




1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……







汉语拼音:shùn fēng chuī huǒ







  • 【解释】:比喻乘便行事,并不费力。
  • 【出自】:《景德传灯录》:“因风吹火,用力不多。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;含褒义


  1. na.
  2. do a job made easy by outside help;have a favourable wind to blow the fire

  1. 顺风吹火的机会你不及时把握,难道偏要逆水行舟?

    Why didn't you take such a favorable opportunity? Do you really want to go against the current?

  2. 顺风吹哨吧

    So whistle down the wind

  3. 烟灰吹除, 吹火

    soot blowing

  4. 接着,他把胸口贴在地上,用力吹火。

    Then down he went on his stomach, and took a good blow.

  5. 送你的恐龙横冲直撞碎一切的道,吹火的障碍。

    Send your dino on a rampage crushing everything in the way and blowing fire at obstacles.

  6. 又过去把火吹吹亮

    I went to blow the fire aflame

  7. 只要老天乖乖儿吹顺风,我明天就动身。

    I'll go tomorrow if the wind behaves.

  8. 大觉大悟虽然还离得很远,顺风已吹满了你的主帆。

    Enlightenment may still be far away, but the wind is now with your sail.

  9. 烤炉的火如果吹灭了会自动再点燃。

    The oven burners reignite automatically if blown out.

  10. 大风吹过, 火从翻倒的炉子和煤气管道中蔓延开来。

    Fanned by high winds, fires from overturned cookstoves and ruptured gas mains spread.

  11. 她吹火助燃。

    She blows the fire.

  12. 吹火使热度加强。

    Blowing on fire intensifies the heat.

  13. 吹火使它熊熊燃烧。

    Blow the fire into a good blaze

  14. 请现在把它吹火吧!

    Please blow it out now!

  15. 你得吹吹火, 使它烧旺起来。

    You have to blow up the fire to make it burn

  16. 但是她无论怎么吹火, 都不能点燃它们。

    But even though she blew and blew on it, she couldn't get the fire going.

  17. 以前吹火筒的功能就类似于现在的鼓风机。

    The function of the fire-blower of old times was similar to that of an air-blower now.

  18. 如风吹烛则熄,吹火则旺,分离吹熄小感情,吹旺大感情。

    Absence extinguishes small passions and increase great ones, as the wind will blow out a candle, and blow in a fire.

  19. 支您的恐龙横冲直碰碎统统的说,吹火抵章兴碍。

    Send your dino on a rampage crushing everything in the way and blowing fire at obstacles.

  20. 你得把火吹旺让它烧起来。

    You'll have to blow up the fire to make it burn.

  21. 他试图把火吹旺,谁知火却熄了。

    He tried to blow up a fire. The fire died out, instead.

  22. 猎人将火吹旺, 做好了他的早饭。

    The hunter blew up the fire and cooked his breakfast.

  23. 猎人将火吹旺, 做好了他得早饭。

    The hunter blew up the fire and cooked his breakfast.

  24. 一阵风吹来,使小船顺风前进。

    A slant of wind favoured the boat.

  25. 吹气拨火孔

    air blown poke hole.

  26. 风吹熄了烛火。

    The wind blew the candles out.

  27. 顺风的顺着风吹动的方向

    In the direction in which the wind blows.

  28. 向灰烬吹气使火复燃

    rekindle the fire by blowing on the ashes

  29. 顺风的顺船,飞机方向而吹的。用于风

    Blowing in the same direction as the course of a ship or an aircraft. Used of wind.

  30. 火试金灰吹合粒开花的讨论

    Discussion of Bead Flowering in the Fire Assay Cupellation.

