




住人或放东西的建筑物:~屋。~产。~舍。~租。库~。楼~。书~。结构和作用类似房子的东西:蜂~。莲~。心~。量词:两~儿媳。家族的一支:大~。长(zhǎng )~。星名,二十八宿之一。姓。……



汉语拼音:sī fáng








  1. 旧时大家庭兄弟同居,称各自的住宅为私房。

    《北史·崔挺传》:“ 孝芬 兄弟孝义慈厚……鷄鸣而起,且温颜色。一钱尺帛,不入私房。”《北史·韦孝宽传》:“﹝ 韦孝宽 ﹞又早丧父母,事兄嫂甚谨,所得俸禄,不入私房。亲族有孤遗者,必加振赡。朝野以此称焉。”

  2. 指个人私下的积蓄。

    元 无名氏 《神奴儿》第一折:“又説俺两口儿积儹私房,你又多在外,少在家,一应厨头灶脑,都是我照覷。” 元 商衟 《一枝花·叹秀英》套曲:“应有的私房贴了汉子,恣意淫讹。”《儒林外史》第五回:“昨日典铺内送来三百两利钱,是你 王氏姐姐 的私房。” 冯德英 《苦菜花》第四章:“这些吃烙饼还嫌牙痛的女人,都是横草不拿成竖草的懒货。不过,每人都有私房,吃穿依旧不坏。”

  3. 借指私有物。

    周立波 《山乡巨变》上一:“同志们,得了好经验,早些透个消息来,不要瞒了做私房。”



  1. Tom was an unlucky dog. His wife found all his pin money that would be used to buy a ten - speed bicycle.


  2. I hope he can get as much case-dough as he can without being caught by his wife.


  3. If a man wants to hide point of their own money is a very simple thing, a woman's salary deduction can only increase a man's resentment.


  4. We would like to hear the candidates tell Americans how they will stand up for homeowners.


  5. That 's such a beautiful dress. I'm tempted to use some of my mad money and buy it .


  6. The company has not addressed how many homeowners would be affected by its suspension of evictions and foreclosure sales.


  7. Government efforts to help homeowners have intensified, allowing more borrowers to refinance or avoid foreclosure.


  8. Shelter said research showed that 38% of families with children who were renting privately had cut down on food to pay their rent.


  9. The company thinks that when homeowners see exactly what's costing them the most money, they'll make behavioral changes.


  1. 我们有私房要谈。

    We have something confidential to talk about.

  2. 我们有私房话要谈。

    We have something confidential to talk about.

  3. 我在做私房香肠配酸菜

    I'm making homemade bratwurst with sweet and sour cabbage.

  4. 我在做私房香肠配酸菜。

    I'm making homemade bratwurst with sweet and sour cabbage.

  5. 他们闯进了你的私房里。

    They invaded your privacy.

  6. 内容包括健康、私房菜、美容等。

    Including health, private kitchens, beauty and so on.

  7. 闺房中世纪城堡中妇女之私房闺房

    A womans private chamber in a medieval castle a boudoir.

  8. 移民私房拆迁补偿的法律思考

    Legal Reflection on the Compensation for Removing the Private Houses

  9. 我跟她来个女人私房话如何?

    How about if I give the whole just us girls thing a try?

  10. 我们两口子说私房话,你偷听什么?

    I am exchanging confidential information with my husband. Why are you overhearing us ?

  11. 我们两口子说私房话,你偷听什么?

    I am exchanging confidential information with my husband. Why are you overhearing us?

  12. 私房屋主不会借那么多。

    Homeowners won't want to borrow so much.

  13. 城镇私房买卖过户登记的法律性质

    Study on the legal nature of the ownership transfer registration in private house transaction in town

  14. 近来, 私房菜开始在北京悄悄流行起来。

    Recently, private home cuisine is becoming popular in Beijing.

  15. 农村私房处分中的宅基地物权探析

    On Real Right of Residence Ground of Rural Private House

  16. 有些私房菜馆价位相当高,人均好几百。

    Some private home cuisines is priced quite high, charging several hundred yuan per person on the average.

  17. 而且,每个私房屋主只有一次延期纳税的机会。

    Furthermore, this deferral was only available once per homeowner.

  18. 主要以私房家常菜、秘制涮肚、碳烤肉串、小海鲜为主。

    Mainly by the confidential simple dish, Peru system rinses the stomach, the carbon shashlik, the small seafood primarily.

  19. 私房主会感到更安心,可能愿意变卖旧房购买更贵的房子。

    Homeowners will feel more comfortable and they may feel ready to trade up.


  1. 问:私房拼音怎么拼?私房的读音是什么?私房翻译成英文是什么?

    答:私房的读音是sīfáng,私房翻译成英文是 personal savings; personal matters

  2. 问:私房话拼音怎么拼?私房话的读音是什么?私房话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:私房话的读音是sīfanghuà,私房话翻译成英文是 A confidential talk.

  3. 问:私房钱拼音怎么拼?私房钱的读音是什么?私房钱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:私房钱的读音是sī fáng qián,私房钱翻译成英文是 pin-money

  4. 问:私房菜拼音怎么拼?私房菜的读音是什么?私房菜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:私房菜的读音是sī fáng cài,私房菜翻译成英文是 private home cuisine; private kitchen cuisin...

  5. 问:私房自住者拼音怎么拼?私房自住者的读音是什么?私房自住者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:私房自住者的读音是sī fáng zì zhù zhě,私房自住者翻译成英文是 owner-occupier

  6. 问:私房钱原则拼音怎么拼?私房钱原则的读音是什么?私房钱原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:私房钱原则的读音是sī fáng qián yuán zé,私房钱原则翻译成英文是 pin-money doctrine