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1. 净 [jìng]2. 净 [chēng]净 [jìng]清洁:~化。~水。~土。~心(a.清净的心;b.心里没有牵挂)。~院(佛寺。亦称“净宇”)。干~。洁~。窗明几~。使干净:~面。~手(大小便)。空,什么也没有:~尽。单纯,纯粹的……
汉语拼音:chún jìng
Where did that young gentle man disappear ? He heart is so pure , when he showed me his obsession with me , he looked so innocent.
那个年轻的性情温和的男人在哪里消失?他的心很纯净,当他给我看他因我而生的困扰,他看上去是那么无辜的。An yogi should be very careful in the selection of articles of satvic (positive) nature especially in the beginning of his practice period.
在习练的最初阶段,瑜伽修行者必须十分谨慎地选择纯净的(悦性)食物。And then we expand it out in terms of the standard chemical potentials for everything being pure.
然后按照所有,纯净物的标准化学势展开混合。Meditation and concentration is not forcefully practice, this is a just a flow of our of pure consciousness.
冥想和专注不是强迫性的练习,只是一种很自然的纯净的意识流。Her body was more than the garb of her spirit. It was an emanation of her spirit, a pure and gracious crystallization of her divine essence.
她的身子不但是她精神的外衣,而且是她精神的光彩,是她神圣的精华的纯净温婉的结晶。The ice is surprisingly pure and easy to see in high-resolution pictures from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
这些冰纯净得令人吃惊,从火星侦察轨道器传回的高分辨率照片上可以容易地看到。And she laughed at me, being somewhat amused and with deep love in her heart. Everything was very pure.
您对着我笑,我感受到您内心充满了爱,一切都是如此美好纯净。Wait. They have also known for a thousand years how to get that ethanol out of the formerly sugary liquid and into a more or less pure form.
他们还知道如何将乙醇从含糖液体提取出来,从而得到较为纯净的乙醇。It's not that we are pure way down in the depths of our being, but somehow up on the surface everything is messed up.