











汉语拼音:cǐ shí cǐ kè



  1. At the moment, however, Katherine had a cell phone pressed to her ear while she was dashing blindly along the endless length of carpet.


  2. I know words are not much comfort at a time like this, but I hope you know your grief is shared by so many good friends.


  3. The first issue addressed is the concept of the real relationship as used in the moment of meeting model of psychotherapeutic change.


  4. Remember that there is only one important time and is Now. The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion.


  5. Right now, there's a big debate taking place in Washington that will affect how much you pay in taxes next year.


  6. Right now it strikes me that it is a mission by no means easy to complete.


  7. It seemed to me that the great calamity had already manifested itself, that I could be no more truly alone than at this very moment.


  8. For the moment, it feels good to have no set direction at all.


  9. "At this point we have no plan to go offensive, but we will be aggressively defending ourselves if necessary, " he said.


  1. 每当此时此刻

    Whenever is here and now.

  2. 此时此刻,非常幸福。

    Right here,right now.

  3. 此时此刻是很吓人

    At the moment, scary.

  4. 此时此刻,就是爱吧?

    This time it's love.

  5. 此时此刻,诸事顺利。

    Everything is smooth just now.

  6. 他们来了!此时此刻。

    There they are! And at this very moment.

  7. 此时此刻她无心闲聊。

    At the moment she had no appetite for gossip.

  8. 我此时此刻最爱你

    I have never loved you more.

  9. 此时此刻,非我莫属

    If not now, When? If not me, Who?

  10. 没有,但我想此时此刻

    No, but I imagine that right about now.

  11. 因为此时此刻,我的情敌是

    Because right now, my competition.

  12. 此时此刻,巴西比意大利强。

    At this moment in time Brazil are stronger than Italy.

  13. 此时此刻,我也不想管了。

    At this point, neither do I.

  14. 此时此刻,我也不想管了。

    At this point, neither do I.

  15. 此时此刻,法官大人,检方希望

    At this time, Your Honor, the people would like.

  16. 此时此刻我严重感到受到背叛。

    My sense of betrayal is huge at this moment.

  17. 此时此刻, 多少温馨祝福涌上心头。

    Lots of good wishes surge to mind.

  18. 如何面对人生?此时此刻我好落魄!

    How to face life ?At the moment I am very abjection!

  19. 此时此刻回顾历史,似乎结局已定。

    Atmoment recalls the history appears to end has been fixed.

  20. 那就是此时此刻会不同的原因了。

    That's why this time it'll be different.

  21. 只想着此时此刻和当下的满足

    He just thinks about the here and now and the immediate gratification.

  22. 此时此刻两人总是会意地一笑。

    At this moment another smile of deep meaning passed between her and her.

  23. 此时此刻,我幸福至极 已无所求。

    I don't need to be any happier than I am already at this very second.

  24. 但是我告诉您,此时此刻,人们听我的。

    But I tell you, at this point, people listened to me.

  25. 此时此刻的我和你,有些迷惑,有些忧郁。

    Here we are, me and you feeling lost and feeling blue.

  26. 此时此刻我不想去考虑贝的问题

    Look, I don't wanna think about Bay right now.

  27. 这正是此时此刻之庄严及其意义所在。

    This is the majesty and the meaning of this moment.

  28. 此时此刻,生命正诞生于火山活动中。

    as we speak, there's life being generated there from volcanic activity.

  29. 此时此刻尚有许多吃不饱得人。

    At this very minute there are many people who have very little to eat.

  30. 此时此刻尚有许多吃不饱的人。

    At this very minute there are many people who have very little to eat.


  1. 问:此时此刻拼音怎么拼?此时此刻的读音是什么?此时此刻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:此时此刻的读音是cǐshícǐkè,此时此刻翻译成英文是 right now



“此时此刻”是个多义词,它可以指此时此刻(香港电视剧名媛望族主题曲), 此时此刻(2002年美国电影), 此时此刻(许巍音乐专辑), 此时此刻(许巍歌曲), 此时此刻(2012年美国电影), 此时此刻(凤凰视频出品电影短片)。