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狠,恶毒:~毒。~刻。~虐。~烈。~无人道。可悲伤,使人难受:凄~。悲~。~淡。~剧。~案。~景。~象。~不忍睹。~绝人寰。程度严重:~重(zhòng )。~败。……
汉语拼音:bēi cǎn
亦作“ 悲憯 ”。悲苦凄惨。
三国 魏明帝 《长歌行》:“徒然喟有和,悲惨伤人情。” 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·风操》:“《礼》云‘忌日不乐’,正以感慕罔极,惻愴无聊,故不接外宾,不理众务耳。必能悲惨自居,何限於深藏也。” 明 刘基 《雪晴偶兴因以成篇》:“天民日望天爱怜,破瓦頽墙最悲憯。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·青衣女鬼》:“见妇方络丝檐下,顰眉泪睫,颜色悲惨。” 峻青 《海啸》第四章:“看到这幅悲惨的情景, 老宫 的两道浓眉,紧紧地皱在了一起。”
Without it, a man will feel that his ill fate has taken charge of him and the world is utterly dark and dreadful.
没有它,一个人会觉得他的悲惨命运主宰了他,世界完全是黑暗的和可怕的。I used to think that I could not go on and life was nothing but an awful song.
我曾经以为我无法坚持下去。生活只不过是一首悲惨的歌。"Here is someone worse off than myself, " said the soldier, and he gave the old man his last scrap of bread.
“这个人的处境比我还要悲惨”士兵说,于是将他最后的一片面包给予了这个老人。Recalling a tiny piece of the past is always difficult while tragic memories from it are always there, ready to haunt you.
总是取消一个极小过去是来自它的悲惨记忆总是所在那里的困难一会儿,预备常到你。A proposal like this could transform a miserable jobs picture into a tolerable one, at a single stroke.
一个像这样的建议会把一幅悲惨的工作图景改变成为一幅可以忍受的画面,只需一击而已。If it weren't so tragic, the current European crisis would be funny, in a gallows-humor sort of way.
按照一种黑色幽默的说法,假如欧洲当前的危机不是那么悲惨,那一定是非常滑稽。But the vision of the miserable life of her mother made her feel horrible .
但是,回忆起母亲的悲惨生活使她感到恐怖。She thinks of her mother a sad person with little success in her life.
她认为母亲是一辈子几科没有成就的悲惨人物。As Liu recovered in the burn unit, his brother coaxed the story out of him.