




1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:mò rán








  1. 清虚淡泊貌。

    《庄子·天道》:“ 老子 漠然不应。” 成玄英 疏:“漠然虚淡,何足介怀。”《淮南子·原道训》:“是故圣人内脩其本而不外饰其末,保其精神偃其智故,漠然无为而无不为也,澹然无治也而无不治也。”

  2. 寂静貌。

    《淮南子·修务训》:“无为者,寂然无声,漠然不动,引之不来,推之不往。” 晋 夏侯湛 《抵疑》:“今乃金口玉音,漠然沉默,使吾子栖迟穷巷。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》七:“然而他们下等社会静止的生活却依旧漠然不动,即使稍受同化,却又是 俄国 式乡下人的污糟生活。”

  3. 冷淡,不关心。

    宋 王安石 《上仁宗皇帝言事书》:“学者亦漠然自以礼乐行政为有司之事,而非己所当知也。” 清 刘大櫆 《乞同里捐输以待周急引》:“夫同居同游,朝夕比近,而灾福欢戚,漠然不关於心,其在疏远者,尚何望乎?” 闻一多 《文艺与爱国·纪念三月十八日》:“见了十三龄童的赤血在地下踩成泥浆子,反而漠然无动于中,这是不是不近人情?”

  4. 茫然,无所知觉貌。

    《西游记》第六一回:“那獃子漠然不知,土地亦不能晓,一个个东张西覷,只在 积雷山 前后乱找。”《清史稿·诸王传七论》:“迨时移势易,天方降割,乃以肺腑之亲,寄腹心之重,漠然不知阴雨之已至,一发而不可復收。” 鲁迅 《坟·文化偏至论》:“惟常言是解,于奥义也漠然。” 魏巍 《东方》第一部第十二章:“他点点头,神情有些漠然,仿佛他的思想还没有从什么地方收回来似的。”

  5. 广无涯际貌。

    宋 周煇 《清波杂志》卷十:“漠然天造与时新,根著浮流一气均。”



  1. The fierceness of his countenance now seemed to slumber, and in its place was to be seen the quiet, vacant composure.


  2. And then the police brought you back from the cemetery and you looked at us with those dull, indifferent eyes, and I stopped making excuses.


  3. Many observers have noted that Taiwanese voters also seem to be growing increasingly apathetic.


  4. And in a complete reversal the disinterested, shy or bashful look sideways a woman often gives is not the brush-off most men thought it was.


  5. he blandly replied that he was always frightened when in danger, as frightened as were the brave boys at the front.


  6. In a shadow of a death raid, I can meet you and feel more intensely alive than walking around in peacetime and taking my life for granted.


  7. Originally used and people pass by, and not to look back, just think you can be such a peace walk down, and you want to hit.


  8. He reflected that this man was his father, and that this man was dead, and a chill ran over him.


  9. In trying to comprehend my indifference to Matt and his situation, I imagined a series of scenes from his earliest months.


  1. 他漠然地点点头。

    He nodded indifferently.

  2. 她漠然地耸了耸肩。

    She gave a careless shrug.

  3. 她漠然地耸了耸肩。

    She shrugged indifferently.

  4. 她对这个提议漠然置之。

    She was decidedly cool about the proposal.

  5. 漠然地看着过往人群。

    Eyedthe passing crowd with indifference.

  6. 她漠然地看了他一眼。

    She looked at him without expression.

  7. 蜜蜂在漠然的耳畔聒噪

    Babbles the bee in a stolid ear.

  8. 他女儿漠然地看了他一眼。

    His daughter gave him a blank look.

  9. 她漠然地听着这个消息。

    She received the news with a vacant stare.

  10. 不要对民众的利益漠然置之。

    Don't turn a blind eye to matters that concern the people's welfare.

  11. 官员们都漠然置之,并不认真对待。

    The officials were holding loose and not in earnest.

  12. 爱的反面不是恨, 却是漠然。

    The antithesis of love is not hatred but indifference.

  13. 冷若冰霜的以漠然的, 毫无表情的面孔的

    With a blank, expressionless face.

  14. 如果她看起来凶悍、冷酷或者漠然。

    If she came off abusive or stoned or even uncaring.

  15. 这个作家对批评意见处之漠然。

    The writer was indifferent to criticism.

  16. 每一次我如愿以偿, 我都漠然舍弃。

    It's a sign, I get it, I wanna stay.

  17. 芬兰和荷兰政府也相对漠然。

    The Finnish and Dutch governments were also comparatively deadpan.

  18. 他脸上有一种漠然的表情。

    He has a passive expression on his face.

  19. 他的意见不能漠然视之。

    His opinions cannot be brushed aside.

  20. 旁观者漠然地鼓掌,显得有些冷淡。

    onlooker The onlookers applauded apathetically, a little damply.

  21. 第二, 是普遍存在的无知和漠然。

    Second, ignorance and indifference are rife.

  22. 对别人遭受的痛苦漠然处之

    indifferent to the sufferings of others.

  23. 我们不应该对贫穷的孩子漠然不顾。

    We should not show apathy towards the poor children.

  24. 他们像闲荡者一般漠然地漫步街头。

    They walked down the street in loaferish indifference.

  25. 当你回忆从前时你漠然了,说明你世故了

    You are looseness when you recollect the past, this means that you were worldlywise.

  26. 他带着贵族式的漠然对其一笑置之。

    He laughed it off with aristocratic indifference.

  27. 审判员当庭宣读了判决书,默里表情漠然。

    Murray appeared impassive as a court officer read the verdict.

  28. 在充满友爱的地方唤醒憎恨或者漠然。

    arouse enmity or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness.

  29. 如果我们愿意, 可以对这些鬼故事漠然置之。

    We can, if we choose, discount all of these ghost stories.

  30. 难道他们离我们很远我们就可以漠然置之吗?

    Does it really matter that they're far away?


  1. 问:漠然拼音怎么拼?漠然的读音是什么?漠然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漠然的读音是mòrán,漠然翻译成英文是 indifferent

  2. 问:漠然置之拼音怎么拼?漠然置之的读音是什么?漠然置之翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漠然置之的读音是mòránzhìzhī,漠然置之翻译成英文是 Unconcernedly; indifferent inhospitality.


