




1. 句 [jù]2. 句 [gōu]句 [jù]由词组成的能表示出一个完整意思的话:~子。~法。〔~读(dòu)〕古代称文词停顿的地方为“句”或“读”。量词,用于语言:三~话不离本行(háng)。句 [gōu]〔高~骊〕古国名,即“高丽”……



汉语拼音:pái jù






  1. 对偶的诗句。

    清 周亮工 《书影》卷二:“ 徐巨源 曰:‘…… 苏 李 、十九首,变为 黄初 建安 ,为选体,流为 齐 梁 俳句,又变至 唐 近体,而古诗尽亡。’”

  2. 日本 的一种短诗,以三句十七音为一首,首句五音,次句七音,末句五音。

    郑振铎 《蝴蝶的文学》:“在 日本 的俳句里,蝴蝶也成了他们所喜咏的东西。” 艾芜 《地貌的青春》:“脑海中涌起了诗意画意的涟漪,也就自然地记起 日本 诗人的俳句和短歌。”



  1. Well, I used to do haiku, but I had to give it up because I couldn't think of any good lines.


  2. Some of the most revealing discoveries Ms MacMillan has made in her researches are the haiku-like memos Nixon wrote on his yellow pads.


  3. A haiku for you, my dear. 'Night of falling stars. Blasted into tiny bits. The whale soars the sky. '


  4. A Haiku is just a description of a scene.


  5. Since then, he has become best known for his camping holidays and his Flemish-Dutch language haikus, a form of Japanese poetry.


  6. Haiku is an old form of Japanese poetry.


  7. That haiku was originally the United States Journal of Cultural Theory, "Sharon" organization events.


  8. If, after watching this series, a TV drama starts to look like a haiku, it'sbecause "The Wire" is, by comparison, an epic poem.


  9. Mr Van Rompuy, who writes haiku, gave a press conference in fluent Dutch, French and English, promising to listen to all EU members.


  1. 第一行俳句有五个音节。

    The first line of a haiku has five syllables.

  2. 一首俳句仅仅描绘一个场景。

    A haiku is just a description of a scene.

  3. 也可以说,是这个故事的俳句。

    It is a haiku, if you will, of the story.

  4. 他是一个著名的俳句诗人。

    He is a famous haiku poet.

  5. 他是一个著名的俳句诗人。

    He is a famous haiku poet.

  6. 俳句诗以这种形式写成的诗

    A poem written in this form.

  7. 在春假期间, 我写了三俳句诗歌。

    I wrote three haiku poems during spring holidays.

  8. 俳句是一种有特定格式的诗歌。

    There is Haiku is a specific form of poetry.

  9. 黑发在和歌与俳句中的象征意义

    The Symbolic Meaning of Black Hair in Waka and Haiku

  10. 下面是我写的古怪的俳句的其中三段。

    Here is a peculiar haiku series in three parts for you.

  11. 有传统诗歌类型,如俳句、五行诗和五行打油诗。

    There are traditional poem types such as haiku, cinquain, and limerick.

  12. 有些人用别人写俳句的方式发微博。

    Some people have mastered tweeting in the way other people have mastered writing haikus.

  13. 以英语写作的俳句通常为三行,17个音节。

    In its English adaptation, it often contains 17 syllables over three lines of verse.

  14. 俳句大赛并非与此次会议有关的唯一活动。

    The haiku contest isn't the only event linked to the meeting.

  15. 第一个以俳句作为网址的,应该给它颁个奖。

    A prize should go to the first to offer a haiku as a web address.

  16. 例如,独立看,仅有17音节的俳句很难让人理解。

    The haiku a poem of just 17 syllables, for example, makes scant sense as standalone verse.

  17. 芭蕉的校长注意到他情绪低落,就鼓励他写俳句。

    His schoolmaster noticed that he was unhappy and encouraged Issa to write haiku.

  18. 您是怎样才能 不费吹灰之力就作出精妙绝伦的俳句的?

    How can you make haiku poems so beautiful so easily?

  19. 还有很多俳句竞赛,有的是由上面这些会社举办的。

    There are numerous contests for haiku, some sponsored by the about societies.

  20. 错误俳句。另外, 直接连接到起始页将是非常有益的。

    Error haiku. Informative , however a direct link to the start page would be quite useful.

  21. 还有很多俳句竞赛, 有得是由上面这些会社举办得。

    There are numerous contests for haiku, some sponsored by the about societies.

  22. 现年62岁得范龙佩是一个技术型官员, 对俳句诗情有独钟。

    Van Rompuy, 62, is a technocrat with a penchant for haiku poetry.

  23. 现年62岁的范龙佩是一个技术型官员,对俳句诗情有独钟。

    Van Rompuy, 62, is a technocrat with a penchant for haiku poetry.

  24. 马蒂,今年19岁,可能抱有最不切实际的想法,他想写俳句。

    Marty,19,may have the most flagrantly impractical career goal,next to writing haiku.

  25. 马蒂,今年19岁,可能抱有最不切实际得想法,他想写俳句。

    Marty, 17, may have the most flagrantly impractical career goal, next to writing haiku.


  1. 问:俳句拼音怎么拼?俳句的读音是什么?俳句翻译成英文是什么?

    答:俳句的读音是páijù,俳句翻译成英文是 haiku, a form of Japanese verse containing three...


