







汉语拼音:mǎn mù








  1. 充满视野。

    三国 魏 曹丕 《与锺大理书》:“捧匣跪发,五内震骇,绳穷匣开,烂然满目。” 宋 秦观 《如梦令》词之五:“池上春归何处,满目落花飞絮。” 明 李贽 《复邓石阳书》:“而年逼耳顺,体素羸弱,以为弟姪已满目,可以无歉矣,遂自安慰焉。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》十四:“满目雪色长林,欣欣然迎我这万里羁客。”



  1. the truth is one puts up a rainbow in the sky, so that the haze of people everywhere to see the beauty of the world!


  2. Tuesday's twin car bombing in Algiers was more than just another attack in a strife-torn nation.


  3. With a name like Iceland, you'd think ice would be all you could see there.


  4. Well, with some heavy February downpours following one of the driest Januarys on record, positively verdant is the answer right now.


  5. But on this dark afternoon, a creeping unease washes over me as I sit on the sofa and survey the gloomy wreckage of the holiday.


  6. And Brummies, as they're known, are unlikely to shout their musical pedigree from the rooftops of the city's Victorian terraced houses.


  7. You may meet in the flickered sunlight any number of little princes and princesses far more real than the poor survivals of Europe.


  8. The city's small villages far away from a beautiful, lush everywhere, to breathe between the grass is full of fresh air.


  9. The Doha round of trade talks is in tatters, because farm protection is still too precious.


  1. 满目荒凉。

    A scene of desolation met the eye on every side.

  2. 满目湛蓝交映

    Hue of indigo and blue.

  3. 山坡上芳菲满目。

    On the mountainside flowers and plants meet the eye on every side.

  4. 萤星满目证

    dazzled dizziness.

  5. 风吹你得树干, 满目凋零。

    Rustle thy boughs and set thy trunk all bare.

  6. 车祸现场疮痍满目一片狼藉。

    Everywhere near the scene of the car accident, destruction meets the eye.

  7. 车祸现场疮痍满目一片狼藉。

    Everywhere near the scene of the car accident, destruction meets the eye.

  8. 他满目黧黑, 看上去很吓人。

    He is all black in the eyes, which looks very frightening.

  9. 他满目黧黑,看上去很吓人。

    He is all black in the eyes, which looks very frightening.

  10. 天空似乎也同样一望无际、满目荒凉。

    The sky seemed equally endless and desolate.

  11. 权威正在衰弱的征兆满目皆是。

    The symptoms of weakening authority were everywhere.

  12. 权威正在衰弱得征兆满目皆是。

    The symptoms of weakening authority were everywhere.

  13. 祝您年年阖第平安,岁岁满目吉祥。

    May peace, happiness and good fortune be with you always.

  14. 俯仰之间, 自然和谐, 满目皆美景

    In the twinkling of an eye, harmonious naturally, the beautiful scenery all meet the eye on every side

  15. 祝您年年快乐平安,岁岁满目吉祥。

    May peace, happiness and good fortune be with you always.

  16. 那是一副满目疮痍的景象。

    It's a scene of complete devastation.

  17. 战后的村子满目创痍, 景象惨不忍睹。

    Scenes of devastation were everywhere in the village after the war, so horrible that one could hardly bear to look at them.

  18. 战后的村子满目创痍,景象惨不忍睹。

    Scenes of devastation were everywhere in the village after the war, so horrible that one could hardly bear to look at them.

  19. 我们面前, 满目都是未受惩戒的邪恶。

    We behold nothing but unpunished wickedness

  20. 不管你看哪儿, 满目皆是自私和狡诈。

    Wherever you look, all you see is selfishness and dishonesty.

  21. 七月,满目微笑,牵悠着我远行的脚步。

    Jul, smiles everywhere, led by the leisurely pace of my travels.

  22. 从飞机上俯瞰, 满目是田园交错的景色。

    From the plane, the landscape was just a patchwork of fields.

  23. 并且可以将延绵的沙漠 转变成满目的翠绿。

    And it could transform swaths of desert land into fields of emerald green.

  24. 过去这一带满目苍凉,现在却有了无数得工厂。

    Numerous factories have sprung up in this once desolate erea.

  25. 过去这一带满目苍凉,现在却有了无数的工厂。

    Numerous factories have sprung up in this once desolate area.

  26. 静静地,看着最后飘走的白云,留下满目的黑色。

    Quietly, watching the clouds finally drift away, leaving a stretch of black.

  27. 遥远神秘的一方, 钢琴在轻轻唱, 满目古老破旧的城墙。

    In a mysterious, far place. The piano is intonation, facing the immemorial and dilapidated rampart.

  28. 他也有满目苍凉的冬天, 除非他走在命定的时日之前。

    He has his Winter too of pale disfeature , or else he would forego his mortal nature.

  29. 一个窗架上突出一根生锈的铁棒, 真是满目凄凉。

    A rusty ironrod projected mournfully from one of the window ledges.

  30. 不仅是满目的美景,山里的干净的空气对我也大有好处。

    Apart from their obvious beauty, the clean air of the mountains was good for me.


  1. 问:满目拼音怎么拼?满目的读音是什么?满目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:满目的读音是mǎnmù,满目翻译成英文是 fills the eyes

  2. 问:满目疮痍拼音怎么拼?满目疮痍的读音是什么?满目疮痍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:满目疮痍的读音是mǎnmùchuāngyí,满目疮痍翻译成英文是 a scene of desolation met the eye on every side—...