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一种金属元素,富延展性。导电性和导热性都很强,它的合金是电气、机械和国防工业的重要原料:紫~(纯铜。亦称“红铜”)。青~。黄~。~矿。~器。~币。~臭(ch恥 )(指铜钱的臭味,用以讥讽唯利是图的人,如“浑身~~”)。~墙铁壁(喻十分坚固,……
相似:好~。相(xiāng )~。~生(a.仿天然产物制成的工艺品;b.中国宋、元两代以说唱为业的女艺人)。比照人物做成的图形:画~。塑~。雕~。绣~。肖~。比如,比方:~这样的事是值得注意的。……
汉语拼音:tóng xiàng
亦作“ 铜象 ”。铜铸的神像或人像。
《宋书·隐逸传·戴颙》:“自 汉 世始有佛像…… 宋 世子铸丈六铜像於 瓦官寺 。”《旧唐书·食货志上》:“ 长安城 中竞为盗铸,寺观鐘及铜象,多坏为钱。” 宋 吴曾 《能改斋漫录·记事》:“ 大慈寺 有 蜀后主 王衍 铜像, 程公堂 权帅,毁以铸鐘。” 郭孝成 《陕西光复记》:“此日金戈飞舞,他年铜像嵯峨。”
王蒙 《悠悠寸草心》:“ 唐夫人 忿忿地说:‘恁什么让一个地委书记去当铜像?’ 老唐 笑而不答,显然当‘铜像’也可以。”
Asano has just climbed down from that bridge and is sitting on cracked steps leading up to a bronze, flower-laden statue of King Rama I.
浅野下了桥,坐在一条通向一座青铜像的台阶上,上面已有斑斑裂痕,那是缀满鲜花的罗摩一世的雕像。'It's not to create some kind of financial fight between Shanghai and New York, ' he said.
他说,铜像不是要在上海和纽约之间挑起某种金融战。So, in the dark of night earlier this month, that Confucius statue disappeared from Tiananmen Square without any public explanation.
于是在本月初一个月黑风高的晚上,孔子的铜像就从天门广场消失了,而公众未得到任何解释。Chinese tourists have their pictures taken below an ancient balcony said to be Juliet's, and next to a bronze statue of the tragic heroine.
游客们会在据说是朱丽叶的古老的阳台下,在那位被悲剧英雄的铜像旁拍照。Right on the center of the hall consecrates the same size of a golden statue as Sakyamuni when he was twelve.
大殿正中供奉文成公主从长安带来的释迦牟尼12岁时的等身镀金铜像。Look, that's a bronze statue of him.
你看,这就是他的铜像。The two sculptures were part of a fountain at the palace that was the work of a Frenchman.
这两尊铜像是圆明园一座喷泉的一部分,它是由一位法国人建造的。However, only the building itself was recognized as an historical site and not the bronze statue in the square.
但经过确认,古迹认定范围仅止于建筑物本身,并未包括广场上的铜像。Chinese civilisation also has better standard bearers than these bronze heads of a rat and a rabbit.