







汉语拼音:xī fàn








  1. 粥。

    《红楼梦》第七五回:“ 贾母 因问:‘拿稀饭来吃些罢。’” 巴金 《灭亡》第十章:“我们的衙门里每天煮了十几大锅的稀饭施给穷人。”



  1. Arrival of the campsite, we measured our food, and began to enjoy our captures, the delicious rice porridge with oysters and potherbs.


  2. Keep your breath to cool your porridge, and I shall keep mine to swell my song.


  3. Really angry now "non-mainstream" , if "886" and the number of language is to simplify a longer text, then the "dual, porridge" is to say?


  4. " 'The boys was glad, and rested up for more, and Jack cooked mush, in honor of the door, '" I recited.


  5. The porridge is delicious, What a pity I can't take my time enjoying it! It seems the company has paid for all my time.


  6. The morning before work the next day to take discretionary water 4 cups boiled rice porridge.


  7. On a recent weekday morning, people lined up for the rice porridge being given away by Lin Ruxin, who owns a local printing factory.


  8. Breakfast : take one apple, and a cup of low fat milk, a piece of bread or congee.


  9. Our breakfast coupon includes a bowl of rice gruel two portions of steamed stuffed buns and a plate of dish .


  1. 早饭我吃稀饭。

    I have porridge for breakfast.

  2. 吉姆早餐喝稀饭。

    Jim eats porridge for breakfast.

  3. 今天早上吃稀饭。

    We will have congee this morning.

  4. 早餐我们经常吃稀饭。

    We usually have rice porridge for breakfast.

  5. 我想再吃一些稀饭。

    I want to have some porridge.

  6. 你想吃核桃稀饭吗?

    Fancy my porridge? La walnuts?

  7. 你听过稀饭减肥吗

    You listen to the gruel to lose weight

  8. 我喝了一大碗稀饭。

    I ate a big bowl of porridge.

  9. 是的,我吃了点稀饭。

    Yes, I had a little porridge.

  10. 在腊八里, 人们都吃腊八稀饭。

    In Laba, people eat Laba porridge.

  11. 你每天吃很多稀饭吗

    Do you have a lot of porridge every day

  12. 吃一吃连稀饭都不行了。

    After a while, he found hard to take porridge.

  13. 不要把蛋糕泡在稀饭里。

    Dont put the cake into the porridge.

  14. 请给我一些稀饭。嗯,真好吃!

    I want some congee, please. Mmm, yummy.

  15. 接着,她尝了口最后一碗稀饭。

    So, she tasted the last bowl of porridge.

  16. 连续一周他唯一的食物就是稀饭。

    Porridge was all he could get to eat for a week.

  17. 他整天没有吃什么, 只吃几口稀饭。

    He eats nothing for a whole day, but he takes some mouthfuls of rice gruel.

  18. 她热了一点稀饭, 孩子吃得津津有味。

    She warmed up some porridge and the child ate it with a good appetite.

  19. 你留口气吹凉稀饭, 我也就留口气唱歌吧。

    Keep your breath to cool your porridge, and I shall keep mine to swell my song.

  20. 他只能吃爸爸留给的一小碗稀饭。

    He had only a small bowl of rice porridge, his father had left him.

  21. 喂的略粗一点的稀饭、面条就立即吐出来。

    Feeding point of the slightly rough rice, noodles to come out immediately.

  22. 要我叫餐厅为您准备点稀饭做午餐吗?

    Shall I ask restaurant to prepare some porridge for your lunch?

  23. 我也发明,人们十分稀饭讨论关于汇率的问题。

    I notice that people really like to pontificate about exchange rates.

  24. 然后,在大家面前把里面的汤或稀饭喝下去。

    Then, drink the soup or porridge in front of people.

  25. 煎蛋香肠,火腿,意大利辣香肠酸奶牛奶烤面包稀饭糯米。

    Omelet Sausage, Ham, Pepperoni Yogurt Milk Toast Porridge Sticky rice.

  26. 早餐可以吃一点含有纤维和丰富蛋白质的燕麦稀饭。

    Try a little porridge, which contains fibre and proteinrich oats.

  27. 翌日早晨上班前取酌量加水四杯煮成稀饭。

    The morning before work the next day to take discretionary water 4 cups boiled rice porridge.

  28. 整个监狱只有一个淋浴,吃的很差,主要是稀饭。

    The prison had only one shower, the food was poor and consisted mainly of porridge.

  29. 也许有人不喜欢这样, 认为太不自然了, 不过俺稀饭。

    Some people wont like this because its unnatural but I appreciate it.

  30. 我们的早餐券包括一碗稀饭,二笼包子,一碟小菜。

    Our breakfast coupon includes a bowl of rice gruel two portions of steamed stuffed buns and a plate of dish.


  1. 问:稀饭拼音怎么拼?稀饭的读音是什么?稀饭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稀饭的读音是xīfàn,稀饭翻译成英文是 porridge


