







汉语拼音:tuō huò






  1. 倘或。

    唐 元稹 《论教本书》:“脱或万代之后,有若 周成王 中才者,而又生於深宫优笑之间,无 周 邵 保助之教,则将不能知喜怒哀乐之所自矣,况稼穡之艰难乎?”《续资治通鉴·宋孝宗淳熙十一年》:“朕巡省之后,脱或有事,卿必亲之,毋忽细微。”



  1. The novel, a short book, easy to fall into oblivion off, off, or destroy residual seeking prospecting nothing.

  2. A fat, such as butter or lard, used to make cake or pastry light or flaky.

  3. Usually sexist jibes, statements, or even t-shirt logos, have some kind of juvenile or puerile humour to them.

  4. Use the brush to remove loose or dried dirt.

  5. hinge, crane or snap loose, broken or damaged


  1. 等于八品脱或四升半。

    A gallon contains four quarts.

  2. 俄罗斯人每年平均饮啤酒1350品脱或90瓶伏特加。

    On average Russians drink 1350 pints of beer a year or 90 bottles of Vodka.

  3. 而小说短书, 易为湮落, 脱或残灭, 求勘无所。

    The novel, a short book, easy to fall into oblivion off, off, or destroy residual seeking prospecting nothing.

  4. 逆电流继电器或脱扣器

    Revers current relay or releas

  5. 脱掉, 蜕掉脱掉或蜕掉

    To shed or cast off.

  6. 松开横梁的稳定杆并向下旋转或脱开。

    Undo stabilizer of the cross member and swivel downwards or disengage.

  7. 吸锡带用以去除焊点, 桥接, 或脱焊电熔融焊料的线带。

    Solder Wick A band of wire removes molten solder away from a solder joining or a solder bridge or just for desoldering.

  8. 舞者通常参与脱衣服或提供三陪服务。

    Some dancers also do stripping or offer escort services.

  9. 进出门时,男子主动协助女士脱下或穿上外衣。

    When going into or out of a room, men should be initiative to help women take off or put on their outerwear.

  10. 一个单位的酒精含量相当于半品脱啤酒或一小杯葡萄酒。

    One unit of alcohol is equivalent to half a pint of beer or a small glass of wine.

  11. 一种使饼式糕点变松软或松脆的脂肪, 比如白脱或板油

    A fat, such as butter or lard, used to make cake or pastry light or flaky.

  12. 脱去外套或揭开覆盖物

    To remove a cloak or cover from.

  13. 一品脱的量器或容器

    A container with a pint capacity.

  14. 因此,束衣从来不曾放松或被脱掉,只是系得越来越紧。

    Thus the corset was never loosened or removed, but tightened more and more.

  15. 使脱硝,使脱氮去掉氮或硝酸盐

    To remove nitrogen or nitrogen groups from.

  16. 脱毛, 蜕皮, 脱角脱换得动作或过程。

    The act or process of molting.

  17. 英国法定容积单位等于4夸脱或4。545升

    a British imperial capacity measure equal to 4 quarts or 4.545 liters

  18. 脱水脱去某物质或某化合物的水分的过程。

    The process of removing water from a substance or compound.

  19. 不正确的使用会导致安全套滑脱或破裂。

    Incorrect use can lead to condom slippage or breakage.

  20. 交换者随后又绕了一圈,选择他们的六夸脱或升。

    Swappers then went around the circle, choosing their six quarts or liters.

  21. 脱下脱下以表示敬意或顺从

    To doffas a token of respect or submission.

  22. 其它则固定在鞋上或须穿脱,体大笨重,不方便携带。

    Other fixed on the shoes to wear or de linking large body bulky , inconvenient to carry.

  23. 使您能够联机或脱机工作。

    Enables you to work online or offline.

  24. 通信器可以以联机或脱机方式启动。

    Communicator can start in either online or offline modes.

  25. 在羧化或脱羧反应中起催化作用的一种酶

    an enzyme that catalyzes a carboxylation or decarboxylation reaction

  26. 由于是仲裁资源,群集资源不能被删除或脱机。

    The cluster resource could not be deleted or brought offline because it is the quorum resource.

  27. 按人的办法,协商是解决问题或脱开纠缠的方法。

    According to the human way, negotiation is the means of solving problems or resolving entanglements.

  28. 脐带先露或脱垂对产妇的影响不大,只是增加手术产率。

    Umbilical cord is shown first or prolapse is not big to the puerpera's influence, just raise operation yield.

  29. 同轴电缆或带有屏蔽的线缆脱外皮时,不得刮伤编织超过

    When peel coaxialcable or shielded cable, the scratch braid should be less than.

  30. 这些被称为脱垂或脱垂痔疮。

    These are known as prolapsed or prolapsing haemorrhoids.

