


1. 抢 [qiǎng]2. 抢 [qiāng]3. 抢 [chēng]抢 [qiǎng]夺,硬拿:~劫。~夺。赶快,赶紧,争先:~先。~占。~购。~攻。刮,擦:磨剪子~菜刀。当面责备或讽刺:~白他一顿。抢 [qiāng]碰,撞:呼天~地。……


抢,强取:抢~。掠~。巧取豪~。强(qiāng )词~理。争先取到:~得最后胜利。~魁。~冠(guàn )。冲开:~门而出。丧失,削除:剥~。褫~(剥夺)。~志(改变志向或意愿)。晃动:光彩~目。决定如何处理:请予裁~。漏掉(文字):第八行……



汉语拼音:qiǎng duó








  1. 以暴力强取。

    《元典章新集·刑部·再犯贼人》:“贼人 周大添 初犯窃盗刺断,今次白昼抢夺 张四嫂 麻皮。”《水浒传》第七三回:“小人只是这里剪径,那里敢大弄,抢夺人家子女!”

  2. 争夺。

    明 吴炳 《绿牡丹·谈心》:“第一第二,两个先自抢夺,小弟何处説起?”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一○七回:“这一路的好汉,只要东西,不伤人;若是和他争论抢夺,他便是一刀一个。” 峻青 《海啸》第四章:“有几个军官,竟然在抢夺起救生圈来了。”



  1. A photograph of a man trying to grab the torch from a Chinese girl in a wheelchair was widely circulated.


  2. Just as competition for the best of the bunch is growing, the pool of available talent is changing.


  3. Valiant men lie plundered, they sleep their last sleep; not one of the warriors can lift his hands.


  4. Purpose of World Bank It is robbing poor countries of their important public resources in the name of offering loans. I feel sorry for that.


  5. For instance, porcupines ate one of the camera sensors and repeatedly raided food supplies during the dead of night, he said.


  6. Was he planning to make a rush for the young woman at the very moment of the sacrifice, and boldly snatch her from her executioners?


  7. This is why Italy made it its colony just a year after the opening of the canal in 1869 and why the British conquered it in 1941.


  8. Both feel pressure from the crowd of undecided traders that surrounds them, ready to jump in and snatch away their bargain.


  9. Most noticeably of all, there has been no looting, and I'm not the only one curious about this.


  1. 抢夺罪研究

    A Study of Crime of Seizing

  2. 缵交易绝非抢夺。

    Exchange is no robbery.

  3. 携带凶器抢夺研究

    Research on Snatching with Weapon

  4. 他抢夺她的皮包。

    He grabbed at her purse.

  5. 抢夺罪客观要件论

    Objective Element of Crime of Seizing by Force

  6. 骗取,抢夺,敲诈勒索财物

    Defrauding, Snatching or Extorting and Racketeering Valuables

  7. 抢劫罪与抢夺罪辨析

    A Comparison between the Crime of Robbery and Crime of Snatching

  8. 盗匪抢夺皮夹而逃逸。

    Catch up The mugger caught the wallet up and fled.

  9. 一是抱脚抢夺案件。

    First, hold feet to snatch the case.

  10. 你不仅仅抢夺事物吗?

    Don't you just rob the things?

  11. 抢夺罪的主体是一般主体。

    The subject of this crime is general object.

  12. 一些恶棍抢夺寡妇的积蓄。

    Some villain robbed the widow of the savings.

  13. 我们去掳掠抢夺, 毫不留情。

    We kidnap and ravage and dont give a hoot.

  14. 盗窃或抢夺出外购物的小

    kid lay

  15. 盗窃或抢夺出外购物得小

    kid lay.

  16. 我伸出手去抢夺了一些。

    I reached over and grabbed some.

  17. 有人企图抢夺她的钱包。

    Somebody tried to force her purse away.

  18. 我没有抢夺的,要叫我偿还。

    I am forced to restore what I did not steal.

  19. 小偷抢夺那个女孩的钱包。

    The thief snatched at the girl's purse.

  20. 人类开始了土地战利品的抢夺

    Plunder of Earth Began with Man

  21. 小偷试图抢夺那妇女的钱包。

    The thief made a snatch at the woman's purse.

  22. 对当前抢劫,抢夺犯罪的分析

    An Analysis on Current Crime of Pillage and Offense of Snatching.

  23. 军队选择了这个时机抢夺政权。

    The army chose this moment to make a grab for power.

  24. 一面打架,一面抢夺对方糖果的孩子。

    Children fighting, snatching each other's sweets.

  25. 抢夺罪若干疑难实务问题探讨

    A Probe into Snatching Crime

  26. 是的,抢夺谋杀杀死沙皇的思想。

    The idea of plunder, murder, and regicide!

  27. 是得,抢夺谋杀杀死沙皇得思想。

    The idea of plunder, murder, and regicide!

  28. 强盗们被迫吐出他们的抢夺物。

    The robbers were forced to disgorge their plunder.

  29. 持枪相威胁, 抢夺他人财物得行为。

    The act of robbing someone at gunpoint.

  30. 持枪相威胁,抢夺他人财物的行为。

    The act of robbing someone at gunpoint.


  1. 问:抢夺拼音怎么拼?抢夺的读音是什么?抢夺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢夺的读音是qiǎngduó,抢夺翻译成英文是 loot

  2. 问:抢夺市场拼音怎么拼?抢夺市场的读音是什么?抢夺市场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢夺市场的读音是qiǎngduó shìchǎng,抢夺市场翻译成英文是 seize a market

  3. 问:抢夺物拼音怎么拼?抢夺物的读音是什么?抢夺物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢夺物的读音是,抢夺物翻译成英文是 raven

  4. 问:抢夺罪拼音怎么拼?抢夺罪的读音是什么?抢夺罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢夺罪的读音是qiǎngduózuì,抢夺罪翻译成英文是 crime of seizing by force

  5. 问:抢夺住宅拼音怎么拼?抢夺住宅的读音是什么?抢夺住宅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢夺住宅的读音是,抢夺住宅翻译成英文是 dishouse

  6. 问:抢夺钱包拼音怎么拼?抢夺钱包的读音是什么?抢夺钱包翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢夺钱包的读音是qiǎng duó qián bāo,抢夺钱包翻译成英文是 purse snatching




拼音:qiǎng duó 基本解释 [Snatch;Wrest;Seize] 以暴力强取 抢夺声。——《虞初新志·秋声诗自序》 抢夺耕牛。——《广东军务记》 抢夺财物,焚烧房舍 详细解释 1. 以暴力强取。 《元典章新集·刑部·再犯贼人》:“贼人 周大添 初犯窃盗刺断,今次白昼抢夺 张四嫂 麻皮。”《水浒传》第七三回:“小人只是这里剪径,那里敢大弄,抢夺人家子女!” 2. 争夺。 明 吴炳 《绿牡丹·谈心》:“第一第二,两个先自抢夺,小弟何处说起?”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一○七回:“这一路的好汉,只要东西,不伤人;若是和他争论抢夺,他便是一刀一个。”峻青 《海啸》第四章:“有几个军官,竟然在抢夺起救生圈来了。”