







汉语拼音:mǎn yǎn









  1. 充满视野。

    晋 陶潜 《祭程氏妹文》:“寻念平昔,触事未远,书疏犹存,遗孤满眼。” 唐 杜甫 《千秋节有感》诗之二:“ 桂江 流向北,满眼送波涛。” 清 张养重 《汀州道中》诗:“可怜满眼崎嶇路,惟有青猿伴客愁。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部三:“母女两个从来没有去过 上海 ,一下了北火车站,满眼尽是高楼大厦,几乎遮去了半个天。”

  2. 犹言一心一意。

    《水浒传》第八一回:“ 宋江 等满眼只望太尉来招安。若得恩相早晚於天子前题奏此事,则 梁山泊 十万之众,皆感大恩!”《警世通言·小夫人金钱赠年少》:“娘如今六十已上年纪,自从没了你爷,便满眼只看你,若是你做出事来,老身靠谁?”

  3. 充满眼球。

    曹禺 《雷雨》第三幕:“ 鲁贵 坐在左边一张破靠椅上,喝得醉醺醺的,满眼红丝,像个猴子,望着 侍萍 打着噎。”



  1. She stopped cutting long enough to lift her arm to her eyes in a tragic pose. Then she resumed, more tearfully.


  2. When Kanlou car into a residential door, she was deeply attracted by the eyeful of green, and that the goldfish pond.


  3. There may not even be a bombing, just a close-up on Nashef's soft eyes, and a white screen. Not even a 'boom.


  4. Several times a week I slug it out with city dwellers for a place in the subway. They seem a bad lot.


  5. Yet, in places like Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area and Washington, DC, every other car seems to be a Toyota Prius.


  6. Perhaps the person of that in a dream hides deep place at the white cloud, past fog of the eyeful, was fond of me to return of footstep.


  7. She looked at me with the eyes of a skeptic and shook her head. "How do they know they're really twins? "


  8. When he heard that, he looked at me with scorn in his eyes.


  9. but, with tears in her eyes, she looked sadly at her crutches.


  1. 满眼的山花

    mountain flowers greeting the eye everywhere.

  2. 满眼感激的泪花

    an eyeful of thankful tears

  3. 她满眼泪花。

    Her eyes are full of tears.

  4. 喷枪弄得满眼的水

    Got an eyeful of water from the squirt gun.

  5. 今天满眼是青翠的田野。

    This day the verdant field are seen.

  6. 我看到她满眼含泪。

    I saw her eyes well up with tears.

  7. 他满眼泪水, 不怕难为情。

    There were unashamed tears in his eyes.

  8. 漳州大地满眼翠绿, 生气盎然。

    Zhangzhou earth eyeful is emerald green, exuberant.

  9. 因为满眼泪水,我看不清楚。

    I couldn't see for the tears in my eyes.

  10. 满眼金星乱转,而且越转越快。

    Stars appeared everywhere, spinning round and round, faster and faster.

  11. 他看着凯瑟琳,满眼忧伤。

    As he looked at Katherine, great sorrow clouded his eyes.

  12. 可我讨厌皮肤晒破,满眼灰尘。

    But I hate I get sunburn and dust in my eyes.

  13. 他满眼泪水,木然地站在那里。

    His eyes were filled with tears and he stood there, stupefied.

  14. 这个女孩满眼含泪地回家了。

    The girl went home with tears in her eyes.

  15. 而此时的我,已是满眼水汪汪的泪水。

    And at this time I have a eyeful watery tears.

  16. 卡车经过时,我进了满眼的砂子。

    As the lorry went past, I got an eyeful of grit.

  17. 听完这些, 他满眼鄙视的看着我。

    When he heard that, he looked at me with scorn in his eyes.

  18. 这也象你,贾菲,满眼泪水的研究。

    That's like you too, Japhy, studying with eyes full of tears.

  19. 他一连两夜没有睡,满眼都是血丝。

    He didn't sleep for two successive nights, so his eyes are bloodshot.

  20. 我只记得满眼看到的都是黑色的烟灰。

    I just remember seeing biack soot everywhere.

  21. 她满眼狐疑地看着我,然后摇了摇头。

    She looked at me with the eyes of a skeptic and shook her head.

  22. 我向四周一望, 满眼都是痛心的惨状。

    When I could look about, I could see nothing but distress round us.

  23. 满眼望去都是葡萄园,孩子们都盼望着新年。

    Children are looking forward to New Year's Day.

  24. 她注意到他一听见这建议就满眼放光。

    She had noticed a definite twinkle in his eye at the suggestion.

  25. 小孩子们在满眼绿色的公园里快乐地玩耍。

    Small children played happily in verdant parks.

  26. 春去夏来,不经意间,京城又是满眼绿色。

    Last summer's spring, almost inadvertently, Beijing is eyeful green.

  27. 河谷附近的冲击平原, 盐湖里满眼的黄色, 棕色。

    Nearby river valleys, flood plains, and salt lakes appear in tones of beige and brown.

  28. 这满眼的绿色让地球看起来像重生了一般。

    All this green make the earth look like it's been reborn.

  29. 满眼不堪三月暮,举头已觉千山绿。

    Eyeful unbearable March evening, I lift my head has felt a thousand mountains green.

  30. 满眼柔丝飞絮雾蒙蒙的溶了一角的天空。

    Eyeful rose willow catkins foggy dissolve a corner of the sky.


  1. 问:满眼拼音怎么拼?满眼的读音是什么?满眼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:满眼的读音是mǎnyǎn,满眼翻译成英文是 eyeful; have one's eyes filled with