


物体的周围部分,外缘:~缘。~沿。国家或地区交界处:~疆。~界。~防。~境。~陲(边境)。几何学上指夹成角或围成多角形的直线:等~三角形。旁侧,近旁:身~。~锋。方面:~干(gàn )~学。表示方位:上~。外~。姓。……


1. 旁 [páng]2. 旁 [bàng]旁 [páng]左右两侧:~边。~侧。~门。~出。~听。~若无人。其他,另外:~人。~的话。触类~通。责无~贷。~证。~白(戏剧角色背着台上其他剧中人对观众说的话)。~落。广,广泛:~征博引。邪、……



汉语拼音:biān páng








  1. 靠近边界的地方。

    《尔雅·释诂下》“疆、界、边、卫、圉,垂也” 晋 郭璞 注:“疆埸、竟界、边旁、营卫、守圉,皆在外垂也。”

  2. 犹旁边。

    《敦煌变文集·董永变文》:“ 董仲 长年到七岁,街头由喜(游戏)道边旁。” 清 杨潮观 《信陵君义葬金钗》:“幸喜得扬兵西上,奈怕强 秦 似虎狼,仍袖手在边旁。” 沙汀 《催粮》:“那个等在边旁的 刘老三 忽然烦躁起来。”一本作“旁边”。

  3. 犹偏旁。

    明 刘若愚 《酌中志·见闻琐事杂记》:“其楷书笔法似 沉度 ,而草书则从 张颠 怀素 ,间杂以篆籀边旁。”



  1. 网络
  2. lzln

  1. 坐在你妈妈旁 边。

    Sit beside your mother.

  2. 智利馆旁 边是墨西哥馆。

    In the Chile Pavilion, there is a well.

  3. 最后,我们围坐在营火旁,边烤鱼边唱歌。

    Finally, we sat around the fire, roasted the fish and sang songs.

  4. 再听一遍录音,边听边读图画旁的说明。

    Listen again and follow the instructions next to the pictures.

  5. 在城门边,在炉火旁,我曾看到你们五体投地,膜拜自己的自由

    At the city gate and by your fireside I have seen you prostrate yourself and worship your own freedom.

  6. 可以把它们停在灯柱下, 篱笆旁, 栏杆边。

    They can be parked on lamp posts, fences and railings.

  7. 他在厨房的桌子旁吃饭,边吃边听着收音机。

    He eats at the kitchen table and listens to the radio.

  8. 在墓旁,他的遗孀和女儿们依偎在他的遗体边。

    At the graveside, his widow and daughters clung to his corpse.

  9. 他边说话边摇头,母亲像石块一样坐在他身旁。

    He talked and tossed, and his mother sat stonily by his side.

  10. 当他们边吃边谈的时候,侍者必须守在身旁。

    While they were talking and eating, the waiter had to stay by the talbe.

  11. 是的,先生,安妮边回答边慢慢地挪到了吉尔伯特的书桌旁。

    Yes sir, 'said Anne and moved slowly to Gilbert's desk.

  12. 边廊,旁廊

    side corridor.

  13. 旁音, 边音, 侧音

    side tone

  14. 旁音,边音,侧音。

    Side tone.

  15. 首先,走到大炮边的机器旁。

    First, go to the machine near the cannon.

  16. 首先,走到大炮边得机器旁。

    First, go to the machine near the cannon.

  17. 宅边, 道旁清流涓涓, 环境优雅。

    House edge alongside the clear stream trickling sluggishly the environment elegant.

  18. 在他湖边小屋的壁炉旁拥抱我

    Cuddle me by the fire at his lake house.

  19. 教师于学生沿着人行道旁的边石排队。

    The teacher ranged his pupils along the curb.

  20. 放置在导电球体近旁的天线的边值问题

    Boundary Value Problems of Antennas near the Conducting Spheroid

  21. 一口井边有一棵桃树,桃树旁是一棵李树。

    There is a tree by well, and a plum tree next to it.

  22. 教师于学生沿著人行道旁的边石排队。

    The teacher ranged his pupils along the curb.

  23. 将这盏灯放置在你床边的桌子旁。

    Place the lamp on a table beside your bed.

  24. 旁注在左页边距放置得框架得样式。

    A style for placing a frame beside the left margin.

  25. 旁注在左页边距放置的框架的样式。

    A style for placing a frame beside the left margin.

  26. 如今一口井边有一棵桃树, 桃树旁是一棵李树。

    Now there is a tree by well, and a plum tree next to it.

  27. 盘边的稍大些。当你在餐桌旁坐下来,你就可以

    Bigger than the ones beside them. When you sit down at the table, you can

  28. 盘边得稍大些。当你在餐桌旁坐下来,你就可以

    Bigger than the ones beside them. When you sit down at the table, you can.

  29. 您没看见黑鹂么?它正在你身旁女人的脚边转悠。

    Do you not see how the blackbird Walks around the feet Of the women about you?

  30. 有位年轻人在岸边钓鱼, 邻旁坐着一位老人, 也在钓鱼。

    One young man in shore angling, neighbors sitting next to an old man, also fishing.