








汉语拼音:xī xià






  1. 相传为我国古代西方的小国名。

    《穆天子传》卷四:“自 阳紆 西至于 西夏氏 ,二千又五百里。自 西夏 至于 珠余氏 及 河首 ,千有五百里。”《逸周书·史记》:“昔者 西夏 性仁非兵,城郭不脩,武士无位,惠而好赏;财屈而无以赏, 唐氏 伐之,城郭不守,武士不用, 西夏 以亡。”

  2. 我国古代少数民族党项族 拓跋氏 于公元1038年建立 大夏 王国, 宋 人名之为 西夏 。共传十主。最盛时,据有今 宁夏 、 陕西 北部、 甘肃 西北部、 青海 东北部和 内蒙古 西部一带。公元1227年为 元 所灭。

  3. 晋 时指 河西 及 荆 襄 一带。

    《南史·宋纪上·武帝》:“ 晋安帝 加九锡策:‘ 刘毅 叛换,负衅 西夏 。’”《资治通鉴·晋怀帝永嘉二年》:“ 晋 室多故,明公抚寧 西夏 , 张镇 兄弟敢肆凶逆,当鸣鼓诛之。”



  1. Cultivation was one of the important means in the replenishment of Song's army during the wartime with Xixia.


  2. Wuwei xixia wood painting and other artistic features I did not uncovered by a more excellent content.


  3. Shen Zong Emperor began to assume a strategic offensive to the West Xia after his enthronement.


  4. The last one gave a brief exposition about environment-protecting awareness of local people shown by official documents of Tangut.


  5. It was the year 1227 the eradication of Western Xia, Jin eradication in 1234, for the reunification of the whole of China is ready.


  6. Our main purpose here was to visit the historic Western Xia Black City and poplar natural reservation area and take photos of them.


  7. Besides, its profound ethnic foundation, its economy, its culture, its politics, and its culture determined its plurality.


  8. The fourth part of the Wuwei region of Xixia excavation carried out by drawing board and sort out a brief list.


  9. Kangding first year (1040) as Shaanxi An Fushi, with the Western Xia Fan Zhongyan common defense, when known as the "Korean Fan. "


  1. 西夏王世纪

    Xixia King Red Wine.

  2. 西夏服饰研究

    A Study on the Costume in the Western Xia.

  3. 西夏王干红

    Xixia King Dry Red.

  4. 西夏王冰白

    Xixia King Ice Wine.

  5. 党项与西夏

    Dangxiang and Western Xia.

  6. 西夏佛教新探

    With New Views on Tangut Buddhism.

  7. 西夏文石刻

    Stone Inscriptions in Western Xia Hieroglyphic

  8. 西夏陵墓雕塑

    tomb sculptures of Western Xia.

  9. 西夏黑河桥碑

    Heihe Bridge Stele of Xixia.

  10. 西夏外来商品小考

    Study on the Foreign Merchandise of HisHsia

  11. 西夏食盐产地研究

    Research on the Productive Place of Common Salt in Xi Xia

  12. 试论西夏的刑罚

    On the Penalty of the Western Xia Regime

  13. 西夏石窟艺术浅述

    A brief study of the grotto art in XiXia

  14. 宋辽金西夏官印

    Official Seals of the Song,Liao,Jin and Western Xia Dynasties

  15. 西夏的历法和历书

    Calendars and Calendar Books in Xixia State

  16. 儒学与西夏文化刍议

    On Confucianism and the Xixia Culture

  17. 西夏开国人口考论

    A Study of the Population in the Beginning of Western Xia

  18. 西夏时期的契约档案

    The Contracts and Records in Xi Xia Time

  19. 宁夏银川西夏酿酒总厂


  20. 西夏的陶瓷砖瓦琉璃

    The ceramics, bricks and tiles, coloured glaze in HSI Hsia Kingdom

  21. 西夏兵器及其配备制度

    Weapons in the West Xia Dynasty and the Way of Allocation

  22. 西夏女兵及其社会风尚

    On the Female Soldiers of the Xixia Kingdom and its Social Customs

  23. 西夏军事后勤供给概论

    A General Introduction to Martial Logistic Supplies in the Western Xia Dynasty

  24. 西夏天文历法述论

    Discussion on Astronomical Almanac in XiXia

  25. 西夏题记文书略论

    A brief discussion on preface document of Xixia

  26. 西夏环境史研究三题

    Discussions on the Natural Environment History of Tangut from Three Aspects

  27. 西夏字属性及编码

    Xixia character attributes and Xixia character encoding

  28. 试论西夏文化的多元性

    On Plurality of Xixia Culture

  29. 西夏京畿的佛教文化

    Buddhist Culture around the Capital Suburbs of the West Xia Dynasty

  30. 西夏法律思想定型化初探

    An Initial Discussion on the Shaping of Legal Ideology in the West Xia Dynasty


  1. 问:西夏拼音怎么拼?西夏的读音是什么?西夏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:西夏的读音是XīXià,西夏翻译成英文是 Xi Xia or Western Xia, refers to the Western Xia Dy...

  2. 问:西夏文拼音怎么拼?西夏文的读音是什么?西夏文翻译成英文是什么?

    答:西夏文的读音是,西夏文翻译成英文是 Tangut script

  3. 问:西夏语拼音怎么拼?西夏语的读音是什么?西夏语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:西夏语的读音是,西夏语翻译成英文是 Tangut language

  4. 问:西夏王陵拼音怎么拼?西夏王陵的读音是什么?西夏王陵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:西夏王陵的读音是,西夏王陵翻译成英文是 Western Xia tombs