用于定期的会议或毕业的班级等:上届。