




用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来:~装。~饺子。包好了的东西:邮~。背(bèi )~。装东西的袋:书~。皮~。容纳在内,总括在一起:~括。~举(总括)。~容。~涵。~罗万象。无所不~。总揽,负全责:~销。~揽。保证:~赔。~在我身上。约定的,……



汉语拼音:gēn bāo



1.(~儿 )





  1. 旧时指专为某个戏曲演员管理服装及做其他杂务。

    秦瘦鸥 《秋海棠》四:“尤其是那个跟包的小 荣奎 ,因为他把 秋海棠 诓到 撷英 去和 王掌柜 的媳妇见面之后, 玉昆 曾经狠狠地揍过他一顿。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十四:“赶明儿你不必拉车了,顶好跟包去!”

  2. 指做这种工作的人。

    燕谷老人 《续孽海花》第四七回:“那跟包开了缸,就缸里闻了一闻道:‘不差,跟老板抽的差不离。’” 秦瘦鸥 《秋海棠》二:“他想回头去问 荣奎 ,可是这个功成身退的跟包先生,早就走得不见影踪了。” 徐迟 《牡丹》一:“那时,在不是主角的,而是配角的舞台底下的化妆室里,再不是由六个跟包侍候他穿行头的名演员了。”



  1. For example, it is possible to move one root package into another with a simple drag-and-drop operation.


  1. 跟包饺子差不多。

    Is very much like that of meat dumplings.

  2. 包跟皮料与鞋面颜色不合

    Shade of color on nee cover does not motor upper

  3. 适用于鞋类中底,包跟,鞋垫,箱包等材质接着。

    For middle sole, heel covering, insoles, purse, luggage and etc.

  4. 跟小笼包一样,生煎包里也包裹着香浓又美味的汤。

    These ones were very similar to Xiao Lung Bao in that there was a delicious soup inside.

  5. 怎么,难道你们的护士喝醉了 把它跟其他文件调了包吗?

    Why? Did a nurse get drunk and swap it with a different document?

  6. 我轻轻拉了下她的包,她又跟我回到了办公室。

    I tugged at her bag lightly and she went back into the office with me.

  7. 妈妈,我需要一个包和一双鞋跟我的衣服搭配。

    Mum I need a bag and a pair of shoes to go with my new dress.

  8. 只得包着小小的包裹跟在素秋几人的后面继续转悠了起来。

    Have to wrap very small archive heel in the autumn of vegetable several people's back persist to corner leisurely obtain up.

  9. 别跟着我,你这个白茶包!

    Stop tailgating me, you tea bag!

  10. 我们将在货包上刷上跟以前一样的唛头。

    We will mark the bales the aforementioned as afore.

  11. 我跟他说我一整天都在找钱包的主人。

    I explained that I had spent almost the whole day trying to find the wallet's owner.

  12. 我要一份热菜, 炒洋葱跟炒包心菜都要加。

    I'd like a hot dog with onion and cabbage.

  13. 那个老妇人是个包打听,因此没有人喜欢跟她说话。

    That old lady is very nosey, so nobody likes to talk to her.

  14. 他们以每小包比我们的便宜20便士的价格跟我们抢生意。

    They re undercutting us by 20 p a packet.

  15. 把整包青咖喱酱放进热锅跟棷奶一起煮。

    Put all the green curry paste into the pan mix cooking with the coconut milk.

  16. 说着, 他就跟着飞行员带上另一个包匆忙跳下去了。

    With these words he followed the pilot and jumped out in a hurry with another pack.

  17. 我们得服务生前额上顶着个巨包, 后跟靠拢, 站得笔直。

    Our waiter has a big goose egg on his forehead and stands ramrod straight, heels together. Sir! our waiter says.

  18. 我们的服务生前额上顶着个巨包,后跟靠拢,站的笔直。

    Our waiter has a big goose egg on his forehead and stands ramrod straight, heels together. Sir! our waiter says.

  19. 他根本就没有跟我说过他要把我们的订单分包下去。

    He has never ever told me that he is going to subcontract out the order at all.

  20. 将糯米粉跟椰浆, 拌匀蒸熟包馅, 做成小苹果的形状。

    Stir sticky rice powder and coco plasm.use them as stuffing.At last mould them into little apple.

  21. 跟热狗一样,汉堡包也是一种人们喜爱的野餐美食。

    Like hot dogs, hamburgers are a favorite picnic food.

  22. 跟热狗一样,汉堡包也是一种人们喜爱得野餐美食。

    Like hot dogs, hamburgers are a favorite picnic food.



旧时指专为某个戏曲演员管理服装及做其他杂务。 指做这种工作的人。