




1. 委 [wěi]2. 委 [wēi]委 [wěi]任,派,把事交给人办:~托。~派。~任。~员。~以重任。抛弃,舍弃:~弃。~之于地。推托,卸:推~。~罪。曲折,弯转:~曲。~婉。~屈。积聚:~积。末、尾:原~。穷源意~(追究事物本原及……



汉语拼音:yuán wěi








  1. 源委。指水的发源和归宿。

    《礼记·学记》“三王之祭川也,皆先河而后海,或源也,或委也,此之谓务本” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“源委谓河海之外诸大川也。” 明 王鏊 《震泽长语·文章》:“《禹贡》叙山水脉络原委,如在目前。” 清 刘献廷 《广阳杂记》卷四:“其注《水经》也,于四瀆百川之原委支派,出入分合,莫不定其方向,纪其道里。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·裘文达公》:“所治 黄 、 淮 、 淝 、 济 、 伊 、 洛 、 沁 、 汜 等共九十三河,疏排濬瀹,贯穿原委,俱有成效,可为后法。”

  2. 源委。事物的始末;先后顺序。

    元 刘壎 《隐居通议·地理》:“ 西汉 宫中有 百子池 ……予尝见 盱江 李先生 赋 戚夫人 有曰:‘ 百子池 头一曲春’,不知其旨,今閲《黄图》,乃见原委如此。”《红楼梦》第二二回:“ 袭人 虽深知原委,不敢就説,只得以别事来解説。” 刘真 《春大姐》四:“她也顾不上害臊,当着众人的面,对 明华 带哭带诉地説明了原委。”

  3. 引申为原因;缘由。

    元 刘壎 《隐剧通议·诗歌一》:“诗本於人情,关於风教,繫於安危理乱,此作诗之原委也。”



  1. But it was too terrible for that When I tried to understand it, I had the feeling I was failing to condemn it as it must be condemned.


  2. and though this was not exactly the case, the absolute fact of his absence was pronounced by his friend Mr.


  3. I thought it might be interesting to share with all of you how that came about and what I learned from it.


  4. Then he confronted a former customer, whom he could see smoking just a few hundred yards away. The man explained the math to him.


  5. To understand them, start by picturing common crepuscular rays that are seen any time that sunlight pours though scattered clouds.


  6. Thirdly, you should let him sit down and help him to analyse the whole problem, know how to deal with it peacefully and how to apologize.


  7. We tend to dwell on negative events from our past in an effort to understand why they happened.


  8. But he soon found out the whole story, found himself in Gould's big when!


  9. If I had encountered any serious obstruction, I should of course have appealed and told a long story to these friendly tribunals .


  1. 事情的原委

    The truth or root of a matter.

  2. 告诉事情的原委。

    Tell me the whole story.

  3. 讯问事情的原委

    inquire about all the details of a matter

  4. 不明原委, 妄加评论

    make presumptuous comments out of ignorance

  5. 克什米尔争端之原委

    Source of Disputes over Kashmir

  6. 她避免从有效的你原委。

    She refrains from telling you the whole story.

  7. 显然她也没把事情原委

    Yeah, well, she obviously didn't tell John and Kathryn.

  8. 你得传唤他们,讯问事情原委。

    I want you to bring them in, talk to them.

  9. 你得传唤他们,讯问事情原委。

    I want you to bring them in, talk to them.

  10. 你得传唤他们,讯问事情原委。

    I want you to bring them in, talk to them.

  11. 他一口气的说明了事故的原委。

    He explained the cause of the accident in one breath.

  12. 但是最后他供出了其中原委。

    But in the end he admitted what had happened.

  13. 为了查明原委,我前往西雅图。

    I had to find out, so I went to Seattle.

  14. 不要不明原委,就妄加评论。

    Don't make presumptuous comments out of ignorance. Don't make improper comments before you know the whole story.

  15. 别蒙我了,我知道事情的原委!

    Don't cheat me again. I know the top and bottom ofthe matter.

  16. 接着大家一致要求汤姆说出原委。

    Then there was a unanimous call for an explanation.

  17. 记者最终还原了整个事件的原委。

    Journalists eventually pieced the story together.

  18. 逃跑前,她留下一张便条解释原委。

    Before she ran away, she left a note explaining her actions.

  19. 信者自有皈依的原因,不信者自有不信的原委。

    Both the believers and the unbelievers have their own reasons.

  20. 这本书以介绍这个事件的原委开始。

    The book opens with an account of the ins and the outs of the event.

  21. 在弄清事情原委之前, 不要急于亮相。

    Dont state your position before you get to the bottom of the matter.

  22. 这就是使女人可爱得无法抗拒的原委。

    It is that which makes women so irresistibly adorable.

  23. 你最好注意, 你最好别叫!你最好别噘嘴, 我告诉你其中原委。

    You better watch out, you better not cry! You better not pout, I'm telling you why.

  24. 既有对事件原委得叙述,又有精辟超人得评论。

    Not only did it include a detailed account,but also the incisive comments.

  25. 既有对事件原委的叙述,又有精辟超人的评论。

    Not only did it include a detailed account, but also the incisive comments.

  26. 细问原委, 答案是他有很深的国学基矗

    When asked why he was so competent in English, he revealed that he was well versed in Chinese literature.

  27. 你还是把事情的原委跟他说开了, 免得他猜疑。

    You'd better explain clearly to him how all this came about, so as not to leave him in doubt.

  28. 有良知的记者应确实根据事实发生的原委写新闻。

    A conscientious reporter should write any news story literally as it happened.

  29. 在艾琳的追问下,玛丽才说出了事情原委。

    Irene examined minutely until Mary told her what had happened these years.

  30. 法官应善于从双方矛盾的证词中找出真实原委。

    The judge should be good at sifting out the truth from the conflicting testimony of the two parties.


  1. 问:原委拼音怎么拼?原委的读音是什么?原委翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原委的读音是yuánwěi,原委翻译成英文是 full details




拼音:yuán wěi词性:名词
