







汉语拼音:mǎn táng










  1. 充满堂上。

    《楚辞·九歌·东皇太一》:“灵偃蹇兮姣服,芳菲菲兮满堂。”《后汉书·列女传·董祀妻》:“时公卿名士及远方使驛坐者满堂。”《花城》1981年第6期:“‘唷喂!--都满堂了。’我听到身后一个女人的、浓重的 川 西口音。”

  2. 整个堂上。


  3. 春秋 、 战国 时 楚 地。即 两棠 。在今 河南省 荥阳县 西南,为险要之地。

    汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·险固》:“ 楚 有 汝渊 、 满堂 之固而灭於 秦 。”

  4. 代指金玉。语出《老子》:“金玉满堂,莫之能守。” 南朝 梁 任昉 《天监三年策秀才文》之一:“今欲使朕无满堂之念,民有家给之饶。” 宋 范仲淹 《稼穑惟宝赋》:“田畴播殖之时,岂惭种玉;仓廪丰登之际,寧让满堂。”



  1. As I quip in Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids, "No one asks to be born, but almost everyone would if he could. "


  2. And with that our daughters were welcomedinto their lives with a roomful of laughter.


  3. Whatever you think and whatever you need All in full with Love &Art!


  4. Another village woman falsely accused because of her children and grandchildren only, and their nine children died, eight of jealousy!


  5. Kids and a wife, it's a beautiful life, nobody knows me at all.


  6. The architectural characteristics and aesthetic value of Mantang Hakka Manor House have demonstrated the human spirit of the Hakka people.


  7. Tradition also calls for a joined community effort to make the newly weds an anticipation for many children to come.


  8. He had lots of children and grandchildren, which for Chinese people is the best luck possible.


  9. In his book The Haves and the Have Nots, Branko Milanovic tries todiscover who was the richest person who has ever lived.


  1. 她博得满堂彩。

    She brought down the house.

  2. 儿孙满堂。

    Surrounded by grandchildren.

  3. 满堂客家大围。

    Mantang Hakka Manor House.

  4. 家里子孙满堂。

    The house was brimming with children and grandchildren.

  5. 舞厅里满堂宾客。

    The ballroom was peopled with guests.

  6. 艾草香, 香满堂。

    Wormwood incense, incense Mantang.

  7. 艾草香,香满堂。

    Wormwood incense, incense Mantang.

  8. 祝您长寿,子孙满堂。

    May you live to be a ripe old age and have dozens of grandchildren.

  9. 歌手的表演获得满堂采。

    The performance of the singer wins great applaud.

  10. 杂技演员的表演获满堂采。

    The acrobats performance brought down.

  11. 她的表演博得满堂喝彩。

    Her performance brought down the house.

  12. 杂技演员的表演获得满堂采。

    The acrobat's performance brought down the house.

  13. 杂技演员得表演获得满堂采。

    The acrobat's performance brought down the house.

  14. 烦疴近消散,嘉宾复满堂。

    And driven the feverish heat away From where my eminent guests are gathered.

  15. 他们的优异演出搏得了满堂彩。

    They brought the house down with their excellent performance.

  16. 指环王的原声唱片卖得满堂红。

    The soundtrack from Lord of the Rings has turned into a big hit.

  17. 满堂红西槎分店黄店长如是说。

    Hew out of the West branch manager Huang said.

  18. 满堂支模架的失稳原因与追溯

    Cause and Analysis of Stability Loss of Full Frame

  19. 摆放于室内, 有满堂富贵之美好寓意!

    Display at the room, to have a better symbolize a rich!

  20. 满堂大围的建筑特色与美学价值

    The Architectural Characteristics and Aesthetic Value of Mantang Hakka Manor House

  21. 他一曲唱罢,赢得了满堂的喝彩。

    After singing one song, he met with applause from the whole audience.

  22. 他一曲唱罢,赢得了满堂的喝彩。

    After singing one song, he met with applause from the whole audience.

  23. 此话出唇后, 立刻获得满堂彩声。

    After this words was out of her lip, she immediately access to the applause sound.

  24. 结婚蛋糕一向象征着幸福美满,儿女满堂。

    The wedding cake has always stood for good fortune and fertility.

  25. 在传统上,新娘花束时儿女满堂的象征。

    The bridal bouquet has traditionally been a symbol of fertility.

  26. 史蒂夫以一手满堂红赢了这副牌。

    Steve won the poker game with a full house.

  27. 一场棒极了的演出使乐队博得了满堂彩。

    The band brought down the house after an awesome performance.

  28. 过春节的时候,他的儿女们都齐聚满堂。

    In Spring Festival, his children all gathered in the room.

  29. 过春节得时候,他得儿女们都齐聚满堂。

    In Spring Festival, his children all gathered in the room.

  30. 过春节的时候,他的儿女们都齐聚满堂。

    In Spring Festival, his children all gathered in the room.


  1. 问:满堂拼音怎么拼?满堂的读音是什么?满堂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:满堂的读音是mǎntáng,满堂翻译成英文是 The whole audience.; To fill the whole hall....

  2. 问:满堂彩拼音怎么拼?满堂彩的读音是什么?满堂彩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:满堂彩的读音是mǎntángcǎi,满堂彩翻译成英文是 bring the house down, usually used in "得了个满堂...

  3. 问:满堂红拼音怎么拼?满堂红的读音是什么?满堂红翻译成英文是什么?

    答:满堂红的读音是mǎntánghóng,满堂红翻译成英文是 success in every endeavor; all-round victory...

  4. 问:满堂摊料拼音怎么拼?满堂摊料的读音是什么?满堂摊料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:满堂摊料的读音是mǎn táng tān liào,满堂摊料翻译成英文是 blade over the roadway

  5. 问:满堂支架拼音怎么拼?满堂支架的读音是什么?满堂支架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:满堂支架的读音是mǎn táng zhī jià,满堂支架翻译成英文是 full framing

  6. 问:满堂脚手架拼音怎么拼?满堂脚手架的读音是什么?满堂脚手架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:满堂脚手架的读音是mǎn táng jiǎo shǒu jià,满堂脚手架翻译成英文是 full framing scaffolding