







汉语拼音:jié lüè








  1. 亦作“刼掠”。亦作“刦掠”。抢劫;掠夺。

    《左传·襄公二十一年》“ 欒盈 过於 周 , 周 西鄙掠之” 晋 杜预 注:“劫掠财物。” 唐 皎然 《诗式·三不同语意势》:“ 劗侯 务在匡佐,不暇采诗。致使弱手芜才,公行刼掠。”《敦煌变文集·张义潮变文》:“诸川 吐蕃 兵马还来刼掠 沙州 。姧人探得事宜,星夜来报僕射。” 宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷十二:“詗知 嵎 等于二日起兵,有众二千餘人,刦掠村社族帐。”《元典章·刑部十九·禁诱略》:“ 江 南草贼生发,刼掠平民子女、财物。” 碧野 《没有花的春天》第十章:“他们扼守住这个山口的目的,就是不让 凤山 这边和山那边的以劫掠老百姓为生活的坏军队的连成一气。” 冰心 《怀念老舍先生》:“一九○○年,八国联军侵入 北京 ,大肆劫掠。”

  2. 指劫掠者。

    《宋书·孝义传·张进之》:“时劫掠充斥,每入村抄暴,至 进之 门,輒相约勒,不得侵犯,其信义所感如此。”



  1. There was a living air about the grieving angel, as if its arms could really reach out and grab you if you weren't careful.


  2. He had the desire to seduce her , but knew this would only add to the public image of him as a shark preying on helpless people.


  3. Urban underground tunnel was originally built for legitimate things, but it has been used to abduct people looters.


  4. It had been purchased, however, from Robert Hecht, now on trial in Italy on charges of conspiring to deal in looted antiquities.


  5. Many feared it had been looted, sold or blown up in missile strikes.


  6. While there has been a good deal of looting in the shops on the tower's ground floor, the LIA does not appear to have been attacked.


  7. Rio, Ivanhoe and the hordes of other mining groups marauding over the steppe may want to see this as a piece of theatre.


  8. For plague and pestilence, plunder and pollution, the hazards of nature and the hunger of children are the foes of every nation.


  9. The nearest city, Farj, is notorious for a black market in looted antiquities, he said.


  1. 劫掠政府金库

    to loot the public treasury.

  2. 大肆劫掠破坏

    an orgy of looting and vandalism.

  3. 劫掠宫殿财宝

    plunder a palace of its treasures.

  4. 抢劫, 劫掠, 掠夺

    To rob, plunder, or pillage.

  5. 他们以劫掠为生。

    They live by plunder.

  6. 抢劫或劫掠物品

    To raid or pillage for plunder.

  7. 海盗行为, 海上劫掠

    Robbery committed at sea.

  8. 士兵劫掠了该城。

    The soldiers sacked the town.

  9. 黑暗劫掠者披风

    Drape of the Dark Reavers

  10. 海盗行为,海上劫掠。

    Robbery committed at sea.

  11. 窃贼把房子劫掠一空。

    Thieves had stripped the house bare.

  12. 劫掠现在能正常使用了。

    Loot should now always work when intended.

  13. 没有暴力或劫掠的迹象。

    There were no signs of violence or pillage.

  14. 劫掠为寻找战利品而掠夺

    To pillage in search of spoils.

  15. 劫掠, 掠夺劫掠。掠夺的行为或实践

    The act or practice of preying.

  16. 我更擅长劫掠特洛伊。

    I was the better at pillaging Troy.

  17. 相反,他们选择劫掠和杀戳。

    Instead, they chose to plunder and kill.

  18. 抢劫, 掠夺劫掠的行为或做法

    The act or practice of plundering.

  19. 敌人劫掠没有防御能力的人们。

    The enemy preyed on the defenseless people.

  20. 会不会谎言对我,会不会劫掠我的心。

    Would you lie, would you rob my mind?

  21. 劫掠用暴力夺取并带走

    To seize and carry off forcibly.

  22. 歹徒们用劫掠恫吓街坊邻居。

    Gangs terrorized the neighborhood by their depredations

  23. 劫掠用武力夺取或抢走。

    To seize and carry off by force.

  24. 北欧海盗沿着海岸大肆奸淫劫掠。

    The Vikings raped and pillaged all along the coast.

  25. 以抢劫, 掠夺或劫掠为特征的。

    characterized by plundering or pillaging or marauding.

  26. 该村庄然后遭劫掠和纵火焚烧。

    The village was then looted and torched.

  27. 他们劫掠了那个无力自卫的城镇。

    They plundered the helpless town.

  28. 人们回到被劫掠过的村庄。

    People returned to the plundered village.

  29. 迄今为止, 雷霆崖还从未被劫掠。

    To this date, Thunder Bluff has never been sacked.

  30. 劫掠物, 战利品战时取自敌人的战利品

    Plunder taken from an enemy in time of war.


  1. 问:劫掠拼音怎么拼?劫掠的读音是什么?劫掠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:劫掠的读音是jiélüè,劫掠翻译成英文是 to plunder; to loot; to pillage

  2. 问:劫掠行为拼音怎么拼?劫掠行为的读音是什么?劫掠行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:劫掠行为的读音是jié lüè xíng wéi,劫掠行为翻译成英文是 act of plunder



详细解释 1. 亦作“刼掠”。亦作“刦掠”。抢劫;掠夺。 《左传·襄公二十一年》“ 欒盈过於周 ,周西鄙掠之” 晋 杜预注:“劫掠财物。” 唐 皎然《诗式·三不同语意势》:“ 劗侯 务在匡佐,不暇采诗。致使弱手芜才,公行刼掠。”《敦煌变文集·张义潮变文》:“诸川 吐蕃 兵马还来刼掠 沙州 。姧人探得事宜,星夜来报仆射。” 宋 司马光《涑水记闻》卷十二:“詗知 嵎 等于二日起兵,有众二千馀人,刦掠村社族帐。”《元典章·刑部十九·禁诱略》:“ 江 南草贼生发,刼掠平民子女、财物。” 碧野《没有花的春天》第十章:“他们扼守住这个山口的目的,就是不让 凤山这边和山那边的以劫掠老百姓为生活的坏军队的连成一气。” 冰心《怀念老舍先生》:“一九○○年,八国联军侵入 北京,大肆劫掠。” 2. 指劫掠者。 《宋书·孝义传·张进之》:“时劫掠充斥,每入村抄暴,至 进之 门,辄相约勒,不得侵犯,其信义所感如此。”