




人脸头发以下、眉毛以上的部分,或某些动物头部大致与此相当的部位(俗称“脑门子”):~头。~角(jiǎo )。牌匾:门~。匾~。规定数量:~数。~外。定~。余~。超~。空~。……



汉语拼音:jù é








  1. 很大的数量。多指资财。如:巨额资金;巨额财富。



  1. He said the spending had left Shimane $11 billion in debt, twice the size of the prefectural government's annual budget.


  2. The Federal Reserve would have to pump huge sums of money into the market to keep other banks afloat after Salomon failed to pay them.


  3. Hayder Mobarak's tale did not impress a local judge, who gave him a whopping C$926 fine ($760) and banned him from driving for 30 days.


  4. Huge medical bills due to a personal illness or that of a spouse were also reasons for coming out of retirement, the survey found.


  5. To be sure, currency intervention is often ineffective, because it takes huge gobs of cash to push such large markets around.


  6. The report also said the credit squeeze that has occurred as banks suffered mounting loan losses did not show any significant improvement.


  7. It is unconscionable to leave the next generation with a crushing burden of debt and a nation in decline.


  8. When it notified Bank of America of such gaping write-downs, the bank became fearful it would not have the capital to cover them.


  9. The United States, with its huge debts and credit lines with China, is behaving like an emerging market.


  1. 巨额费用。

    enormous expenses.

  2. 巨额投资者

    a heavy investor.

  3. 牟取巨额利润

    seek a vast profit

  4. 巨额法律费用

    ruinous legal fees.

  5. 巨额贸易顺差

    huge trade surplus.

  6. 巨额保险偿付

    an insurance payout.

  7. 提出巨额索赔

    Claima huge indemnity

  8. 巨额的军费

    a large expenditure of money on armaments.

  9. 巨额贸易逆差

    electronic bill of landing.

  10. 巨额投资付诸东流。

    A huge investment was wasted.

  11. 巨额投资付诸东流。

    A huge investment was wasted.

  12. 巨额融资的权威

    The guru of high finance.

  13. 巨额医药费保险

    major medical insurance policy

  14. 积累了巨额财富

    have accumulated a huge amount of wealth

  15. 巨额财产来源不明

    Unstated Source of Large Properties

  16. 巨额透支的帐户。

    Overdraw a heavily overdrawn account.

  17. 对华贸易巨额逆差

    huge trade deficit with China

  18. 他掌握著巨额资金。

    He has enormous funds at his command.

  19. 公司财产的巨额流失

    A hemorrhage of corporate earnings.

  20. 巨额损失得到了赔偿。

    Substantial damages were paid in recompense.

  21. 重税吸走巨额利润。

    Heavy taxes siphon off the huge profits.

  22. 巨额悬赏捉拿这些罪犯。

    A large reward is offered for the capture of the criminals.

  23. 他被判处交巨额罚金。

    He is sentenced to pay a heavy fine.

  24. 有证据表明是巨额欺诈。

    There was evidence of massive fraud.

  25. 美国面临巨额报复性制裁

    US faces heavy sanctions over steel tariffs

  26. 这是一笔巨额得款子。

    It's a large amount of money.

  27. 这是一笔巨额的款子。

    It's a large amount of money.

  28. 何谓巨额捐献者表彰活动?

    What is a Major Donor Recognition event?

  29. 招揽百货商店的巨额订单。

    Seek out big orders from department stores.

  30. 这个工程耗费了巨额资金。

    A large amount of money is spent on the project.


  1. 问:巨额拼音怎么拼?巨额的读音是什么?巨额翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨额的读音是jù'é,巨额翻译成英文是 enormous amounts

  2. 问:巨额拼音怎么拼?巨额的读音是什么?巨额翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨额的读音是jùé,巨额翻译成英文是 huge; a huge sum; a huge amount of money

  3. 问:巨额的拼音怎么拼?巨额的的读音是什么?巨额的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨额的的读音是,巨额的翻译成英文是 megacephalic

  4. 问:巨额交易拼音怎么拼?巨额交易的读音是什么?巨额交易翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨额交易的读音是jù é jiāo yì,巨额交易翻译成英文是 extensive transaction

  5. 问:巨额冲销拼音怎么拼?巨额冲销的读音是什么?巨额冲销翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨额冲销的读音是jù é chōng xiāo,巨额冲销翻译成英文是 big bath

  6. 问:巨额奖金拼音怎么拼?巨额奖金的读音是什么?巨额奖金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨额奖金的读音是jù é jiǎng jīn,巨额奖金翻译成英文是 jackpot

  7. 问:巨额定单拼音怎么拼?巨额定单的读音是什么?巨额定单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨额定单的读音是,巨额定单翻译成英文是 maxiorder

  8. 问:巨额支出拼音怎么拼?巨额支出的读音是什么?巨额支出翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨额支出的读音是jù é zhī chū,巨额支出翻译成英文是 heavy payment

  9. 问:巨额颚糠虾拼音怎么拼?巨额颚糠虾的读音是什么?巨额颚糠虾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨额颚糠虾的读音是jù'é'èkāngxiā,巨额颚糠虾翻译成英文是 Gnathophausia ingens

  10. 问:巨额对外赤字拼音怎么拼?巨额对外赤字的读音是什么?巨额对外赤字翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨额对外赤字的读音是jù é duì wài chì zì,巨额对外赤字翻译成英文是 large external deficit

  11. 问:巨额非常性交易拼音怎么拼?巨额非常性交易的读音是什么?巨额非常性交易翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨额非常性交易的读音是jù é fēi cháng xìng jiāo yì,巨额非常性交易翻译成英文是 large special non-recurring transaction

  12. 问:巨额财产来源不明罪拼音怎么拼?巨额财产来源不明罪的读音是什么?巨额财产来源不明罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨额财产来源不明罪的读音是jù’écáichǎnláiyuánbùmíngzuì,巨额财产来源不明罪翻译成英文是 The action of a government worker whose wealth o...



巨额 jù’é [enormous amounts] 巨大的数额 巨额金钱 法律定义 对于刑事犯罪所造成的涉案金额,达到人民币二十万以上者定义为巨额