


对人或事有深挚的感情:喜~。~慕。~情。~戴。~抚。~怜。~恋。~莫能助(虽同情并愿意帮助,但力量做不到)。友~。挚~。仁~。厚~。热~。喜好(hào ):~好(hào)。~唱歌。容易:铁~生锈。重视而加以保护:~护。~惜。吝惜:“百姓皆以……





汉语拼音:ài yì







爱意 [ài yì]
  1. 爱恋欣羡的情意。




  1. As you know, Valentine's Day is a day to express your love, and to celebrate the spirit of love.


  2. By expressing your appreciation to a partner, it may be a reaffirmation of your love, a gift you could give to that person.


  3. Here, use this unique opportunity to use my words, strongly call out the side of you and me, Guangzhou, and sincere love for people around!


  4. I also remember that the smallest gesture of affection would bring a lump to my throat, whether it was directed at me or at someone else.


  5. After the training, Suet-yee is transformed into a sex goddess. Now Lok-shui has some feelings for her.


  6. He talked fondly of his wife, relied on her advice and held her hand in public.


  7. The youth always give roses to their lovers to show how much they love each other.


  8. You gazed at me with eyes full of love And made me understand.


  9. It amazes me at how much love and prayers people send to me now.


  1. 爱意鲜花速递

    Aiyi Flower Express.

  2. 充满温馨爱意

    full of warmth and love

  3. 是啊 是啊 爱意浓浓

    right.right,uh,lots of le.

  4. 充满爱意地追念…

    in loving memory of...

  5. 给予他我的爱意

    Send him my love.

  6. 表达爱意的时机成熟。

    The time is ripe for me to express my love.

  7. 我可没听出爱意。

    I don't hear the word love in there.

  8. 我可没听出爱意。

    I don't hear the word love in there.

  9. 直到爱意溢满你心

    Til the sweetness gets to you

  10. 他对她述说着爱意。

    He was talking to her about love.

  11. 爱意在他胸中激荡。

    A feeling of love surged in his breast.

  12. 我训练自己心存爱意

    And I train by trying to stay in love.

  13. 爱抚轻轻抚摸以示爱意

    To stroke lightly as a gesture of affection.

  14. 宠爱的对象包含爱意的东西

    An object of the affections.

  15. 爱意铭刻在桃心木上

    One love carved in acajou

  16. 付出多少美丽音符的爱意。

    How much love for the beautiful note.

  17. 充满爱意地轻触或抚摸

    to touch or stroke in an affectionate or loving manner

  18. 这样我们家就爱意盈盈了!

    Our home will then be filled with love!

  19. 我太开心了,心里充满爱意。

    I'm just so happy, Filled with love.

  20. 他在信中表达了他的爱意。

    He spoke about his love in the letter.

  21. 我充满爱意, 幽默, 雄心和才智。

    I am filled with love, humor, ambition and intelligence.

  22. 皆是深藏心底的爱意, 宝贝!

    Is love so deep inside of me, baby!

  23. 皆是深藏心底得爱意,宝贝!

    Is love so deep inside of me, baby!

  24. 他抱紧了我, 喃喃述说著爱意。

    He held me close to him, murmuring endearments.

  25. 她对他骤生爱意, 欲火攻心。

    She felt a surge of love and desire for him.

  26. 心形的东西最能表达爱意。

    The heart is the most important symbol of people's love.

  27. 抚爱充满爱意地轻触或抚摸。

    To touch or stroke in an affectionate or loving manner.

  28. 青春化神剑,在蓝天挥洒爱意。

    Youth changes divine sword, love is aspersed in blue sky brandish.

  29. 是形成环绕整个家的融融爱意。

    It is a circle of love that surrounds the whole family.

  30. 是形成环绕整个家得融融爱意。

    It is a circle of love that surrounds the whole family.



“爱意”是个多义词,它可以指爱意(刘德华专辑), 爱意(爱意女鞋), 爱意(词语释义)。