


1. 塞 [sāi]2. 塞 [sài]3. 塞 [sè]塞 [sāi]堵,填满空隙:堵~漏洞。~尺。~规。堵住器物口的东西:活~。~子。塞 [sài]边界上险要地方:要~。关~。~外。边~。~翁失马。塞 [sè]义同(一),用于若干书面语……


1. 车 [chē]2. 车 [jū]车 [chē]陆地上有轮子的交通工具:火~。~驾(帝王的马车)。~裂(中国古代一种残酷的死刑,俗称“五马分尸”)。前~之鉴。用轮轴来转动的器具:纺~。水~。用水车打水:~水。指旋床或其他机器:~床。用旋……



汉语拼音:sāi chē







  1. The reason why she was late for the exam was that she got stuck in a traffic jam.


  2. OK, Mom. Mom, Dad says he was the traffic jam. Say, just as what I've told you.


  3. The Bus driver is in a Bad temper because he's been driving all day in traffic.


  4. You were held up in traffic? But it's not rush hour yet!


  5. Tens of thousands of athletes must be squirted to scattered events through some of the worst traffic in the Americas.


  6. Traffic congestion has all along been a serious problem in the business hub of Central.


  7. A: I'm going to leave early and get a head start on the traffic.


  8. AA Roadwatch said traffic in the capital was not exceptional and did not build up until the evening rush hour.


  9. They'd got to start early. In case of traffic jam.


  1. 桥上塞车吗?

    Are there traffic jams on the bridge?

  2. 怎麽又塞车了?

    Why is there a traffic jam again?

  3. 难怪塞车如此严重!

    Its no wonder that how serious the traffic jam is!

  4. 我讨厌塞车和噪音。

    I hate traffic jams and noises.

  5. 去机场途中塞车了。

    We got stuck in a traffic jam on our way to the airport.

  6. 我们可能会碰上塞车。

    We may hit a traffic jam.

  7. 我得走了,免得塞车

    and I should probably get going in case there's traffic.

  8. 吉姆可能是遇到塞车了。

    Probably Jim is stuck in a traffic jam.

  9. 我们已经塞车了一小时。

    We've been in traffic for an hour now.

  10. 不是她睡过头, 就是塞车。

    Either she overslept or there was a traffic jam.

  11. 我们得早点出发, 万一塞车。

    We got to start early in case of traffic jam.

  12. 他们可能在某个地方塞车了。

    They're probably stuck in it somewhere.

  13. 我也没办法, 遇上了塞车。

    I can't help it. I was in a traffic jam.

  14. 妈妈, 爸爸说他遇上塞车了。

    Mom, Dad says he was the traffic jam.

  15. 在台北我们被塞车困住了。

    We got stuck in a terrible traffic jam in Taipei.

  16. 又塞车了,请改走高速车道。

    Traffic congestion again. Please change to the freeway.

  17. 交通高峰期塞车是常有的事。

    Traffic jams happen all the time during rush hours.

  18. 对不起, 让你等了这么久, 塞车了。

    I am sorry to keep you waiting so long.

  19. 显然我们可以绕过这大塞车。

    It's totally clear, and we can pass by this whole mess.

  20. 因为我塞车了, 被困了一个小时。

    Because I was tied up in traffic for a hour.

  21. 吉姆的吉普车在大桥附近有些塞车。

    Jim has some jam on his jeep near the bridge.

  22. 由于路上塞车,我迟到了半个小时。

    Because of the traffic jam on the way, I was half an hour late.

  23. 想到回去时的塞车就令人头痛

    Just thinking about the crowd on the way home is depressing.

  24. 对不起, 我迟到了, 只因太塞车, 请原谅!

    Sorry, I am late because of the heavy traffic jam. Please forgive me!

  25. 她考试迟到的原因是遇上了塞车。

    The reason why she was late for the exam was that she got stuck in a traffic jam.

  26. 但是大霹雳是一种逃不开的塞车。

    But the big bang was an unavoidable traffic jam.

  27. 这可是我第一次在山中遇到塞车呢。

    It was the first time I'd ever seen a jam in the mountains.

  28. 排着长队的公车和塞车状况随处可见。

    There are bus queues and traffic jams everywhere.

  29. 塞车对于许多职员来讲是个头疼的事。

    The traffic jam is really a headache to many employees.

  30. 我原本打算去送你, 但我由于塞车耽搁了。

    I had meant to see you off, but I was delayed by the jam.


  1. 问:塞车拼音怎么拼?塞车的读音是什么?塞车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:塞车的读音是sāichē,塞车翻译成英文是 To meet a traffic jam.



sāichē traffic jam 交通被车辆堵塞堵车是一种病。随着城市发展壮大,这种病也更加严重。在滚滚车流中,痛并快乐着,拥堵并思索着