


1. 舒 [shū]舒 [shū]展开,伸展:~展。~畅。~张。~卷(juǎn )。~适。~心。从容,缓慢:~缓。姓。……





汉语拼音:shū xīn








  1. 抒展心情。

    南朝 齐 丘巨源 《咏七宝扇》:“卷情随象簟,舒心谢锦茵。”

  2. 心情舒畅;适意。

    元 关汉卿 《裴度还带》第二折:“休越朝廷法例,舒心赔纳。” 魏巍 《东方》第一部第三章:“妈从来没有过过这种舒心的日子。” 郭小川 《祝酒歌》:“舒心的酒,千杯不醉。”



  1. Lisa was good for you tonight; you were more relaxed than I've seen you in weeks.


  2. "Oh, yeah, " he said, flashing a relieved smile; something was lost, and he got to keep it.


  3. It was all part of his peculiar journey: raised in the United States, representing China, but never entirely comfortable in Beijing.


  4. But if they walked into a university lecture hall, they would no doubt be comforted that some things have not changed.


  5. It feels like we've always been a part of each other's life--listening, caring, sharing, having fun, and feeling comfortable together.


  6. My office is also in the ballroom, and while I would love to be able to move my studio out of my house, for now this is a great set-up.


  7. Real comfort is not the byproduct of specific foods any more than it is the result of alcohol or drugs or money or pleasure or power.


  8. To make you feel better: Now, if you have cooked the worst meal ever, you would not want him to tell you that in the face right?


  9. He wished he hadn't had that last beer. It would be nice to be totally clearheaded for whatever this thing turned out to be.


  1. 舒心祛风汤

    Shuxinqufeng Decoction

  2. 我有多舒心

    who are just as screwed up as I am, so.

  3. 亚当感到很舒心。

    And Adam was comforted.

  4. 老两口的日子越来越舒心。

    The old couple are increasingly content with their lives.

  5. 用起来让人感觉非常舒心

    It's a delight to use.

  6. 悲恸一周为买舒心片刻?

    Who buys a minutes mirth to wail a week.

  7. 永别了母亲,祝你能舒心。

    Kindhearted mother, may you be tranquil.

  8. 你这个假期过得可真是舒心。

    You really enjoy your holidays.

  9. 在您使用舒心的同时, 让您花最少的钱!

    This is an invaluable part of cash gifting.

  10. 她有一点私房钱,所以他们过得很舒心。

    She has a bit of private money, so they manage quite nicely.

  11. 目得建立舒心通脉口服液得质量控制方法。

    Objective To establish the quality standard for Shuxintongmai oral liquid.

  12. 舒心健食汤治疗进食障碍30例临床分析

    Clinical analysis on30 cases of eating disorders treated by the Chinese medicine of Shuxinjianshi decoction

  13. 天还是那么蓝,云还是那么白,总之让人觉得舒心。

    Sky is blue, and cloud is milky, which makes one feel good.

  14. 成熟的女人会展现母性的温柔给丈夫一份舒心。

    Mature women will show a maternal tenderness to her husband.

  15. 一个人如果感觉舒心,就不必去胡吃海塞。

    When you are happy about yourself you won't need to fill yourself up with food.

  16. 我就不相信,天下之大,没有你能舒心的工作。

    I do not believe that the world is large, there is no work you can relax.

  17. 我们背上行囊, 登上冒险得征程, 只为找到舒心得爱。

    We put on our backpack for our adventure for the love of ease.

  18. 我们背上行囊,登上冒险的征程,只为找到舒心的爱。

    We put on our backpack for our adventure for the love of ease.

  19. 不再有旧有的压抑感和紧张气氛,而令人愉悦舒心

    No longer the old sense of oppression and a tense atmosphere, and pleasant.

  20. 这多么奇妙 我们让这成为可能 写博客让她很舒心

    And that was amazing. To be able to know that we had empowered that, and that blogging was something that she felt comfortable doing, and that.

  21. 我们算然不需要像僧侣一样誓言贫穷才活的舒心。

    We don't have to live like monks a vow of poverty to live comfortably.

  22. 我们算然不需要像僧侣一样誓言贫穷才活得舒心。

    We don't have to live like monks a vow of poverty to live comfortably.

  23. 再涂上主人喜欢的一些自然色调,更让人感到舒心。

    Re attached masters like some natural color, but also makes people feel comfort.

  24. 一般是在一边放一盆花卉, 使餐厅生气盎然, 感到舒心。

    It is to put a flowers aside commonly, make diningroom exuberant , feel Shu Xin.

  25. 目的观察舒心胶囊对冠心病不稳定性心绞痛的治疗作用。

    Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of Shuxin capsule in treating patients with unstable angina pectoris.

  26. 愿宽慰善言,舒心触抚,暖意笑容与君相随每一天。

    May a kind of world, a reassuring touch, a warm smile be yours every day of your life.

  27. 可有时这些令人舒心的细小点滴也会遇上巨大挑战。

    But there are times when these small comforts are up against big challenges.

  28. 舒心丸治疗胸痹气阴两虚兼血瘀证的临床研究

    Clinical Reaearch on Syndrome Due to Deficiency of Qi and Yin Combined to Blood Stasis of Chest or Heart Pain Treated by Shuxin Pills

  29. 主题纯真朴实,看了使人舒心或给人以慰藉的电视节目。

    Television programs with unsophisticated or homespun themes that comfort or provide solace.

  30. 至于最让我吃得舒心的,应该算是意大利南部传统美食了。

    The consistently best restaurant food I, ve ever had is Vietnamese.


  1. 问:舒心拼音怎么拼?舒心的读音是什么?舒心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:舒心的读音是shūxīn,舒心翻译成英文是 content

