




1. 个 [gè]2. 个 [gě]个 [gè]量词:三~月。洗~澡。单独的:~人。~性。~位。人或物体的大小:高~子。加在“昨儿”、“今儿”、“明儿”等后面,与“某日里”相近。个 [gě]〔自~儿(個)gěr〕自己。亦作“自各儿”。……


1. 劲 [jìn]2. 劲 [jìng]劲 [jìn]力气,力量:~头。费~。干~。精神,情绪,兴趣:干活儿起~儿。这部电影真没~。劲 [jìng]坚强有力:~敌。~旅。~拔。~悍。~挺。~秀。~直。~松。强~。刚~。疾风知~草。……



汉语拼音:yī gè jìn






  1. 表示连续不停或毫不松劲。

    张天翼 《儿女们》:“ 黑二 一个劲不讲理,怎么也不肯交出 小银儿 来。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第一幕:“就说你哥哥,没有我,能在 周 家的矿上当工人么?叫你妈说,她成么?--这样,你哥哥同你妈还是一个劲儿地不赞成我。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部六:“别人休息,她一个劲地学;别人吃饭,她也还是一个劲地学。”



  1. The woman was piling up fortunes right along , the man was spending them-- spending all his wife would give him a chance at, at any rate.


  2. His mother kept it from her, eyes can see that the love interest.


  3. Are you beating your head against the wall trying to tell people a story they don't want to hear?


  4. When a child does not know how to express such a painful feeling, on a trial of strength in the touched heart, crying.


  5. a short, Broad muscular man, in a shirt open at the Bosom and dirty trousers, pushed his way through the crowd.


  6. The man at the phone store kept trying to get me to upgrade my service plan to a more expensive one, with unlimited talk time.


  7. She was last seen pelting along the road as if devils were after her.


  8. With these materials and with the aid of my trowel, I began vigorously to wall up the entrance of the niche.


  9. The moment he realised that the safe was locked for a surety, the sweat burst out upon his brow and he trembled violently.


  1. 她遇到一个劲敌。

    She had a vigorous opponent.

  2. 常春藤一个劲地疯长。

    The ivy had run wild.

  3. 就一个劲地增长着

    has been growing relentlessly.

  4. 孩子们一个劲地转呀转。

    The children were spinning round and round.

  5. 她只是一个劲地东拉西扯。

    She just kept yakking on.

  6. 他气得一个劲踹墙壁。

    He is kicking the wall because he is angry.

  7. 他只是一个劲的眨眼睛。

    He was just kind of blinking.

  8. 我得到一个劲爆的消息。

    I got a shocking news for you!

  9. 我兴奋地一个劲拉门铃。

    Feverish and excited, I rang at the door.

  10. 乐队一个劲地轻快地奏起来。

    The orchestra dashed off into a rollicking movement.

  11. 竹子正在一个劲地往上长。

    The bamboos are just shooting up.

  12. 你在一个劲地胡说些什么?

    What are you blathering on about now?

  13. 她焦急不安地一个劲看表。

    She kept looking anxiously at her watch.

  14. 她一个劲地问一些傻问题。

    She can anything but ask silly questions.

  15. 那只狗在一个劲地啃骨头。

    The dog was chewing on a bone.

  16. 他一个劲地让我喝香槟酒。

    He kept plying me with champagne.

  17. 他很和蔼可亲, 一个劲赔礼道歉。

    He was charming, and full of apologies.

  18. 她紧张时就一个劲地吃东西。

    When she is nervous, she does nothing but eat.

  19. 有个孩子一个劲地拽我的袖子。

    One of the children was pawing at my sleeve.

  20. 有个孩子一个劲地拽我得袖子。

    One of the children was pawing at my sleeve.

  21. 这个孩子一个劲地拽她的裙子。

    The child kept pulling at her skirt.

  22. 他只是一个劲地说我们误会了。

    All he would say was that we had misunderstood.

  23. 她没完没了地抱怨。他只是一个劲地抱怨。

    She complained incessantly. He does nothing but complain.

  24. 服务员一个劲地点头哈腰领我们就座。

    Bow The waiter showed us to our table with much bowingand scraping.

  25. 她一个劲地让我们喝茶, 吃糕饼。

    She plied us with tea and cake.

  26. 他们俩只是一个劲一直说他们多么棒。

    They both just talk about how great they are all the time.

  27. 你别一个劲地提愚蠢问题好吗?

    Can't you do anything but ask silly questions?

  28. 他见到我们时,就一个劲地大骂。

    When he saw us, he fired off a string of abuse.

  29. 你别一个劲地提愚蠢的问题好吗?

    Can't you do anything but ask silly questions?

  30. 如果他有情绪了, 他会一个劲的失球。

    If he's in a mood, he gets Iost out wide.


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    答:一个劲儿的读音是yígejìnr,一个劲儿翻译成英文是 continuously