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1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……
汉语拼音:sài huì
明 黄瑜 《双槐岁钞·妖僧扇乱》:“伪立寺额,遇圣节,輒为赛会。”《儒林外史》第四三回:“那 别庄燕 同 冯君瑞 假扮做一班赛会的,各把短刀藏在身边,半夜来到北门。” 鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·五猖会》:“我常存着这样的一个希望:这一次所见的赛会,比前一次繁盛些。”
郑观应 《盛世危言·赛会》:“泰西以商立国,其振兴商务有三要焉,以赛会开其始,以公司持其继,以税则要其终。” 康有为 《上清帝第二书》:“泰西赛会,非骋游乐,所以广见闻,发心思,辨良楛。”
With a 100 per cent record and seven wins from seven starts, this rally is all about Loeb and his bid to extend that dominance.
有着百分百记录以及七场比赛七场胜利,这场拉力赛会是勒布的以及他延续自己统治的舞台。The stewards also said the conduct was in breach of the International Sporting Code.
赛会还表示,该行为违反了国际体育法规的。Zheng, who made it to the 4th round on her Roland Garros debut in 2004, will face Russia's 13rd seed Dinara Safina in the next round.
下一轮,郑洁将出战赛会13号种子俄罗斯选手萨芬娜。郑洁在法网的女单最佳战绩是2004年进入第4轮。Since then, it had the game throughout Greece. To 776 BC, the first documented record of the award winners were safe.
从此,就产生了全希腊性的赛会。到公元前776年,第一次用文字记录下获奖者安全名。Ferrer, as runner-up in Group A, will meet third seed and five-time champion Roger Federer during the afternoon session.
作为A组第二的费雷尔将在周六下午迎战三号种子、五届赛会冠军费德勒。He was then invited to be a judge during the Malaysia Penjing &Gushi Association's exhibition and competition.
当时马先生是应邀为马来西亚盆景古石协会展赛会的评审。An action that a team takes on its drivers' behalf if it feels that they have been unfairly penalised by the race officials.
这是当车队认为自己受到赛会不公正处罚时,车队对维护车手利益的一种举措If the kart owner wants to transfer his kart out, he must go through the formalities in person or over the telephone.
车主需要将卡丁车运出俱乐部,必须自己亲自或致电赛会大堂办理运出手续。Match Officials - Depending on the size of the competition, duties and responsibilities shall be defined as follows.