








1. 校 [xiào]2. 校 [jiào]校 [xiào]学堂,专门进行教育的机构:~园。~长。军衔的一级,在“将”之下,“尉”之上。古代军队编制单位:~尉(统带一校的军官)。校 [jiào]比较:~场。查对、订正:~勘。~订。~对。……



汉语拼音:jì gōng xué xiào






  1. First, a nine-year investigation found that thousands of children had been maltreated at church-run industrial schools and orphanages.


  2. Finally they managed to send him to a technical school.


  3. Joint ventures may establish skilled workers' schools and training courses for the training of managerial personnel and skilled workers.


  4. Technical schools and employment training centers are being readjusted and restructured into comprehensive training bases.


  5. Children in industrial schools and reformatories were treated more like convicts and slaves than people with human rights, it said.


  6. It hopes that the text can be beneficial to the other vestibule school.


  7. Rape was particularly common in boys homes and industrial schools run by the Christian Brothers.


  8. strengthen the knowledge of technical school students a comprehensive, systematic particularly important.


  9. Yesterday morning, this sculpture works in commercial mechanics school Qiu Huaqiang public exhibition.


  1. 煤炭技工学校

    coal mechanic school.

  2. 高级技工学校

    senior technical schools

  3. 技工学校学生

    students in technical schools.

  4. 中专技工学校学生

    The student of occupational high school

  5. 对技工学校发展的思考

    Thinking of the Development of Technician School

  6. 本表数据未包括技工学校数。

    Data in this table excludes technical schools.

  7. 对技工学校改革与发展的探讨

    On Reform and Development in Vestibule School

  8. 技工学校的学生, 要学习专业技能。

    Students in technical schools have to study special skills.

  9. 技工学校的学生,要学习专业技能。

    Students in technical schools have to study special skills.

  10. 浅谈技工学校课堂教学目标的设计

    On Designing Classroom Teaching Objectives in Technical Schools.

  11. 高等技工学校英语语法教学方法的探讨

    Higher Technical School English Grammar Teaching Methods

  12. 煤炭技工学校实习教学管理模式的探索

    Probes into the Management Modes of Practice Teaching in the Vestibule School of Coal

  13. 试论技工学校职业指导工作的重要性

    Discuss on Importance of Occupation Guide Work for Technical School Graduate

  14. 浅谈技工学校实习指导教师的素质要求

    An Elementary Discussion of the Quality Requirements for Technical School Teachers in Supervising Practice

  15. 技工学校计算机专业一体化教学实践与反思

    The Integration of Computer Science Technical Schools and Reflect on Teaching Practice

  16. 技工学校职业指导全程化的理解与实施

    Understanding and Implementing Occupational Instruction in the Entire Educational Process of Technicians Schools

  17. 技工学校物流管理专业主干课程体系构建研究

    The study of Mechanic School of Logistics Management System of the curriculum backbone

  18. 求一篇技工学校毕业得维修电工自我鉴定。

    Oneself identifies the electrician a demand skilled workers'school school's is kept in repair.

  19. 求一篇技工学校毕业的维修电工自我鉴定。

    Oneself identifies the electrician a demand skilled workers' school school's is kept in repair.

  20. 技工学校语文教学存在的问题与改革的着力点

    The Problems and the Focal Points in the Chinese Teaching Reform of Technical Schools

  21. 于梅安排杨林和白文在同一所技工学校读书。

    Yu Mei arrangements and Bai Yang technicians in the same school.

  22. 目前,全国有技工学校4467所,每年招生70多万人。

    At present,there are 4,467 secondary technical training schools across the country,which admit more than 700,000 students each year.

  23. 希望能够对技工学校的教学改革提供一些有益的借鉴。

    It hopes that the text can be beneficial to the other vestibule school.

  24. 文章阐述了对技工学校实习指导教师的素质要求。

    This article has analyzed the quality requirements for technical school teachers in supervising practice.

  25. 以现代标准来衡量,技工学校的条件并不令人满意。

    Conditions at the training school left much to be desired by modern standards.

  26. 以现代标准来衡量,技工学校的条件并不令人满意。

    Conditions at the training school left much to be desired by modern standards.

  27. 福州电力高级技工学校冰蓄冷空调系统的应用与测试

    Application and Test of the Ice Thermal Storage System Used in Fuzhou Electrical Senior Technician School



技工学校简称“技校”。 技工学校与中等专业学校(中专),职业高中(职高)一样,等同于高中层次学历。技校属于国家人力资源和劳动与社会保障部门主管,招生层次包括初中毕业生、高中毕业生、社会再就业人员三部分。技工学校旨在培养各类技术技能人才。 技工学校毕业颁发劳动部门印制的技工学校毕业证书和初级,中级或以上职业资格证书。 技工学校开设的专业学制一般分:一年制、两年制、三年制、四年制、五年制等。技工学校培养人才更注重专业技能的提高,培养的一般为实用型人才。