


1. 撒 [sā]2. 撒 [sǎ]撒 [sā]放开,发出:~手。~网。~谎(说谎)。~气。尽量施展或表现出来:~刁。~奸。~娇。~欢儿。~野。~酒疯。姓。撒 [sǎ]散播,散布,散落:~种(zhóng )。~播。把酒端平,别~了。姓。……





汉语拼音:sā shǒu








  1. 松手。

    《杨家将》第十九回:“﹝军校﹞拖 焦赞 转至后面墙角边。 焦赞 説声‘撒手!’踊身一跃,跳入其墙,里面乃后花园也。”《红楼梦》第一一七回:“ 袭人 心里又着急起来,仍要拉他,只碍着 王夫人 和 寳釵 的面前,又不好太露轻薄,恰好 寳玉 一撒手就走了。” 老舍 《四世同堂》二九:“ 小顺儿 还不肯撒手二叔的衣裳。”

  2. 分手,分别。

    《金瓶梅词话》第七一回:“言讫,撒手而别。” 清 二石生 《十洲春语》卷中:“未容撒手赠将离,唾点难抛半臂衣。”

  3. 放手,无所拘忌。

    宋 朱敦儒 《减字木兰花》词:“虚空无碍,你自痴迷不自在。撒手游行,到处笙歌拥路迎。” 明 徐渭 《边词》之十一:“汗血生驹撒手驰,况能粧态学南闺。”

  4. 放弃,抛开不管。

    元 关汉卿 《望江亭》第一折:“你却便引的人来心恶烦,可甚的撒手不为奸!”《红楼梦》第一一○回:“论理,该是我们做媳妇的操心,本不是孙子媳妇的事。但是我们动不得身,所以托你,你是打不得撒手的!” 老舍 《四世同堂》四六:“ 日本 人可以放弃 武汉 ,甚至于放弃了 南京 ,而决不撒手 华北 。”

  5. 指死亡。

    《京本通俗小说·菩萨蛮》:“唱彻当时《菩萨蛮》,撒手便归 兜率国 。” 清 赵翼 《扬州哭秋园之讣》诗:“岂期真撒手,遥空驭笙鹤。” 巴金 《探索集·怀念老舍同志》:“他有多少思想在翻腾,有多少话要倾吐,他不能就这样撒手而去,他还有多少美好的东西要留下来啊!”



  1. He is temperamental and he could quit anytime if I'm not fully supportive of him.


  2. As he was being arrested, he jumped off the second floor of a parking garage and ended up in a coma. He died two months later.


  3. At 82 he was ready to die, and I was ready to let him go so that his suffering would end.


  4. Look at this man, Take this idea does not wash its hands of iron bladder, and looked and looked, estimated to be spotted to a 200.


  5. Lord Cutler Beckett: They know they face extinction. All that remains is where they make their final stand.


  6. Reaching the small town of Astapovo he contracted pneumonia, and died a few days later in the stationmaster's house.


  7. Peter was fed up with his job and decided to call it quits .


  8. Now think about how you spent your time on Earth. Did you live life to its fullest or did you die before you really had a chance to live?


  9. With the limited supply of donors, that means thousands of patients die each year waiting for a kidney.


  1. 他已撒手人寰。

    He has left this mortal world.

  2. 他撒手放开照相机。

    He released his hold on the camera.

  3. 他撒手放开照相机。

    He released his hold on the camera.

  4. 你拿稳,我撒手了。

    Hold it tight. I'll let go.

  5. 我们应该趁早撒手,知难而退。

    We should cut our losses and run.

  6. 他们撒手不管,让我们听天由命。

    They abandoned us to our fate.

  7. 放弃, 撒手放弃某项计划或事业

    To abandon a project or enterprise.

  8. 她撇下丈夫和孩子, 撒手人寰。

    She left a husband and a baby.

  9. 她撇下丈夫和孩子,撒手人寰。

    She left a husband and a baby.

  10. 那么依我说,你就该撒手了。

    Then I think you should get out.

  11. 她多活了十年, 终于撒手人寰。

    She lives for ten more years and then finally dies.

  12. 这么大的事你不能撒手不管。

    This matter is too important – you can't just ignore it.

  13. 他已决定撒手不参与这项计划。

    He has decided to back out of the scheme.

  14. 听着,贝蒂,你现在可不能撒手不管。

    Listen, Betty! Ok? You're not quitting on me now.

  15. 谁能想到老头子会撒手了车厂子呢

    Who would have thought the old man would close down entirely

  16. 没想到她这样年纪轻轻就撒手尘寰了。

    We could never have expected she would leave the human world so early.

  17. 没想到她这样年纪轻轻就撒手尘寰了。

    We could never have expected she would leave the human world so early.

  18. 客户们担心你的信誉,害怕你会突然撒手不管。

    Customers will worry youre going to flake out and leave them stranded.

  19. 我希望能信赖你不至于最后关头撒手不做。

    I hope I can depend on you not to back out at the last moment.

  20. 我一看这种情况就几乎想撒手不干了。

    I took one look at that system and I almost threw up.

  21. 他发誓要做此事,之后又试图撒手不干了。

    He tried to cry off after swearing he would do it.

  22. 彼得对自己的工作厌烦了,决定撒手不干。

    Peter was fed up with his job and decided to call it quits.

  23. 你一撒手,充满氢气的气球就会升上天空。

    When you let go a balloon filled with hydrogen it will rise up into the air.

  24. 我毫不怀疑那个胆小的家伙巴不得撒手退出呢。

    I had no doubt that the craven fellow would be only too pleased to back out.

  25. 这是个非常低的水平 当医院就此撒手不管了

    This is a very, very low level in order to be kicked out of the health care system.

  26. 我想你可以了解,总有一天我会撒手不干的。

    I should think you could see that I may have to retire some day.

  27. 你答应过要帮我完成这个项目,别半途撒手不管。

    You promised you'd help me with the project; don't leave me hanging.

  28. 他在抓着最后一线希望不放,我也不忍叫他撒手。

    He was clutching at some last hope and I couldn't bear to shake him free.

  29. 我感到悲伤,但是奥托不愿让我她就此轻易撒手人寰。

    I grieved. But Otto would not give her up so easily.

  30. 我感到悲伤, 但是奥托不愿让我妈妈就此轻易撒手人寰。

    I grieved. But Otto would not give her up so easily.


  1. 问:撒手拼音怎么拼?撒手的读音是什么?撒手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撒手的读音是sāshǒu,撒手翻译成英文是 let go; ignore; pass away

  2. 问:撒手锏拼音怎么拼?撒手锏的读音是什么?撒手锏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撒手锏的读音是sāshǒujiǎn,撒手锏翻译成英文是 trump card




【拼音】sā shǒu

【翻译】 ①let go∶放开手 ②give up∶放弃