







汉语拼音:lín zuò






  1. Flying to a business meeting, he was chatting with his seatmate about family and was surprised to hear the man say, "I wish I had kids. "


  2. She spent the first half hour talking in hushed tones with her neighbors, trying to determine what it meant when a fencer's helmet lit up.


  3. He looked at my neighbor for just a fraction of a second, and then his dark eyes flickered to mine.


  4. The message from London, whispered my neighbour, was: "The next Olympics will be very loud, very wet and very messy. "


  5. At the prodding of his neighbour, he talked up for a few second, and then lapsed to a whisper again.


  6. keep one's seat He took the ~ next to me.


  7. I was ready to faint but when I saw the face of the girl next to me I pulled myself together.


  8. 'I don't love it when it's bumpy, but I'm no worse than the guy next to me, ' she said.


  9. On the flight, the woman sitting next to him nodded toward his uniform and asked if he was coming or going. To the war, she meant.


  1. 别偷看邻座的试卷!

    Dont peep at your neighbors paper!

  2. 邻座的男士睡着了。

    The man in the next chair was asleep.

  3. 他坐在我的邻座。

    He took the seat next to me.

  4. 他向邻座的人耳语。

    He is whispering to his neighbor.

  5. 和你们的邻座交换试卷。

    Exchange your test with a neighbor.

  6. 她密向邻座的人耳语。

    She is whispering slyly to her neighbor.

  7. 不要抄你的邻座的答案。

    Don't copy your neighbour's answers.

  8. 不要抄袭你邻座的东西!

    Don t copy from your neighbour!

  9. 把你的邻座介绍给你的老师。

    Introduce you neighbour to your teacher.

  10. 它只是你作为邻座的义务而已。

    It's just part of your neighborly duty.

  11. 他考试时偷看了他邻座的卷子。

    At the examination he peeped at his neighbour's paper.

  12. 对不起,我可以坐在您的邻座吗

    Excuse me, but may I sit next to you

  13. 我站起来让我的邻座的人离开剧院。

    I stood up to let my nighbour leave the theatre.

  14. 过了十分钟,他转向邻座的老人。

    After ten minutes, he turns to the old man next to him.

  15. 请你们和邻座的人相互认识一下。

    I think you need to get to know the person next to you.

  16. 把你得邻座介绍给另一个学生。

    Introduce your neighbour to another student.

  17. 我邻座的人不停地为歌星喝彩。

    The person sitting next to me ceaselessly cheered for the singer.

  18. 我邻座得人不停地为歌星喝彩。

    The person sitting next to me ceaselessly cheered for the singer.

  19. 我邻座的人不停地为歌星喝彩。

    The person sitting next to me ceaselessly cheered for the singer.

  20. 我小心的看着我的邻座,她看起来非常在行。

    I looked warily at my neighbor who seemed entirely at home.

  21. 他怀疑是我的邻座们无意中借鉴了我的答案。

    Ward suspected that some of the juniors accidentally got some of my answers.

  22. 我得邻座,那个科学家有他自己需要担心得理由。

    My seatmate, the scientist, had his own reasons to be concerned.

  23. 我的邻座,那个科学家有他自己需要担心的理由。

    My seatmate, the scientist, had his own reasons to be concerned.

  24. 昨晚看戏时, 史密斯太太坐在我的邻座。

    Mrs Smith sat next to me on the theatre last night.

  25. 昨晚看戏时, 史密斯太太坐在我得邻座。

    Mrs Smith sat next to me on the theatre last night.

  26. 那位女士捅了捅邻座,急切地在他耳边低语。

    The woman prodded her neighbour and whispered urgently in his ear.

  27. 戴维跳了起来,把冷咖啡溅到了邻座的身上。

    David leapt to his feet, spraying his neighbours with cold coffee.

  28. 如果您有任何疑问请向邻座旅客或乘务员询问。

    If you can not understand it well, ask your neighbors or fight attendants.

  29. 最近, 我乘飞机出游, 遇上一位特别得男邻座。

    Recently, I was on an airplane and I met a unique gentleman seated next to me.

  30. 最近,我乘飞机出游,遇上一位特别的男邻座。

    Recently, I was on an airplane and I met a unique gentleman seated next to me.


  1. 问:邻座拼音怎么拼?邻座的读音是什么?邻座翻译成英文是什么?

    答:邻座的读音是línzuò,邻座翻译成英文是 People of next seat.

  2. 问:邻座的怪同学拼音怎么拼?邻座的怪同学的读音是什么?邻座的怪同学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:邻座的怪同学的读音是,邻座的怪同学翻译成英文是 My Little Monster



邻座 línzuò [adjacent seat] (坐的或站的)紧靠另外一人或在其附近的位置