


养牲畜的圈(juàn ):虎~。亡羊补~(喻事后补救还不为迟)。~笼。古代称作祭品的牲畜:太~(古代帝王、诸侯祭祀社稷时,牛、羊、豕三牲全备之称)。少~(诸侯宗庙,用羊、豕之称)。监禁犯人的地方:监~。坐~。结实,坚固,固定:~固。~稳(a……





汉语拼音:láo kao









  1. 稳妥可靠。

    《儿女英雄传》第二二回:“姑娘觉得自己这个主意,元妙如风来云变,牢靠如铁壁铜墙,料想他 安 家的人梦也梦不到此。” 老舍 《牺牲》:“薪水拿到手里,究竟是牢靠些,他只信任他自己,因为他常使别人不信任他。” 杨朔 《黄海日出处》:“海鸭子在悬崖上产卵孵雏,算是寻到最牢靠的窠。”

  2. 牢固结实。

    徐怀中 《西线轶事》五:“那结儿打得又牢靠又好看。”



  1. However, because PE teachers out of years of exposure and a gentle temperament, an impression or a more solid man.


  2. I had not told ITN in case the story fell flat, and I made sure only a handful of trusted South Africans knew the plan.


  3. Her administration did not rest on so sure a basis as in the time of the old proprietor.


  4. As long as you take the time to really imprint these new behaviours they're bound to stick and you're bound to feel the difference.


  5. It's not unusual to see the bumpers on Geely cars barely hanging on after a few years of use.


  6. It is usually a strong box made of some very strong material, so strong that it should last for hundreds or thousands of years.


  7. He said: " Business card printing business needs a strong foundation, but Kodak also is in the early stages, the underlying is not stable. "


  8. Check to see that all connections are both correctly wired (in accordance with the field connection diagram) and tight.


  9. Even where the notion of identity would seem to be fairly secure, notions of citizenship can be slight.


  1. 不牢靠的产权

    an infirm title to property.

  2. 不牢靠的地基。

    of the last stage of financial development over these recent years.

  3. 这根绳子牢靠吗

    Can this rope be relied on?

  4. 一把不牢靠的椅子

    a dodgy chair

  5. 这把椅子不太牢靠。

    This chair is not very strong.

  6. 那些支柱上得很牢靠。

    The struts are firmly braced.

  7. 这梯子看来不大牢靠。

    That ladder looks a little shaky.

  8. 这个程序复杂而不牢靠。

    The procedure is far too clumsy and hitandmiss.

  9. 门窗不牢靠方便了窃贼。

    Insecure doors and windowsmake life easy for burglars.

  10. 这梯子看米不大牢靠。

    That ladder looks a little shaky.

  11. 麦架基座越大, 就越牢靠。

    The bigger the mic stand base, the better.

  12. 脚手架按规定搭设牢靠。

    Scaffolds should be built strongly in accordance with the operation specification.

  13. 这幢楼房得屋顶不牢靠。

    The roof of the building is unsound.

  14. 这幢楼房的屋顶不牢靠。

    The roof of the building is unsound.

  15. 选鞋的关键是舒适和牢靠。

    Comfort and support are key.

  16. 金链锁人比铁链更牢靠。

    Chains of gold are stronger than chains of iron.

  17. 检查所有连接是否正确,并牢靠。

    Check to see that all connections are both correctly wired and tight.

  18. 金链锁人比铁炼更牢靠

    Chains of gold are stronger than chains of iron

  19. 安上铰链插销,让门锁更牢靠。

    Fit hinge bolts to give extra support to the door lock.

  20. 没有稳固的基础, 建筑就不牢靠。

    No building can stand without firm foundations.

  21. 说起来,当时的君主政体并不牢靠。

    It was not a strong monarchy to begin with.

  22. 具有锚定牢靠,解锚可靠等特点。

    It has characteristics of solid anchorage, reliable anchor unfixing and so on.

  23. 感觉到脚底踩的地方并不牢靠。

    Feeling the feet bottom trample of the place is rickety to depend.

  24. 至于大厦的基础似乎也有些不牢靠。

    As for the foundations, there seemed to be something insecure about them too.

  25. 要把胶带贴牢靠, 不要有松弛的部分。

    Keep the tape down tight, with no slack between the tape strips.

  26. 我觉得限制手段本质上是不牢靠的。

    I argue that confinement is intrinsically impractical.

  27. 爬山者不牢靠地抓住了光滑得岩石。

    The climber had only a precarious hold on the slippery rock.

  28. 爬山者不牢靠地抓住了光滑的岩石。

    The climber had only a precarious hold on the slippery rock.

  29. 但这并不是一个牢靠不变的规则。

    This is not a hard and fast rule.

  30. 一个家庭对其土地的所有权是否牢靠?

    How secure is a family's title to its land?


  1. 问:牢靠拼音怎么拼?牢靠的读音是什么?牢靠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牢靠的读音是láokào,牢靠翻译成英文是 firm; reliable



基本解释 1. [firm;durable;secure;strong]∶牢固;结实 这墙很牢靠 2. [dependable;reliable]∶值得或能够信赖的 办事牢靠