如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 女 [nǚ]2. 女 [rǔ]女 [nǚ]女性,与“男”相对。古代以未婚的为“女”,已婚的为“妇”。现通称“妇女”:~人。~士。~流(含轻蔑意)。少(shào )~。以女儿作为人的妻(旧读nǜ)。星名,二十八宿之一。亦称“婺女”、“须……
汉语拼音:nǚ zhuāng
" You know, madam, " the husband replied: "I just want to let you know, when I was driving, you beside chatter without stop, how I feel. "
丈夫平静地答道:「我只是要让你知道,品牌女装折扣我在开车时,你在旁边喋喋不休,我的感觉如何。」When we left the boutique, she was all smiles, overjoyed with the fancy shopping bag in her hand.
当我们离开这家高档女装店时,她手上提着精致的购物袋,心里乐开了花儿。Two years later, he urged her to start designing women's clothes and five years later he got her into menswear.
两年之后,贝尔泰利力劝普拉达设计女装,五年后,他又说服她涉足男装领域。From the chat record to see, this man will only follow her to make her happy, also a week when it comes to husband wife fit.
从聊天记录中看到,品牌女装折扣这男的只会顺着她的话哄她开心,也就个把星期就谈到能老公老婆相称了。You don't have to be a bride to wear Vera Wang, her ready-to-wear lines has earned her the Womenswear Designer of the Year award.
你不必成为新娘穿王薇薇,她的现成服装线使她获得了年度最佳女装设计师。Any external cyclic behavior is fair game for a chartist: the length of women's hem lines , the age of presidents, the price of eggs.
对于那些股票行情预测家来说,任何一种外显的周期性行为都是可以猎取的猎物:女装边沿的长度,总统的年龄、鸡蛋的价格。He said he had been dressing up in women's clothing since high school, adding that it was his "true identity" .
他提到从高中时起就开始穿女装,此外他还表示这才是“真正的”。This was in 1998, when Alber Elbaz was designing the ready-to-wear collections, so M. Saint Laurent concentrated solely on couture.
那是在1998年,当时阿尔伯·阿尔巴兹(AlberElbaz)在设计成衣系列,因此圣洛朗能够专注于高级女装。I think he just need friends to boredom, so it does not care about her usual with him brawling.