




1. 凉 [liáng]2. 凉 [liàng]凉 [liáng]温度低:~快。~爽。~意。~气。阴~。~丝丝。~亭。荒~。喻灰心,失望:听到这消息,我~了半截。中国西晋末年至北魏,各族统治者在西北地区建立的割据政权:五~(前、后、南、北、……



汉语拼音:bēi liáng








  1. 亦作“ 悲凉 ”。悲伤凄凉。

    汉 班固 《白虎通·崩薨》:“黎庶殞涕,海内悲凉。” 唐 杜甫 《地隅》诗:“丧乱 秦公子 ,悲凉 楚大夫 。” 元 辛文房 《唐才子传·崔署》:“﹝ 崔署 ﹞工诗,言词款要,情兴悲凉。” 清 纳兰性德 《金缕曲·寄梁汾》词:“落魄江湖还载酒,一种悲凉滋味。” 茅盾 《子夜》七:“ 林佩珊 正坐在钢琴前弹奏,那音调是异常悲凉。”

  2. 见“ 悲凉 ”。



  1. Looking gently at him again, she was surprised and saddened to see that there were tears in his eyes.


  2. I tried to photograph him in a way that would show the absurdity and the sadness of the situation, without exposing him too much.


  3. So I explained to myself: the hometown used to like this, although made no progress, it doesn't have the sadness as I feel.


  4. The youth facing these with me ache, these injury, these sad, in the face of these not to itch not painful text.


  5. His book, his first book, and his pulse had not gone up a fraction of a beat, and he was only sad.


  6. The passionate rebellion after her child's death had ceased insensibly, and in her misery, in her loneliness, she had found a new faith.


  7. Chinese middle class to see the current situation, there is a writer in Shenyang at the bottom of the icehouse Qileng and desolate.


  8. Such a sad and dreary thing to say, yet so many people agree to it, you can imagine the hardships and loneliness in life.


  9. Thank you S&P. . . some body had to give us consequences for our dismal behavior. We deserve at least this downgrade.


  1. 人生悲凉感

    life dreariness.

  2. 情景十分悲凉。

    The scene is very sad and dreary.

  3. 太悲凉 太昏暗了

    Very sad, dark.

  4. 是那样的悲凉吗?

    Are so desolate do?

  5. 看见了悲凉的场面。

    And saw the dismal spectacle.

  6. 孑然孤行的悲凉美。

    Beauty of desolation.

  7. 慷慨悲凉诗风探因

    The Analytical Study On The Poetry Of Generosity And Desolation

  8. 帮助我们忍受疼痛和悲凉。

    Helping us to bear our pain and misery.

  9. 预言的回声发出悲凉的曲调。

    Prophetic echoes flung dim melody.

  10. 但是我看太悲凉了一点。

    A littleoo sad for me.

  11. 张爱玲构建的悲凉世界

    The Miserable World Created by Zhong Ailing

  12. 这段乐曲听起来有些悲凉。

    That tune sounds quite sad.

  13. 这段乐曲听起来有些悲凉。

    That tune sounds quite sad.

  14. 教堂的钟敲出悲凉的调子。

    The church bell clashed its melancholy note.

  15. 谁说出塞歌的调子太悲凉。

    How could the melody bear too much pathos.

  16. 我母亲的如此悲凉自从我的爸爸离开

    My moms been so forlorn. Ever since my daddy left.

  17. 或者感到悲凉或什么的,但是我没有

    Or. or sad or something, but it wasn't.

  18. 落花无意,春风有意,吹来时间悲凉。

    Petals not, spring intentional, blowing time of desolation.

  19. 这次,幻想与现实悲凉地融合了。

    This time illusion and reality would become tragically fused.

  20. 秋天在大多数人的眼里都是悲凉的。

    Fall in the eyes of most people are miserable in.

  21. 此事在他身上的效果是无边的悲凉。

    The effect produced upon him was one of great sadness.

  22. 我看到他们走开了,感到万分悲凉。

    I saw them walk away and felt absolutely desolated.

  23. 寒蝉的鸣声悲凉凄切,听得令人伤感。

    The plaintive droning of a cicada in cold weather sounds melancholy.

  24. 北国的秋,却特别地来得清,来得静,来得悲凉。

    However, the autumn of northland comes extra lightly, silently and dismally.

  25. 于是,你们能够以宁静的心情看待你们悲凉的冬季。

    And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief.

  26. 忧郁的情感基调造就了边地小说悲凉的美学效果。

    The dumpish emotional keynote brings up the desolate aesthetic effects of the rimland.

  27. 爱的秋叶描画了青春,情的梦吟点缀了躲藏的悲凉。

    Love autumn leaves painted youth, love dream Yin with hide sadness.

  28. 那座旧建筑笼罩着一种说不出的悲凉气氛。

    The old building had an intangible air of sadness about it.

  29. 我不知道,但我知道一个人的我,此时的心境,是那么的悲凉。

    I don know, but I know one personal our, state of mind now, be so desolate.

  30. 寂寞,那样悲凉的一个词,可它却一直陪着我。

    Lonely, sad and dreary as the one word, it has to accompany me.


  1. 问:悲凉拼音怎么拼?悲凉的读音是什么?悲凉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悲凉的读音是bēiliáng,悲凉翻译成英文是 Sad and cold.







