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鲁迅 《准风月谈·外国也有》:“只有外国人说我们不问公益,只知自利,爱金钱,却还是没法辩解。” 洪深 《少奶奶的扇子》第一幕:“ 王太太 有两位姓 张 的内姪女,很热心公益,在 霞飞路 一个什么妇女改良会尽义务。”
The foundation is a not-for-profit organization founded by His Holiness the Dalai Lama with the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to him in 1989.
普世责任基金会是由嘉瓦仁波切创建的公益组织,他曾在1989年获得了诺贝尔和平奖。"You have to have codes of conduct, regulatory frameworks, ethical standards that guide the pursuit of the common good, " she said.
克林顿说:“必须有行为准则,规范框架,伦理标准等来指导在公益方面的追求。”Our proposal was to run a not-for-profit game, with much of the money going to good causes, but we were just beaten by the eventual winner.
我们的方案是运作一个不以营利为目的的游戏,将钱用在公益事业上,但是,最终我们没有获胜。Therefore, the public training group there was a third task was the simplest tasks are: attendance within one month can get a point.
所以该公益培训组得第三期任务里有一项最简单得任务是:一个月内连续签到则可拿到一分。His father was the front-page editor of a local party newspaper and his mother worked for a social service bureau helping the needy.
他的父亲是一家地方党报的要闻版编辑,母亲做社会公益工作,帮助贫困人员。His wife, who works at a small nonprofit organization, protested, saying there was more he could do to look.
可是,在公益机构工作的妻子反对他的放弃,妻子说,一定还会有更适合的职位等着他。They weren't fighting with guns; they were fighting by creating social services, by talking to the media, by trying to represent themselves.
他们不是靠枪来反抗的,他们靠的是提供社会公益服务,与媒体对话,试图维护自己的利益。Such campaigns seem to prompt them to have a clear-out but they often do not make it to the collection point.
这样的公益活动好象可以促使人们进行清理,但通常不能使他们将垃圾送到收集地点。What I love about this project is that it is giving a different lens and context to think about social media for social good.